HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1984.05.10TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 10, 1984 1 2 CALL T0 0RDER - 8:00 p. m. ROLL CALL Present: J 4 Absent: Staff: Visitors: PLEDGE 0F ALLEGIANCE - Led by Comm. Sulger. CURRENT BUSINESS. 4.1 Action Items. Comm. Ellis, Lehrfeld, Johnson, Abrahamson, Sul ger Comm. Foley, Cappa Len and Lil'l ian Privitera, 831 Fairfield Hank and Heather Sauer, 840 Fairfield Gary and Diva Coulter, 844 Fairfield May Martd'la, 740 Fairfield Chas. Lovera, 848 Fai rfi el d Tony Taylor, 1406 Bur'l ingame Ave. 4.1.1 4.t.2 Approval of Minutes. Approved as issued. Restrict Parking Anza Boulevard and Victoria StatStaff recommended posting "No Parking" from AnzaStation PIace. The existing off-street parking c0n-street parking obstructs the sight distance foparking 1ot driveways, The Cornmisiion agreed witstaff to return at next meeting with proposed 1oc l0n Bou apa Pl ace. levard and Viccity seems ade rivers exi ti ng roposal and as ons of loading tori a quate. fromrd hp ati ked zone. 4.2 Discussion. 4.2 4.2 .1 Request for Two-Hour Parking on Carolan Avenue - Mike llarvey 0ldsmobile. Chairman Ellis wants to delay further discussion on this untii commentsor further information is rece'ived from the Mayor. 2 Fairfield Road Traffic Concerns. Staff gave history, potential impacts of traffic changes Discussion by Commission, residents. Residen speeds; potential for accidents with cars exi minium; little response to staff letter from'l ike comments from McKinley School , as well a Edgehi l1 should also be notified; one-way nor awkward move southbound at El Camino Re11 ; whif any? Staff wi'l I notify McKinley School , ssidents. Staff wilI also contact CalTrans. action at June 14, 1984 meeting. information on acc i dent and pos s i b1e alternatives.ts most concerned about ti ng from proposed condo- nearby residents; wou ld TA; residents on ound would el iminateis CalTrans' pos i ti on,ol PTA and nearby re-'I be on Agenda for SP thb dL cho I^lil Moore, Castleberry, Gi I breath, Sgt. Park i n 2 !IINUTES - Cont'd. 4.2 3 Stop a rep does solve Sign ort meet dbv Request Carmelita and Cortez. Steve Cas eberon this location, Location does not meet theaccident warrants. Staff feels that accidenttrimming hedge. Motion was made (Lehrfeid) anto deny request for Stop sign. Siaff will senmonds, 1701 Carmelita Avenue, Burlingame, .info decision. t p d ry presented raffic warrants; robl em has been d rm seconded I etter to Mrs. ing of Com- on discussion corner of ighland at rovide additionai on) to deny re- Staff had no ( Joh nson ) Beverly Ed mission's 4.2.4 Requ 4.2.5 6. NEI^I BUSINESS. 6.1.1 6.L.2 (14r High this I oad ques est for Yellow Zone - 215 Highland Avenue. CommissHurl.ey was not present). Loiding zone existi now aIand, Howard, also three 24-minute green spaces on'location; can see no extenuating circumstinces toing zone. It was moved and seconded (Lehrfeid/Johnt. Letter will be sent to Mr. Hurley. i + H p s Status Report - Parking problem 100 Biock Myrtle Road.progress to report. Request to El iminate parking Spaces - Chapin Avenue. chairman E1 1is requested the commissioners to look at this location and thatstaff develop report for the June meeting. will be on Agenai-under oiicussion. Request for Three-way Stop - Trousdale at Quesada. commissioners to lookat this location before the June meeting. Tom Moore wilI do some researchregarding the history of this area and 6ring back intormation-ior,lune-meeting. 6.1.3 Request for Red Zone Math iesen, 700 Acac i a INFORMATION ITEMS. 7.1.1 Council, other Commission 14inutes. ADJ0URNMENT: 9:25 p. m. of Oak Grove and Acacia Drive (Chris and Agnesf reported this was primarily for informati6n. - Co rner ). Staf 7 8