HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1982.01.11TRAFFIC SAFETY & PARKING COMMISSION 14I NUTES IIEETING OF JAN. I'I , 1982. I 2 CALL T0 0RDER - 8:00 p.m. R0LL CALL - Present: Foley, Fehlhaber, Johnson, Ellis, Lehrfeld, Krel ing. Staff: Sgt. Fri edberg, Moore. Excu sed: Cappa PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CURRENT BIJSINESS 4.1 Action Itens 4.1.1 Approval of Minutes of Dec. I0, l98i - Correction of item 4.1.4 : Moore gave a synopsis of the accident history at Hillside & Hillside Circle. He also said there is an ordinance on the books that calls for a stop sign, Commission took no acti on. 4.1 .2 Review of Minutes of City Council and other Commissions. .3 Red Zone in Front of Casa Del Sol - .1500 Block of Howard: Motion was made and seconded to paint curb on the north/westcorner. Passed 5 to 1 , Krel ing against, 4.1 4,1 .4 Traffic Accident Report, Hiilside Circle and Hiilside Drive - The commission made a recommendation for east/west stop signs on a trial basis, at Bernal and Devereux. Vote 3 for, and 2 aga i nst. 4.1 ,5 Sidewalk Broadway Overcrossing Crosswalk - The matter has already been given to CALTRANS, Place as action item for next month. .6 Election of 0fficers - Elections were held with no oppositionfor any position. New officers are as follows: C hai rman - Fehlhaber V.Chairman - Ellis Secretary - Johnson 5. INACTIVE ITEMS - Leave all as inactive , 4 4.1 A statement was col lectively made by the board that Foley has handled the chair with professionalism and great sensitivity as to the needs of both the City andits citizens. He has performed an immeasurable service to the City of Burl ingame. The rest of the board wants to thank Fo)ey for his leadership. 5.1 0ld Bu si neos 5.2 I nacti v e Itmes 5 .2.1 5 .2.2 5.2.3 4.t,1 q, F, 5.2.6 5.2.7 6. NEI^J BUSINESS 6..l Pa ge 2 SPRR C onlso l i dati on Red Curbs on Rollins Rd. North of To),on Parki ng Study Airport/Bayshore Si gnal s Parking Lot AdJacent to Lions CIub Building Bi keuay Improvements Speed Limit for Hillside Drive. Foley - Assist in evaluating the effects of the parking studY. Moore & Ell is - Review traffic routes and their problems. Cappa - Review and evaluate the Nolte Report, Kreling - Review and evaluate the (SP) Lahney and Drokman Report. Lehrfeld - Act as Iiaison with the Chamber of Commerce. Johnson - ilaintain a TSP reference file;2 copies of the meeting packets to be sent to her attention. 6.1 .2 6.1 .3 I Stop Sign Requests for Benito, Castillo, and Columbus Avenues at Hillside Dr., - Place as an action item under Discussion 4.2. Request for Removai of Handicapp Parking Slot at l83B El Camino Real - Letter has already been written by l,loore, drop. Letter regarding parking meters at Burlingame Ave. - Letter to be written explaining why meters are placed in the City, drop, At 9:05 p.m. Fehlhaber took over as the new chairman. Fehlhaber requested the board members and l4oore perform spec ific functions during this year. He made the fo1'lowing as signments: 6.,l .4 Bluebird CIeaners, 190 Primrose Uhite Zone Meters - Area to be reviewed at a later date when the whole parking plan is later reviewed around April. Letter to be written, drop. 6.1.5 6.1.6 7 . ADJOURNMENT - 10:40 p.m.