HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1980.07.10TRAFFIC, SAFEnT & PARKING COMI{ISSION July 10, 1980 Commissioners Fehlhaber, Foley, Graham, sulger. Staff: ci.ty Engineer Erbactrer, sergeant O'Brien. Aliamus (sick) , Ellis (excuEed), Kreling (excused). trone. CALL TO ORDER - 8:J.3 p.m. ROLL CALL - Present. Absent: Guests ! PLEDGE Of ALLEGIAIiICE - Led by Com. Fehlhaber. l,lINUTEs - June 12, 1,980, aho, com. Alianus as sick, Graham as excused. under "current Business" paragraph (a) in two placas, the meter fee ahould read: "....at twenty- five cents,/two hours...." Remainder of minutes approved as submitted. CURRENT BUSINESS a. Burl ingame Avenuo Area Parking. status of Planning Commission action regarding parking garage. Staff indicated that this is to be brought before the Planning Commission on iruly 14, 1980. Com. Grahan suggested that a joint meeting be held with city Council, Planning CotrEni8sion, and thi6 coNnission at the time the final Traffic, safety & Parking Cbmmission report on the Burlingame Avenue Area Parking is prepared. llhe Commission discussed the items in Com. Fehlhaber'6 report of llay 1O, 1980, to insure that all methods of improvementB have been discussed. 1. Parking Fee structure: Commission felt that thiE item l,ith 6taff map indicating fees and areas, is the completed recomrnendation. 2. Fines: Commission felt that this item is not fully resolved. After much discussion regarding amounts and application, Com. Fehlhaber moved and Com. Graham seconded the f,ollowing notion on finess "we recognize that an increase in overtime parking fines may be neces- sary to achieve effective enforcement of the proposed parking fee6. We recornmend ! (1) No change at this time in current $3.0O fine for overtine on-street parking, or $4.0O fine for overtime off-street park- ing. (2) Review of the enforcement requirements approximatcly six months after parking fees are increased to determine if an increase in fines is advisable. (3) Uniforrn fines of $5.00 for both on-street and off-street overtime parking in the event an increase is warranted. I{otion carried 4-0, with the underatandi.ng that the parking fee enf,orce- ment ia for normal at 8100 a.m., to 5:00 p.m. No evening, Saturday, sunday or parking fees ratea to be enforced. Page 2 July 10, I98O 3. Effective enforcement with meters not tickets: Commission dis- cussed and wa6 grateful for Council support in the purchasing of a large number of additional parking metera. Ihe Corurission decided to schedule a 6tudy session for July 24, lgAOat 8:O0 p.m., with staff present to draft the final report on theparking study. b. Chaiman Foley indicated that there was no special lnformation from other commiss ion minutes. d. Additional crosswalks, Broadway,/Rollins Road. Continue on agenda. e Signals requested for EI Canino Real, and Bellevue Avenue. Sincepetitioner has received letter from State, item to be dropped from agenda. Staff to report on progress at next meeting. Traffic control in front of Hyatt House on Bayshore. Itre Commission directed that staff reapond to letter from Urs. Erickson regarding the Bayshore 6tudy and signals. g. No Parking, 4:0O a.m., to 6:00 a.m., on Broadvay, ordinance proposed. mris item has been acted upon. No Parking, 2:O0 a.m., to 6:00 a.m., f,rontage road at BurlingamePlaza. Thig item has been acted upon. OLD BUSINESS Stop Sign requested at Lorton Avenue and H*rard Avenue. Staff to study as time permits. Staff to reapond to tils. Z immerman on status. b. RequeEt for Hlghland Avenue, northbound only at llorrard Avenue. f'he Comnission discussed lrtike Ellis's letter. Com. crahan moved,with Com. Sulger seconding, that the section of Highland Avenue bethreen Howard Avenue and California Drive be changed to one-lray, south- bound, suggesting that SamTrans might use the taxicab, s stop area fortheir stop. Approved 4-0. NEW BUSINESS Reque8t for Donnelly Avenue to be one-way westbound. lhe Commission discussed I{r. Fisher's letter and reguest. sergeant O,Brien f h a a. c. Closing of Oxf ord,/Cambridge Roads at EI Canino Real. Staff indicated that the State and City t ere in progress. Page 3 aluly 10, 1980 indicated that the larger, forty-foot trucks, have been allowed to deliver to storesi however, the smal-ler trud(s have been required to use loading zone. The comnission determined that a drange to Donnelly Avenue as one-way was not warranted at this tirne. ADiIOURNMENT - I0:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sophia H.!l. Kr6ling, secretary