HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1980.08.14TRAFFIC, SAFEIY & PARKING COMMISSION AUGUST 14, 1980 CALL TO ORDER - 8:05 p.m. ROLL CALL - Present! Comrnissioners Aliamus, Krel ing , Fehlhaber. Foley, craham, SuIger. Staff: Engr. lloore. Abaent: Commissioners Ellis, excused. PLEDGE OF AIJEGIAICE - Led by Com. Aliamus. UINUTES - July 24, J-98O - approved. CURRENT BUSINESS: Chairman f'oley thanked Com. Aliamus for his dedication over many yearsto the City and the Commission, as this occasion r,ras Com. A1iamu6' Iastofficial attendance. He also presented a frarned letter from the City llanager, expressing his and the City Council's appreciation of his many years of dedicated service to the city. a. Burl ingame Avenue Area Parking. A rough draft of the proposal for changes in on-street and off-street parking r.ras presented by the subcommittee. Minor changea r.rere recommended. The subcotnmittee wi}l complete the final draft. Staf,f was requested to provide euitable mapsto accompany final draft. Subcommittee is to aacertain when the finaL proposal can be presented to City Council . b. Revietr of minuteg of, Planning Com., Park and Recreation Com., andCity Council minutes . c. Closing of Oxford,/Canibridge Roads at El Camino Real . Staff reported on current status. d. Mditional crosswalks at Broadway and RoIIinc Road. Staff reported CALTFANS will initiate study of problem. Drop from agenda. e. Petition Staff to ment . for traffic control in front of Hyatt House on Bayshore H$ry. inform petitioners of Etatus of current plans for inprove- f. Letter from !1r. William !1. Fisher, requesting Donnelly Avenue be clranged to one-way traffic. Staff informed Comni.ssion that the City Manager had hrritten !1r. Fisher re. this matter. Page 2 August 14, 1980 OI,D BUSINESS: com. craham requested staff report on conaol idation of S.P.R.R. stations. Engr. Moore reported essentially no change, but felt a study of the proposal would be performed as soon as CALTRANS rras able to authorize one. NEW BUSINESS: Engr. Moore presented a request from the residents of the 1100 block of Laguna Avenue to make the street one way or restrict parking on the street. They have problems negotiating the street due to heavy parking occupancy, narro$, street width, and tiro-way traffic. Engr. lloore endorsed the one-way operation as being in conformance with the adjoining streets. He suggested that Laguna Avenue should be one way southbound, and the existing southbound pattern on Chula Vista Avenue be reversed to northbound only. fhie would alternate the one-way directions every block and improve traffic circulation. Ihe Commission deferred any recommendation until the September meeting to allow the membe re an opportunity to evaluate the situation indi.vidually. Mr. Walter Kentz1er, a locaL businessman, asked for increased enforce- ment of the short-term parking lirnits on Chapin Avenue because of the use by long-term parkers in the short-term parking area. He also suggested that if staff could obtain facts on the extent of this abuse, the Chamber of Corune rce could prepare an informationaL release to its membera alerting them to the serious conseguences of such abuse in hopes of discouraging this practice. Rev ieh, was made of l,!rs. A. A. Erickson' s letter. Staf f sras asked to srrite her regarding present City plans in the subject areas. ADJOURNIIENT 10:15 p.m. Respectfully sutmitted, Sophia H. M. Kreling, Secretary