HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1980.09.11TRAFFIC, SAFETY & PARKING COM}TISS ION SAPTEMBER 1I, 1980 CALL TO ORDER - 8:05 p.m. ROLL CAII - Presents Commissioners fehlhaber. Fo1ey, Gralram, Kreling, Sulger. Staff: Engr. I{oore, Sgt. O'Brien. Gueatas Mrs. Paula Hoffman, employee in Crocker Building, Primrose Road. Hr. Terry st. Charle6, Burlingame Chanber of Conunerce. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIAIICE - Led by Com. Kreling. MINUTES - August 14, 1980, approved with minor correction. CURRENT BUSINESS: a. Burlinqame Avenue Area Parking. Extensive discussion of tbe draft report lras conducted. !lrs. Hoffman expressed the concern of aII- day parkers i.n the area. Irlr. st. Charles expressed the concern of the business community. several changes and additions to the draft report were made. Motion by Com. Graham, seconded by Com. Ellis, that the arnended draft report now be adopted as the final report, bras unanimousJ.y approved by ro11 caII vote. com. Kreling suggested that an auxiliary study be conducted of the loading zones in the commercial areas. Commission agreed that this subject be included in the next agenda. Trhe staff hras directed to change the color code on the parking distriet map to show the follor^ring: a. show that Lot A-2 in the past. still has the same time limits as b Change the southerly side of Chapin Avenue. that is now two-hour parking, to one-hour parking. b. No minutes review due to latenesa of the hour. e . cl.os ing of,. oxf.ord/Canibridge Roads at El camino Real . No ner., infor- mation from staff. d. Commission reviewed letter to !lrs. Erickeon. Remove from agenda. \- OLD BUSINESS: Com. sulger asked about parallel parking stall, in place of diagonal stalIs, on Iloward Avenue at Lorton Avenue. Staff will proceed Traffic, Safety & Parking Commission -- 2 with project \rhen paint crew completes school croeswalk project. Discussion on Chula Vista,/taguna Avenues one-way operation deferredto October meeting. NEW BUSINESS: Com. Foley requested study of effects of SAMTRANS moving bu6 stop on Trousdale Drive at Hunt Drive. ADiIOURNI{ENT - 1O:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted. Sophia H. !1. Kreling, secretary