HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1984.03.08TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 8, 1984 1 2 CALL T0 0RDER - 8:00 p. m. ROLL CALL.Comm. E1 Iis, Lehrfeld, Fo1ey, Johnson Sul ger, Abrahamson As requested at the previous Attorney's opi ni on, a slidinq bsequent viol ations was 1ega1 Present: 3 4 Absent: Staff: PLEDGE 0F ALLEGIANCE - Led by Comm. Johnson. CURRENT BUSINESS. 4.L Action I tems . Comm, Cappa Moore, Castl eberuy, Gi I breath, Sgt. Parkin K. Key, 306 Lorton Avenue l,J. Berry Hurley, 231 California Drive Miriam & Borg Tahmiasian, 224 Primrose Tony Taylor, 1406 Burl ingame Ave. 4.1.1 Approval of Februar y 10, 1984 l,1i nutes .Approved as issued. 4.1.2 0ne-Hour Parki n Abuse on Cha in Avenue. meet sca l and ng, sta reporte at in t eC ty cou ld be enforced. t Ie for increasing parking fi nes for su Thos. A. Bannan's letter of the Bannan Gallery, 402 primrose Road wasreviewed by the commission. Highlights of thii'letter listed ttre auuiewas not only.on Chapin but on piimrose as well. They would .l ike to ieemetered parking for the entire length of chapin and ihat enforcement beinitiated with at least three patrollings each day in the cr,apin, -nrimrose and the Be'l levue Avenue areas. Also, eicouragement of city .iircreased fines on the second citation received in any !iven day. Under.discussion, the Commission felt that metered parking is a loc_aliz^ed area such as chapin would simply shift problbm to ia3acent-ireas.Ihe commission reiterated its previous position that metered parking inthe whole of the downtown area would faci litate enforcement and indiceabuse. The Commission felt that the best overall option ai iti. iir.-would be to institute a "sl iding five structure.,, It was moved and seconded.(Lehrfeld/Foley) that a sliding scale be set upfor fines. Motion carr.ied unanimously. - itatt will put ioo.it""-i ""_ " commendation for Commission,s review it the April meeting." Vis itors: 2 TSP 1,4 i nutes - Cont 'd . 4,2 Discussion. 4.2.2 Re 4.?.), Burlingame and Broadway Loading Zones. Staff presented a report showing the location of yellow ioading and grebn 24-minute zbneon the Bur'l ingame Avenue and Broadway areas. uest for Yellow Loadin Zone . Primrose Liquors, 224 Primrose Road. a mt ast an, owner 0 rt mrose Liquors, stated his need for aI del iveries have to be made via theoad i ng zone since alye1 1ow 1 front en to of ab br park the efo ngi ,l 'I trance of his store. There is no parking available for trucks There is a loading zone across the street which is used most ime by Walgreen's which Mr. Tahmiasian states is seldom ava.i'l -his use, The Commission wil l look at th.is loading zone andformation to the April meeting, Sgt. parkin will ilso do someg of this loading zone. tiill be on April Agenda under Action t n nsurvey r i tems . 4.2-3 Parking Limits - Hiqhland Avenue. Staff reported that the a'l 1-day parking was not workinq as expected. Berry Hur quested the meters be changed to a mixSgt, Parkin noted that the City has notown. It was moved and seconded that t month test period be rescinded and two-the new spaces. Motion carried. recommended at the last meeting 1ey, 231 Cal ifornia Drive, re-of one and two-hour meters. operational one-hour meters in he previously approved three- hour meters be installed for - Loading Zone in Parking Lot "1"s dropped from the Agenda after 5. INACTIVE ITEMS. 5. i.1 SPRR Consol idation.These items were dropped from the Agenda until furtherneed ari ses. 5,1.2 Evening Parking on Burl in game Avenue.DITTO 6. NEl^l BUSINESS. 6.1.1 "No Sto tn at An Time" on Fox Plaza Lane 8:0 a, m. unt :00 a. m. on 1S Wastaff report. 6.1.2 Request for Two-Hour Parkin g on Carol an Ave.- Mi ke Harvey 01ds. 1 y. T Chairman Ell is reported on the status of Mr. Harvey,s request to eliminateon-site parking spaces for employees. This item was continued unt.il thePianning Commission's consideration of the on-site parking request. 6.1.3 Parkin Problem 100 Block on M rt'le Road. area ore t e next meet ng.on t cusston. 6.1.4 Stop Sign Re quest - Gil breth Road /Side Street. Commissioners will look at this he Agenda for April under Dis- Request by staff to consider Stop signs on side streets into Gilbreth Roadto assign right-of-way. Commissioners will review. 3 TSP Minutes - Cont ' d. 6.1.5 Fairfield Road - Traffic Concerns. 0ouncilman Pa gl iaro has expressed con- d Road between El Camino@ion of Fai rfi el Real and Palm Drive. Staff to gather accident history and traffic volumesin this area for Aprii meeting; will be on Agenda under New Business. 6.1.6 Remove Parkin off of Anza Bou I evard and Victoria Station Place. Tom Moore recommen e par I ng removed rom t I S area.ill be on t e April Agenda under Discussion. 7, INFORMATION ITEMS. 7-L-L chairman Ellis reminded commissioners of Reso'lution 6l-72 regarding non-attendance. 8. ADJ0URNMENT: 9:40 p. m.