HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1984.04.12vv TRAFFIC SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MI NUTES April 12, 1984. 1 2 CALL T0 0RDER - B:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Absent: Sta ff: Visitors: Conrm. El lis, Lehrfeld, Johnson, Cappa, Abrahamson. Corm Sulger, Fol ey 3 4 Moore, Castleberry, Nulle, Sgt. Parkin. Florence Henry, 817 Fairfield Len Privitera, 831 Fairfield Gary Coul ter, 844 Fairfield Heather and Hank Sauer, 840 Fairfield Bori s Bertolucci, 728 Fairfield Christo Daskaiakis, 836 Fairf ield Dave Mani, Datsunvill e, 927 Howard Ave. PLEDGE 0F ALLEGIANCE - Led by Comm. Cappa. CURRENT BUSINESS 4.1 Action Items. 4.1.1 Approval of minutes - Coffections noted and minutes approved. 4.1.? one Hour Paqking Abuse on Chapin Ave. - Staff recommended that@the first. After discussion by t 5f5 for eac h violation after he Commi ssion a motion was made to endorse the recommendation and the motion was passed. Item was sent to Councii for their action' 4.1.3 Green/Yellow Zone - 224 Primrose Road (Primrose Liquors) ecomm one r 4.2 Di scussion 4,2.1 Parking Problem 100 Block of Myrtle Road (Owner of vi lle, Da Staff did not r I arge l oading z Drug Store ). T I oading probl em the request, ( to write I etter hi s Iin t Lehrftot end the loadinq zone srnce there rs one ight across th6 street (Walgreens oading zone is sufficient to handle the hat area. Motion was made to deny el d/Johnson ), motion approved. Staff he owner of Primrose Liquors. Datsunville ve Mani, arking problem with staff and the Commission e had been working with the Police Dept. oblem. He stated that he probably would soon e storage space at the Lauder Plumbing this would most Iikely solve the parking lso stated that acquiring this space would take di scussed hi Mr. Mani sai to soi ve the be acquiring BIdg. and th si tuation. H sp dh pr rh at ea TRAFFIC SAFETY AND PA 'NG COI4MISSION - MINUTES approximately three months. He also stated that he and his employees would make every effort during this period not to 2 cuase a problem to the residents. to postpone any further actions for for a monthly report. A Ietter is who complained about the situation. Commission agreed days and asked staff be sent to the resident The 90 to 4.2.? Stop Sign Request - Gil breth Road/Side Streets - Staff reported that because ofin the past years in the need for the assignment o Staff report showed thatfor "a ss i gnment of right instal I ation of the stop e large build up dustrial area tha right of way on G ese I ocations mee ofttilbtt th inf th of si offi ces here is a reth Rd. he warran ts way". Motion to recommend gns was approved. 4.2.3 Rqslrict laqki4g {z1a Blvd. and Vicloria Station Place. Staff reported on the increase<l velopnreht and fhe iesulting increase in the traffic in this area. Staff feels that to provide for the be shoul d be restri ct availabie. After staff was requeste area to get feed ba Action Item for ne ossi bl e traffic conditions, parking n-street where off-street parking isief discussion by the Commission, notify the business owners in the n the parking situation. Moved to ime. stp edo abrdto ck oxtt 4.2.4 R uest of Two-Hour Parkin on Carolan Ave. - Mike Harv Olds - The deci sion of t e pril 9th P1 anning Comm 'ISSlOn Meet ngA L c was reviewed by thethis item until Cou recornmendat i on s . ommi ssion. The Commission continuedil aciton on Planning Commissionn E 6 INACTIVE ITEMS NEl^l BUSINESS 6. 1.1 Fdirfiel d Rd. - Traffic Concern - Visitors voiced concern about thE apparent hazardous traffic problem on Fairfield Rd. Problems cited were; excessive speeds of cars coming off E1 Camino, through traffic, potential problrems with cars backing out of proposed condominium as well as dangers to school children. The residents suggested making Fairfield one-way southbound between Palm and El Camino. Staff was requested to make a study of the area and to prepare a report for the Conrmission. Residents of Fairfield as well as Palm, Edgehill, and the school will be notified of the next Commission meeti ng. 6.1.2 Sto nRe uest Carmel ita and Cortez - Staff to doSJtraffic study, moved to discuss on br next time. TRAFFIC SAFETY AND PARKING COMI{ISSION - MI NUTES 3 6.1.3 Request for Yel low Zone (Two Spaces ) -215 Highian4 Ave. - StaTFto rEvjEw T6F ret next time. INFORMATION ITEMS 7.1.L Council, other Commission Minutes - Noted. 712 Report on Parking Problems, Chamber of Commerce - A study done by the Chamber of Commerce showed that 17% of the parkers who use the parking on Saturday in the downtown area of Burlingame area are parking abusers. 0f the 1,199 spaces monitored between 10am to 3pm on Saturday, 187 spaces were occupied by the same car. 8. ADJ0URNMENT - 9:30 p.m. \-. 7