HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1984.06.14TRAFFIC SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION June 14, 1984. CALL T0 0RDER - 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Chairman El Iis, Com. Foley, Com, Lehrfeld, Com. Sulger, Com. Abrahamson. 1 2 Com. , Cappa, Johnson Moore, Castleberry, Nu11e Gary & Diva Coulter - 844 Fairfield Rd. Boris Stevens - 636 Harrow Ave., S.M. Rev. Steffin - Russian 0rthodox Church Aldo Simoneti - 2635 Sumit Dr. Tony Taylor & Karen Key - Chamber of Conrnerce Mary Martel1a - 740 Fairfield Florence Henry - 817 FairfieldLillian Privitera - 831 Fairfield Chas. Tovera - 848 Fairfield Hank Sauer - 840 Fairfield Ken Weeks - Encore Theatre 3 4 PLEDGE 0F ALLEGIANCE - Led by Com. Sulger. CURRENT BUSINESS 4.7 Action Items 4.1.1 Approval of Minutes of May 11, 1984 - Approved as received. 4.1.2 Restric!IarkiIg, Anza Blvd. & Victoria Station Place - Discussion by staff regarding sign posting and where loading zones will be located. 4.i.3 Fairfield Road Traffic Concerns - Residents of Fairfield Road were present for this meeting. Diva Coulter presented a petition on closin EI Cami no. Another thi s action from res he Fairfield Road entrance from ition was also presented opposing nts in the Paloma Ave. area. gt pet ide MI NUTES Absent : Staff: Visitors: Staff discussed that letters were sent to all residents in the area of Fairfield including the Church and School in that area. Responses from residents were L5 against, 3 for and the rest no opinion on the conversion. Staff reported that a speed survey showed an average speed on Fairfieid of 27 -28 MPH with the highest speed recorded 38 MPH. Staff also reported that correspondence from CalTrans indicated they had Minutes -2 4.1,3 Cont'd 4.2 Di scus s i on 4.2.1 Re uest for Two Hour Parkin on Carolan Ave. - Mike Harve 01 ds- e Mayor has formed a committee on t e par ing probl em. Cornmissioners EIlis and Sulger reported on the conmittee recormendat i ons. Traffic Engineer reiterated his opposition to parking on the west side of Carolan for safety reasons. After brief discussion, Commission restated its prior rec- ommendation to Council to oppose parking on the west side of Carolan Ave. Approved (4-1 Com. Sulger) aces - Cha in Ave. - no problem with the proposal . CalTrans also stated they would not be in favor of a wooden barricade as was used at 0xford/ Cambridge. Conrnission discussion: Appears to be no significant adverse impacts, speeds are reasonable for this type of street;if there are problems, why do anythingi may oniy make the problem worse. Neighborhood is changing and more children; maybe can do on trial basis - see what happens. It was moved and seconded (Foley/Lehrfeld) to reconmend closure of the northbound entrance to Fairfield off EI Camino for a triai period with the recorrnendation that the impacts be assessed in 6 months. Motion carried unanimously T 4.2.2 R uest to El iminate Parkin S request came rom ounc t man Pagliaro rega ng sightI Thi s obstruction when pulling out on to Chapin Ave. from the Lucky Store. This would require the removal of 2 parking spaces on Chapin Ave. The Chamber of Commerce voiced obiection to is db pin dt,i of the 10 nd the probl em e sol ved between he Chambert s houl d elimination as welI as by a1 I owi ng El Camino a any spaces. They stated that th "parking problem" on Chapin coul hr. parking in the center of Cha Primrose. Chairman Ellis informe that if they wished to make this reconrnendation be in wri ting. Commission of parking mendations written to decide to defer the consideration of the el imination spaces until they could further discuss the recom- made by the Chamber of Commerce. Letter to be Councilman Pagl iaro. 4.?.3 R uest for Traffic Control - Trousdale at esada - This Status Re rt - Parkin Problem - 100 Block M tle Rd. request comes rom C. Pag laro.taff sugges te t some bumps or botts dots it would stop motorists fr the corner when making a left on to Quesada. It wo etter rom Dave ni owner o Datsonvi e, regard slow them down by having them make more of a 90o left turn. Motion vras made to direct staff to put in bumps and required striping (Su1 ger/ Abra hamson ) . Motion passed, unanimously. at by putting om cutti ng uld also ng the4.2.4 problem. The letter stated procedures to his employees on how to alleviate the Problem. Traffic Safety and Parking Commission . Traffic Safety and Parking Commission - Minutes showedtheffiof the S.P.Station. Staff stated that the preliminary plans showed a net loss of nine spaces. Staff to put together a summary on total effect on parking in the area. .) 5 6 INACTIVE ITEMS NEl^, BUSINESS 6.1.1 Re uest for Chan e in Load i n Zone - Donnel I at Lorton. ve to scu ss 0n or next t me. 6.1.2 Bur'l ingame Ave. R ilroad Station Landscaping - Staff 6.1.3 Encore Theatre Review - 1157 Calif. Dr. - Mr. Ken Weeksrepreffi present. Staff and Cormission requested that more information is needed before further cons i deration. 7 . INFORI4ATION ITEI,IS 7.1 1 Chairman E1 lis reported on several recent actions by City Counci I . 8. ADJOURNMENT - 9:40 p.m.