HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1983.07.14TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION N I NUTES JULY 14, I983. CALL T0 ORDER - 8:07 p.m. by Chairman EIlis ROLL CALL - Present: Ellis, Foley, Lehrfeld, Fehlhaber, Johnson Absent: Krel i ng, Cappa Staff: Moore, Sgt. Parkin, Nuile PLEDGE 0F ALLEGIANCE - Led by Conm. Fehlhaber CURRENT BUSINESS 4..l Action Items 4.'l..I Approval of Minutes of June 9, I983. - Minutes approved. 4.2 Discussion 4.2.1 House of Ba el s, 260 Lorton Ave.Re uest'in a l5 mi n. Zone.Staff reporled tlat t ere were severa green zones r n the area, Sgt. 4.2.2 Surve of Merchants Re ardin 24 I'lin. Meters - 200 Block of Cal if . Dri ve -survey was ta eno t e merc ant st nt e area to seeif they had any comments regarding the relocation of the two 24 min. meters to further north of Calif. Dr. Based on this survey, the meters were moved to either side of the existing red zone. 5. INACTIVE ITEMS 5.1.,i SPRR Consol idation - No further information knovrn. However, Burl i ngame rs now talking with SP regarding the repainting of the building. I 2 3 4 Parkin stated that with the exception of the pr"oblem of double parking that there is no particular problem in this area. After discussion, the Commission moved (Fol eyl Lehrfel d ) to deny the request. 5,1.2 Evening Parking in the Burl ingame Ave. Area - Sgt. Parkin commented that 50-60 parking tickets were given in the evenings to cars that parked in red zones, sidewalk, etc. 6. NEl^l BUSINESS 6. '] ..I Park & Recreation Comrni ss ion Re uest to Limit Park in to Four Hours tn as 'tn ton Park Park in Lot East of the Tennis ourts -tem went to Council May 5th and t hen was re erred back toIsl T-he-TSP Commission. Staff commented on the probiems of conmuter parking in the area and stated that staff had recommended previously that a parking limit be put on the lot. Sgt. Parkin commented that enforcement would not be a problem for the po1 ice if limit signs were put up. Ch. El Iis suggested that this item be acted upo since it has been discussed by the Cornmission twice prev discussion. It was stated that this is a unique 1ot in usage it gets, and that signing for a four hour limit wo adverse impacts on other parking areas. It was moved by nt iou the ul d th hi s meeting s1y under type of have no e Conrmission (Lehrfeld/Fo1ey) to support the posting of a four hour I imit. 6.1.2 &equest for a Red Zone Between the Driveway of l2l0 Bel levue & Pacific C port, thi s item was moved tb disdussion at the Aug. ll, 1983 meeting. 6.'l.3 Letter from Frank J. Pagl iaro, Jr. Regarding Several Traffic Concerni - TTter a 6FiGT re discussion for the next meeting (l tr. att. ). 6.i.4 Letter From l^l. Berr Qqql^lay treet - Hurl uestin Hi hland Ave. be Made aR mm. Fol ey and l4oore.(Ltr. a tt. ) Item was moved to discussion at the next meeting. 7, INFORMATION ITEMS 7.1 .1 Council , other Commission Minutes. 7-'t-2 S otS eed Stud Results Hillside Drive - Moore commented that onl sl e rtve rom ar os o as 0 there was a s i gn ifi cant change in the pace and in the percentage of cars under 30 mph. Sgt. Parkin commented that enforcement was heavier at the upper level of Hillside Drive than at the lower Ievel . The Commission accepted these initial study results and suggested that additional surveys be taken at a later date (Sept. or oct.). It was also suggested that the results of the survey should be suppl ied to Council. 8. ADJOURNMENT - 9:00 p.m. me groun on t tem was g vencS 2