HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1981.04.09TRAFFIC, SAFETY AIID PARKING COMMISSION APRIL 9. I98I 'I CALL T0 ORDER - I P.m. R0LL CALL - All conrnissioners present excePt Conrmissioner Cappa' Staff: Sgt- Friedberg and Traffic Engineer Moore Visitors: Six residents from 700 block of Bayswater' PLEDGE 0F ALLEGIANCE - Led by Corrnissioner Kreling' CURRENT BUSINESS 4..l.1 Minutes for approval - March 12' l98l : conrniisione" Fbi,ir.,iu." siated that Section 5.f-c should read ;eiisting yellow curb in front of TeeVan. Painting,shoulg^9: -^,.convertei io red zone.,, section 5-f-d should read, "remove reo zone-Uetween norttrparf driveways' Remove northerly portion of "iiiting rea to irbviae one paiking stall north of northerlv NorthPark dri vewaY. " 4.l.2BikewayimprovementsinBurlingame:.CorrrnissionerKre.lingstatedlnii ii,.r.'woula-6e-a Sif.*uy dommittee speaker at the next meeting' 4.1.3 Stop sign on Bayswater at Arundel or Anita' Visitors presented. the reasons tor "eqreiiing i-stop sign' Sgt' Friedberg was asked what ;;;;iir. errect ,igr,i'oi.ri.' He"statei that mid-block speeds would p"6uiuiv in...ur" ina tn. stop would probably be violated wi.thout heivy e-nrorc.n'"ni.- t't.. Moore'asreed with sst' ltitlb:lg^il$ :!:ttd he Uitievea the stop sign could not be warranted' A general dls- cission-UV visi tori'ana"Commissioners fol I owed. Conrni ssioner Johnson' ;;;.aea Lv co,rrniiiioner Lehrfeld, moved that staff provide.select radar enforcer.ni-itii-ir-ioggea,'trartic counts, speed studies and accident history in ihe a""a]- Motion passed by unanimous yes vote. 4.2.3 Review progress of closing 0xfo rd/ Cambri dge Road: Comnissioner Fehlhaber requesiea-iiit inis itein be coniidered next. After general iriiiuiiion ori 1,.'rtitri, -commissioner Fehlhaber moved, seconded by Commissione" f-efrrteia, that having recognized a safety i1o19v9ynt duetosimptificationofthesigna.loperat.ionresult.lngtromEneiflinles, i[ is .lioireni.i tnat"ttre pi^esent installation remain as it is, but, u, un uil""nitive, ir the birricades at cambridge/Oxford are removed, il,e naeiin"TEi cii,ino Reat si.gnals remain as they are, and i-liip-ii gri-u.-i.rti't i"o ior westbound-cambridge/oxford.traff i c at Et-iiinlno-ne.t for a ninety-day trial period, but that-in.any-case the most northeriy .ni.un.L from Highwi.v Road onto El camino Real rema.i n closed permanently. Four yes votei;-rreting and E1 Iis obstained. TheminutesoftheCouncilmeetingsofMarchl.lthandl6thwerereviewed. ? 3 4 3 4 5 6.6 6.7 6.8 E 6 4.2,1 Report on Ai rpor t/Bays ho re signai. Discussion set for next month. 4.2.2 Toyon Drive parking: Item moyed in inactive item section. 4.2,4 Parking study: chainnan Forey to transmit recommendation regardinglong-tenn parking on Douglas Avenue, 4.3 Inactive items: To be retained on the agenda. OLD BUSINESS 5.1 Parking adjacent to.Lions Building in l,Iashington park: commissionerswill monitor conditions and discuis at May m6eting. NEl,l BUSINESS Conmissioners to monitor the problem Copy delivered to commi ss.ions. 6 6 Mrs. Quiiici's letter regarding Hillside/Cabrilio signal: Staffto urite letter re. capital . improvement 6udget item [o reconitruct s ignal . commissioner Lehrfeld reported a meter pole stub was a hazard at .1465 Burl i ngame Avenue. Commissioner Lehrfeid reported debris boxes were being left inParking Lot L. Staff to investigate. A BOUTIQUE of April 9, IgBI re. off-street parking was discussed. commissioner Fehlhaber requested that parking on carolan Avenue bestudied. Discussion item for t4ay meeting; Slaff to prov.iae sireeiwidth, traffic volume and accideht histoiy. conmissioner Johnson suggested a study of roundabouts, diverters,etc., be studied us an iiternutive io"siop signs. She stated thdta-trip to Palo AIto was scheduled on eprii Zaia to observe some - of their installations, and invited other commissioners to atieno. 6 6.9 Cormissioner Kreling suggested that banninprivate driveways would-ieduce accidents oRoute 82). Staff was instructed to writeopinion on the matter. ADJ0URNMENT at l0:30 p.m. 9anE CAL ll left turns i ntoI Cami no Real (State TRANS requesti ng thei r Respectful Iy submi tted, SOPHIA KRELLING Secretary 6.1 New red curbs on Rosedale: and take action next month. 6.2 Martinez letter to CALTRANS.l^lill discuss next month. 7