HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1983.06.09TRAFFIC, SAFETY & PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING JUNE 9, 1983 CALL T0 oRDER - 8:00 p. m. by Chairman. ROLL CALL - Present: Com. Ellis, Cappa' Fehlhaber' Foley Absent: Conm. Johnson, Krel ing ' Lehrfel d PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. COMN. CAPPA CURRENT BUSINESS. 4,1 Action Items. 4.1.1 Approval of Minutes 0f May 12' Approved as issued' 4.7.2 Mike Harvey Chry s'l erlPlyrnouth , 200 California Drive' Request to remove par-king ineters in front of dealership' There are three 2-hour ind t!v5 24-minute parking rneters in front of this establishment. Mr. Harvey stated that since there were no meters in front of the other automobilL dealers on California Drive south of Howard Avenue, his customers weie Ueing pena'l ized. The rationale for the Commission's re- conrnendation and th6 bouncil's action to remove the meters on Cal ifornia Dr.ive south of Howard Avenue, was explained to Mr. Harvey as fol.lows: The meters were producing little revenue; meters were better used in other areas and ihe dealers uould have a self-interest in not abusing the free Parking. under Discussion, the contnission expressed several concerns with Mr. Harvey's proposal. They are as follows: I 2 3 4 Unl ik of re is no the e only parki et taith nfo ap n9 he area to the south, this block has a varied mixture'I uses and varied parking requirements; presently there eavy enforcement in this block. Without the meters' rcement will become much more difficulti and having ortion of the block without meters would invite abuse. Motion was nnde and seconded by the Commission to remove the two 24-minute meters and replace them with two 2-hour meters' It was requested by the Commission that Staff will make a survey of the stores furtier north on Cal ifornia Drive to determine if they would like to have the 24-minute meters. l^lilI be on the July Agenda under di scuss ion . Mr. Harvey's request to remove all meters was denied by the commission. 4.2 Discussion. 4.2.1 Review of Evening Parking in the Burlingame Avenue Area. 2 Chairman E'l f is reported on the City Council's discussion of this issue at their June 8th Study Session. Concerns were expressed by the p their tenants having difficul tylate afternoons when they are re forced to park further dovm the roperty owners present regarding in finding suitable parking in the turning to their offices. They are Cal ifornia Drive and have a distance h so many new restaurants in theto wal k back t downtown area the noont ime a e office. l^litoth ofB nd a ur1 ingame, has created this parking problem during lso around 4:00 p. m. each day. Commissioners expressed concerns regarding safety (parking in red zone) and enforcement problems with loading zones. This issue was moved to "inactive" status and wilI be reviewed at aIater date. 5. INACTIVE ITEMS. 5.1.1 SPRR Consol i dation. 6. NEl^, BUSINESS. 6.1,1 House of Bagels, 260 Lorton Avenue. Requesting a lS-minute zone (Harvey Chassey, 343-3633). This wilI be on the July Agenda underDiscussion, A copy of the Agenda wilI be nniled to Mr. Chassey. 6.1,2 Briefly discussed updated speed survey on Hillside Drive. Staffwill present a report at July meeting. INFORMATION ITEMS. 7.1.1 Counci'l , other Commission Minutes. ADJ0URNMENT: 9:i5 p. m. 7 4.2.1 Review of Evening Parking - Cont'd. Visitors were John and Jean Martinez, 350 Lorton Avenue, J-Mart F)ooring; Juanita Garbiuo, 344 Lorton Avenue and Karen Key of the Chamber of Cornmerce.