HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1980.07.24TRAFFIC, SAFETY & PARKING COUUISSION July 24, 1980 CALL TO ORDER - 8:OO p.m. ROLI CALI, - pregent! Commisgioners Ellis, Fehlhaber, Foley, Gralram, SuJ.ger. Staff: Engr. lloore. Abgent: commissioners AI ianrus (sidr), Kreling (excused). IrtMrEs - JuIy 10, 1980, change la8t line of, first Page of minutee to read, "No evening, Sunday or Holiday rates to be enforced. " Item 39 to read, "No Parking, 4:00 a.m.. to 6:00 a.m. Approved as amended. CURRENT BUSINESS Chairman Foley recommended the following items be considered f,or inclusion in recommendations to city Council re., Burlingame Avenue Parking Di6trict changes: Rationale for the Commission's study. History of developments since January. Issues discussed during the study. Maps shoring Commission's proposals. future actions of the Commission. After extenaive review of previous minutes and maps supplied by staff, it wa6 decided that comnissioners Felhaber and Foley leould serve as a subcommittee to draft the final report to City council . Draft rrill be reviewed and finalized at the regular Conrnission meeting of August. staf,f eras requested to supply the follotring inf,ormation: 1,. 2 3 4 Approximate nuniber of additional off-street aPaces that could be created hll/ converting full-size stalls to 90o comPact car stallsi a. with no structural changes; b. wtth atructural changes. Copies of map, finalized by Conunission, for Council . Egtimated increasee in revenue due to proposed fee increasee. Approximate number of meters required for tentative changea: How many metera on California Drive between Horrard Avenue and Peninsula Avenue. PLEDGE OF ATLEGIAIICE - ted by Com. E11is, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. - 5.What happened to Traffic, Safety & Parking corNnission recommenda- tion re., the 15,000 SF parking requirement exclusi.on in the Burlingane Avenue Parking District to 7,500 sf. ADJOURNI{EN? - 9:4O p.m. ReBpectf,ully submitted, Sophia H. Iil. Kreling, Secretary