HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1980.05.08?RAFFIC, SAFETY & PARKING COI.{MISSION MAY 8 1980 CALL TO ORDER The regular lttay meeting - 8:05 p.m. ROLL CALL - Present: Absent : Conrmissioners Aliamus, El1is, Fehlhaber, Foley,' Graham, Sulger Staff: Engr. Moore, sgt. O'Brien cuest3 }lr. A. !1. Burgin, Public Relations, Burlingame Chamber of Commerce Commissioner Kreling PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Led by Com. Ellis MINUTES - Meeting of April 24, l9AO approved. CURRENT BUSINESS: a.Burl ing4me Avenqe Alea Palkiqg.Chmn. Foley announced that a meeting \.rouId be held in san Mateo to discuss increasing parking fees in that city. He will attend. Several other Commissioners expressed interest in attending that neeting to assess public accept- ance of an increase in fees. Com. price Fehlhaber presented a tabulation of existing and possible future structures for on- and off-street parking fees. On a motion by com. Graham, seconded by com. Aliamus, as amended by a motion \z Com. Ellis and seconded by Com. Fehlhaber, the follorring items were endorsed for inclusion in future reconmendationE to City Council: 1. A1I on-street and off-street short-term parking Bhall cost $0.I0for thirty minutes with no provS.sion for using pennies except in twentv-four minute meters. Exception: Commission to review feasibil- ity oi retaining flKc"nt per hlur parking at select locations, i.e., adjacent to City Library, after staff makes recommendations. 2 Al1-day parking fee to be one dol1ar per day. Adopted by unanimous "Yes" vote. Com. craham proposed, and seconded by com. EIIis, that the Cornmission recommend metered aL1-day parking to be instal-led on one side of the following streets: I00 block of Lorton Avenue, Park Road, and Primrose Road i Douglas Avenue i Bellevue Avenue betrreen Primrose Road and Almer Road. a. b. Com. craham proposed, seconded by Com. Aliamus, that Commission recommend that a parking fund be created from additional revenues derived from the parking changes proposed by the Commission, Iess any costs incurred in making such changes. Unanimous "Yes" vote. fhe Commissioners agreed that the preceding recommendations be formalized for review at the next Commission meeting for inclusion with additional recomrnendations that are to be considered at the next meeting. Review. Chairman Foley revier"red minutes of the Park and Recreation Commission as they pertained to future development of Bayside Park. Closins of Oxford/Cambridge Roads at E1 Camino Real . report on current traffic counts . status of environmental document and Staff made CALTRANS AlI:dEy pqrking in Blqedlav qrea. Fehlhaber moved, seconded by Com. Aliamus, that Commission recommends permanent removal of parking restrictions in the areas that have been subject to tempor- ary removal of the two-hour parking limit. In addition, they recommended that the two-hour limit be removed from Chula vista Avenue south of Carmelita, and on Carmelita Avenue. Unanimous. "Yes" vote. Renta1 of parking spaces on City parking lots.Include with genera). discussion of Burlingame Avenue Area Parking. SamTrans activity on Burlingame Avenue.After discussion, it was decided to remove this item from the agenda without recolunendat ion. Mrs. Bo$rling's sugqestion re .. intersection visibility. Staff made a supplementary made subsequent decided to take report on a second field revj.ew of the problem, to sending the Letter to Mrs. Bowling. The Commission no further action and drop this item from the agenda. Additional crosswalks Broad$rav,/Ro1t in s Road.Staff reported letter sent to CALTRANS regarding problem. OLD BUSINESS Commissioners endorsed tentative study meeting to be held May 22, l9AO, usual time and place. NEW BUSINESS Staff presented letter from Mrs. stowell regarding request for net, signal at E1 Camino Real and Bellevue Avenue. Will be discussed at next meeting. The meeting adjourned at I0:15 p.m. Re spectful ly Sophia H. M. submitted, KreIing, Secretary ADJOURNMENT - Itlr. A. Ir1. Burgin, a public relations consultant, made brief comments on the Commlssion's activities as they related to the Burlingame chalibe r of cornmerce.