HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1980.03.27TRAFFIC, SAFETY & PARKING COIIMISSION Marclr 27, 1980 CALL TO ORDER - 8:10 p.rn. special study meeting of this Commission. RoLL CAL,L - Presents Commigsioners Aliamus, Ellis, Fehlhaber, Foley, Graham, Kreling, Su1ger. Staff: Engr. lIoore. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIAIICE - Led by Commissioner Kreling. !,TINUTES - Approval of lr{arch 14 meeting of April 1O, 1980 minutes tabled until regular 1980 . The meeting included general discussion of Com. Graham's parking proposal; communications from the city's Finance Director and city Attorney; and wiII continue af,ter additional individual review and possible discussions with the Finance Director and City Attorney. There iras general discussion of an additional proposal of Com. craham regarding extending parking l irnitations into evening hours, and converting one-hour, metered parking to free parkiog. Orairman Foley will prepare a prelininary position and priority statement for the April 1O, 1980 meeting for f,u1I Conunission review for future presentation to the City Council . ADJOURNI.{ENT - 1O:O0 p.m. RespectfulIy submitted, Sophi.a H. M. Kreling, Secretary