HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1983.11.10TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MI NUTES November 10, 1983 1 a CALL T0 0RDER - B:00 p. m. R0LL CALL - Present: Staff: Vi sitors: Comm. Cappa EIIis, Lehrfeld, Johnson, Foley, Steve Cast leberry, M. Gi'lbreath Leonard C. l,Jal do of tr'lm. Purdy Co. Nancy and Armando Diaz, Howard Ave. Marti Knight, lrlash ington SchoolJil l Lauder, Bioomfield Road Jil I Scopazzi, Marin Drive Nancy M. Lindstrom, Vernon lllay Kristine Nuss, Chann inq lrving Go ldste in and Reof General Appl iance Co Road presentat i ves 4.2 Discussion. 4 .?.1 Request for Stop sign or Traffic Light on Airport Bouievard at Anza Boulevard, Steve Castleberry presented a report showing existing and proposed Iocations of signal and Stop sign locations on Airport Boulevard and Bayshore Highway. Staff reported that a signal will be installed at this location upon completion of the Anza Boulevand con- nection to Route 101. Staff report also showed that warrants are not metfor either a Stop sign or a signal at this time. It was moved (Cappa/Lehrfeld) that the request be denied. Mo approved unanumously. Steve Castleberry will write a letter Waldo of William Purdy Company informing him of the Cot riissio action. (Ltr. att. ) Cal ifornia Drive and Sanchez Avenue Acc.ident. Staff recommended red zone be installed on the west side of cal ifornia Drive between sanchez Avenue and the end of the Boutique Villager building. It was moved(Johnson/Lehrfeld) to approve staff recommendation. This was un-anrmousty carrred by the Conmission. Steve Castlebeffy will send a ti to n' on was I'lr , s 4 .2.2 3. PLEDGE 0F ALLEGIANCE - Comm. Cappa. 4, CURRENT BUSINESS. 4.1 Action Items. 4.1.1 Approval of Minutes of October 13, i983. Approved as issued. 4.1'.2 l'lighland Avenue - 0ne-way street conversion. Staff reported on ad-ditiona'l correspondence from Greyhound which stated thit one_wayoperation of the street wouid have no affect on their operation!.It was moved (Fo.leylcappa) that Highland Avenue be made one_way southbound and that staff develop a plan to provide addit.ionalparking on Highland. l{otion was approved unanimous)y, I 2 MINUTES - Cont'd. 4 2.3 Request for a Four-Way Stop at Howard/Arundel . There were severalvisitors attended meeting regarding this item. All of them residein the tlashington School area and are greatly concerned for the safety of the school children and the speeds of traffic at Howard and Arundel . Marti Knight spoke on behalf for the visiting group. She covered many concerns, one being that Howard Avenue is a wider street than the parallel ing streets, thus causing excessive speed and also a lack of responsibility from the motorists traveling on Howard Avenue. t,lhile there is presently a school crossing guard atthis location, the parents feel that a Stop sign on Howard Avenueis al so needed. Staff report shows that not one of the warrants is met for a Stop sign at this location. It was suggested by Cornmissioners that ad- ditional enforcement may reduce speeds. The Comrnission would like to hear Sgt. Parkin's opinion before making a recommendation. This will be on the Agenda for December Meeting under Action Items (copies of Agenda will be mailed to l"larti Knight). Howard Avenue, General Applicance. Loading/unloading of trucks ear of prenise. There is one parking space here and it is a icap space. This space is blocking entrance into this store for ing and unloading when someone is parked in this space. Staff 5. INACTIVE ITEMS. 5.1.1 SPRR Consolidation. No discussion. 5.7.2 Evening Parking in Burlingame Avenue Area. No discussion. 6. NEt^, BUSINESS. 6.1 1 1333 at r hand'load will This mail I ook at twill be o ed to Mr. hisnt Irv and bring back a report for the December meeting. he Agenda under Discussion (copy of Agenda to be ing Go1 dstein, owner of Gen. Appi . ). 6.1 7. INFORMATION ITEMS. 1.1 Council and other Commission Minutes. None 2 Letter to City Manager regarding Hillside Drive Speed Survey. No discussion. 2 Request for Stop Sign 0n Anita and Bayswater. Staff to bring in a report on this for December meeting. Will be on the Agenda under D i scussion. 7 7 i 8 7.1.3 Letter to C. T. A. regarding left turns on Bayshore Highway. 7.1.4 Noted by Chairman Ellis was the resignation of Commissioner Krel ing. ADJOURNMENT. 9:15 p. m. 4.2.2 letter to all interested parties stating action taken by the Commission.