HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1981.05.14TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARK]N G COMI,Ii SS iON MINUTES OF MEETING OF MAY 14, I9BI 'l . CALL T0 ORDER - 8:08 p.rn. 2. R0LL CALL - Conrnissioner Cappa excused. All others present. Staff present: Sgt. Friedberg and Traffic Eng.ineer Moore Guest: Mr. Richard Cookson. 3. PLEDGE 0F ALLEGIANCE - Led by Comm.issioner Johnson. 4. CURRENT BUSINESS 4.'l Action I tems 4.1.1 4.1 .2 4. t.3 4.1.4 4. t.5 Minutes of meeting of April 9, 1981: Commissioner Johnsonstated that she abstained in voting on Item 4.2.3, closing 0xfo rdlCamb ri dg e reconrnenda ti o n. Commissioner Lehrfeld 16-quested correction in spelling of his name. Chairman Foley briefly reviewed Council minutes of April 20th and Pianning Commission minutes of April l3th and 27th. Bikeway improvements in Burl ingame: Commissioner Kreling re-ported that the scheduled speaker had cancel led but there woulrl be one for the June meeting. Stop sign-on Bayswater: Sgt. Friedberg reported only onecitation issued in nine l5 to 20 minute seiected enforcementperiods. Engineer Moore presented information on accidenthistory, speed study, traffic counts, and street width. Afterdiscussion Commissioner Fehlhaber moved, seconded by CommissionerLehrfeld, to reconrnend to maintain the status quo. Commissioner Krel ing Nay; remainder Yes. Commission intends to actively pursue alternate methods ofcontrolling speeds in subdiv'isions (diverters, etc.). Parking on west side of Carolan: Staff supplied information on traffic counts, accident history, speed study and streetwidth and geometrics. After considerable discuision it wasdecided that no final recommendation could be made to Counciluntil after the informal meeting between two members of thePlanning-Commission and two members of the Traffic, Safeiy andParking Commission, to be held in the near future. Staff"isto notify Counc i I . 6 Red curbs on Rosedale: After discussibn, Commissioner Ellis moved, seconded by Commissioner Kreling, that the red curbs be recornmended from the face of curb on El Camino Real (St.Rt.82) for a distanceof approximate'iy 80 feet easterly on both sides of the street. Unanimous yes vote. 4.2 Di scuss ion Items 4.2.1 Airport Boulevard/Bayshore signai: Moved to .inactive. 4.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 Parking lot adjacent to Lions CIub building. Action next month. Martinez letter to CALTRANS. Dropped from agenda. Commissioner Lehrfeld's report regarding meter pole stub: Commiss.ionerLehrfeld stated bariicade up for one day; then disappeared. 5 Cornmissioner Lehrfeld's report re. debris boxes in parkin Staff reported they were under encroachment perm.it. Stafto report terms of permit and ascertain if there is a debarea in the Fox Mall building, 4.2.8 U-turn signs at Broadway and Rollins Road: Drop from the agenda. INACTIVE ITEMS 5..l 0ld Business - l{one 5.2 I nacti ve Items 2.1 Study of loading zones in Burlingame Avenue area:Drop from agenda. No new information 4.2 Lot "L": i nstructedis storage s I r 5 5 5 2 .2 Southern Pacific Railroad station consolidation:or acti on. 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.2 5 Toyon Drive park ing:to have decreased. Staff reported that ait day parking seemed Study of red curbs on Rollins Road north of Toyon Drive: No newinformation or acti on. Closing 0xford/ Cambri dge Road: No new information or action. Notall conrnissioners received final draft of recommendat i ons. Staffto provide copi es. 5.2.6 Parking study: Staff made progress report on project. 4.?.6 Report on diver ters, roundabolts, etc.: Discussion at June meeting. 4.2-7 Letter from Zero Time, Inc. re. truck parking on Rollins Road.conrnission to observe prob)em and consider under action items in June. 5.2.7 E'O Quilici Ietter re Hillside/Cabrillo signals: Staff answered letter as requested. Drop from the agenda. Commissioner Kreling's suggestion re. banning left turns at private driveways on El Camino Real (St.Rt.82): Staff sent letter to CALTRANS. 6. NEI^I BUSINESS 6.1 Equipment to Rep Iace.Ticket Machines in Public Parkinq Lots 6. 1.'l Conmissioner Fehlhaber suggested that this item be schedules for discussion at the June meeting. The Commission agreed. 6.2 Chanqe of Meet inq Date for June Meeti nq It was suggested that because of school graduations during the second week of June, it may be appropriate to change the meeting date. It was moved by Commissioner Kreling, seconded by Commis- sioner Fehlhaber, that the regular meeting be held on Thursday, June 4th, at the usual time and place. Unanimous yes vote. 7. ADJOURNMENT - 10:40 p.m. Respectful ly submi tted, SOPHIA KRELING Secretary 6.2.1