HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1981.06.044.1 .l 4.1.2 I 2 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING OF JUNE 4, I98I CALL T0 0RDER by Chairman Foley PRESENT: Cappa, Ell is, Fehlhaber, Foley, Krelling. Excused: Johnson, Leh rfe I d Staff: Moore PLEDGE 0F ALLEGIANCE - Led by Cormissioner Cappa. CURRENT BUSINESS 4. 1 Action I tems 3 4 Minutes of meeting of May 14, 19Bl approved as mailed. Reviewed Council Minutes of May 4 Planning Commission minutes of Ma , May l3y 11 and and May 18; Itiay 27 . 4 4 .l.3 No guest speaker was present. 4 After extensive discussion Commissioner Ellis moved recommendation of subcomnittee be forwarded to City After additional discussion Cormissioner Cappa moved commission recommendation read: 25 on-site parking spaces to be provided within 30 days or can be substituted at a later date as follows: (a) Mr. Harvey's plan for a second building level be constructed on site. (b) Lease parking area from S.P.R.R. (c) Street on west side of Carolan Avenue be widened. 2 77it 7'/a'81Ellis' motion was seconded; 2 aye votes, ,I no and I abstension. Motion not passed, After further discussion Commissioner Fehlhaber moved that the Cormission endorse the joint committee's recommendation with the additional comment: (25 on-site spaces would resolve the on-street parking problem; (2) measures be taken to have the on-site spaces provided within a fixed tjme limit; and (3) the TSP Commission does not favor parking on the west side of Carolan Avenue. Commissioner Krel ing seconded. After dis- cussion the motion was withdrawn. that Counc i I . that I I Commissioner Krel ing moved that no parking be allowed on the west side of Carolan Avenue; seconded by Commissioner Fehlhaber; unanimous yes vote. Commissioner Fehlhaber moved, seconded by Commissioner Ellis, that the TSP Commission endorse the efforts of the joint comnittee that recommended 25 on-site parking spacesi that these spaces be provided as soon as possible; that the Council recognize a separate action of the TSP Conmission in opposing parking on the west side of Carolan Avenue. Unanimous yes vote. 5 Parking 1ot adjacent to Lions CIub building: Staff recommended posting for 2-hour parking )imit. Commissioner Cappa moved that the lot be posted for 2 hour limit. No second. Commissioner Kreling moved, seconded by Corrnissioner Ellis, that this item be moved to the inactive list. Four yes votes and one abstained. 4.1 .6 Zero Time Inc 'letter re. truc k ark in on Rollins Road: It was the consensus of the Commission that staff s oul d prepare a study of an ordinance change that would apply the existing overnight parking restrictions in residential areas to commercial areas sothat it could be reviewed at the July meeting for possible recommendation to the Council. Staff is to write a letter to Zero Time, Inc., outlining their actions. 4.2 Di scuss ion Items 4.2.1 l4eter pole stub on Burlingame Avenue:No staff report; keep on agenda. 4.2.2 Debris boxes in Parking Lot "1":Staff reported that the marked area for the boxei seemed excessively large; that poor housekeeping was causing a debris problem; and that there are two fairly larg debris storage areas within the Fox l4al1 building. Staff was asto investigate reduction in stall size and the feasibility of th Mall handl ing their debris on site. Move to action item next month. 4.2.3 Re ort on diverters, roundabouts, etc . More information suppl ied by Commissioner Feh I ha er. Hold as discussion item for next month. 4.2.4 Equipment to replace ticket machines in public parking lots: Staff has not completed study. Hold for next month. INACTIVE ITEMS 5..l 0ld Business - none. 5.2.1 S.P.R.R. station consol idation: Kee 4 e ked e Fox 5 p. 5.2.2 Red curbs on Rollins Road north of Toyon Drive: Still wantstaff report - keep. 2 5.2 Inactive I tems 5.2. 5.2. 5.2. q) 3 Closinq 0xford/Cambrid qe Road:Keep 4 Toyon Drive parking: Delete. 5 Parki nq study:Keep . 6 Bannin I eft turns at rivate dri v s on El Camino: Letter rom tate di str ut scuss on next mont 5.2.7 NEI,{ BUSINESS Ai rport/Bayshore traffi c siqnals : Keep. 6 6.,l Stop sign requested: General discussion of this item after staff comments. Include in discussion items next month after Cornmissioners have opportunity to observe site. 6.2 Commissioner Foley read a note from the Planning Aide relating to a phone call from Natalie Rothschild, 2829 Maraposa Drive, protesting parking conditions in Burlingame Avenue Area, 7. ADJ0URNMENT: 9:50 p.rn. Respectful 1y submitted, SOPHIA KRELING Secretary 3