HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1981.11.19I 2 TRAFFIC, SAFETY, & PARKING COMMISSION MI NUTES November 'l 9, l 9BI . CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL Present: E1 lis, Fehlhaber, Foley, Cappa, Lehrfeld, JohsnonStaff: I'loore, Sgt. Fri edberg Excused: Krel i ng Vi s i tors: List attached PLEDGE OF ALLEG]ANCE CURRENT BUS]NESS 4.I Action Items 'l Approval of minutes of Oct. 8, 1981 , corrected to read Corun. Johnson excused, 4,1 ,2 Review of minutes of City Council and other Commissions. 4.1.3 Request for stop sign at Occidental and Howard Ave. - Moore 4 4 feels it would be very hard to wamant a stop above location. Comm, Ellis feels the intersec signed is non-standard, and the intersection s at to see if even a no/Znd stop sign, as now iis needed. Cornm. Ell is does not feel this req ign at the ion as now ou ld be I oo ked stal led, est for an + h u additional sign is wamanted. Moore also feels the stop sign is not needed. Commission decision was denial of the stop sign; request for the area to be studied-by the staff to see if the no/2nd stop sign be renoved. 4.1 .4 Request for Red Zone on East Carol Cornmi ssion recommends that two spaces on the south side of E. be made a red zone. Carol at EI Cami no 4.1.5 Off Street Parkin of bob-tail trucks and truck trailers on url w Road - Commi ss on ee st e areato s u oc d ee t as is. Letter to be sent. 4.1 .6 Letter re ardin l0 hour Commi ss 10n recommen c+arki n at the 1400 block of Bel]evue - at no change be ma e. Letter to e sent, 4.1 .7 Stop sign request at D€yefeur q4d ,Eeq-q-l - Ch. Foley, due to @ chai rmanshi p regarding discussion of the stdp sign on Devereux and Bernal to Comm. Fehlhaber. Moore gave the accident history: 5 accidents from 'l 971 until the present. Comm. Fehlhaber told the criteria for stop sign, warrants per the state. There was discussion by the residents on the street. They are worried about children and their safety due to the speeding cars. Residents said heaviest hours of traffic are between 8:.l5 to 9:45 A,M. and I:30 to 3:30 P.M. Also residents were afraid of possible vehicle accidents on the street. Moore advised that more information is needed in regards to pedestrian and traffic volume. Comm, Ellis requested a speed survey be done and requested staff to make the folIowing: Speed survey Traffic c ounts/ Pedestri an counts Reconmendations in regards to school zone Requested recommendations for other rfleans to slow traffic, such as markings in the area. 4..l.8 Request for green zone at 301&ljlSl!!_!Ijl_q - Denied, parking al ready in the general area. 4.1.9 Parking Lot "J" - Addressed by Council, drop from agenda. " 5. INACTIVE ITEMS 5,I 0ld Business 5.2 Inactive Items - All to remain inactive SPRR Consol i dation Red curbs on Rollins Road north of Toyon Ai rpo rtl Bays hore Si gnal s Parking Lot adjacent to Lions Club Building Bi keway Improvements 6. NEt,l BUSINESS 6..l.1 Letter from Cit Cl erk: Commi ssioners ' Bad can 0n y have 8 etters.motion was pass the badges to call the commission,"Traffic and 6,1 .2 Letter re ardin increased traffic and arki n on Willow Commi ssion wi take a Iook at tra ic probl ems ue to narrow i 2 3 4 5.2.1 5.2.6 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.2-5 - New badges for purposes of Safety Commission. " street because of parked cars on both sides. This affects cars Ieaving l,Jillow East,bound to El Camino Real . 6..l.3 Reappointment of Donald Ca ppa and Sop hia Krel inq - Rea ppoi ntment 6.,l.4 Letter from C. CIa ardi n rki n on Donnel I Parki ng tore rema n as ts. 6.1.5 Pedestrian crossing at the intersection of Rollins Road and BrdtdxarTvc. = Dro p from agenda. Letters from citizens were read and will be included for commissioners to read for their further consideration. 6..l.6 S eed conditions on Hillside Drive - A survey of speed conditions was one by Moore on Hi e r ve regarding numerous c arsS going over the 25 MPH speed Iimit. Several were in excess of 50 MPH, As the street is an FAU street, a speed survey is needed by the courts in order to use radar. It was indicated by Moore that due to street width, sight distance etc.,the speed Iinit must be set at 30 MPH, the courts would not accept less. It was felt that the PTA's etc. from the nearby schools should be contacted to enlist their he1 p in getting citizen acceptanceof the new higher Iimit. If radar can not be used there is the much greater hazard to citizens as a pol ice car must accelerate and then pase a speeder before a stop can be made and a citation can be issued. 7. ADJ0URNMENT - 10:35 P.M.