HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1985.10.101 2 3 4 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMiSSION UINUTES 0cT0BER 10, 1985 CALL T0 ORDER - 7:30 P. M. Visitors: ROLL CALL. PLEDGE 0F ALLEGIANCE - Comm. HolJman CURRENT BUSINESS. 4.1 Action Items 4.1.1 Approval of Minutes of September 12, 1995. Approved as corrected (6.i.4.) 4.2 John Billie, 1228 Laguna H. L. Stack, L24l Laguna Mark Lane, 1237 Laguna Bob Vo'l'lmer, 1131 LagunaJ. Marvugl io, 1116 Juanite Susan Aken, Ditto Gi I bert Rodl i ,3007 Hi'll sic Dri ve Absent: Present: Comm. Fo'ley Comm. Lehrfeld, E'llis, Johnson, fu1qg:#brahamsorDiscussion. Staff present: City Engr.Erbache 4.2.L Laguna Avenue North of Broadway - $t'Hasei ieu, ne{ueit for 0ne-14u,. -'vqvrrsJ M. Gilbreath,Sec Staff Absent: Thos. E. MooreSix residents of this location attended nieeting; (on vacation)-five were firmly opposed ina one-riir-i, iavor ofthe proposed one-way for Laguna nvenue. They expressed concernsof the present problem of parking on Laguna and that lh.-on.-way could even make the parking more difficult for residentshaving to park on the sti^eet, 6specially the overnigrri pirking and having no access to Broadway. Comm. moved and seconded (Ellis/Ho'l1man) to deny request at thistime for the one-way for Laguna and recommended- thad more study bedone. Commission agreed uninimously. Visitors also complained about park.in trade school at Juanita and Californi _cuss problem at the November meeting. Discussion. n Juanita, caused by therive. Commission to dis-ill be on Agenda under go aD W Comm. .Ellis requested staff bring to_the November meeting information Igga.gjng-"Keep clear" s'ig-ns at ihe location of calitornia orivl anoRh'rnette Avenue because of the traffic backups at california Driveand_Broadway. Postfng the_'Keep_clear" signs at these int""r..iion.would help to improve-the flow of traffic. comm. agreed unanimousty. comm. Hollman recommended "No Trucks" signs be posted on Juanita andRhinette Avenue. comm. approved unanimously. witt go ueiore iheCity Council for further review and determination. El camino Real and chapin Avenue-park'ing - st. paul,s Episcopal church.commission moved and seconded (rttis/Hollman) to defer until'the November meeting; Commiss'ion agreed unanimously. |^Jill be on the Agendafor d'i scuss i on at November meeti ng . 4.2.2 TSP MINUTES - Cont'd.2 4.2.2 Cont'd. Staff to send a notice to Manager/Tenants of 1501 Chapin Avenueapartment building informing them of the proposed extbnsion ofred zone on the Chapin Avenue at the Churlh ilarking 1ot location. INACTIVE ITEMS. Comm. Hollman complained to the Commission regarding the pub'lic Works,projectlocated at Carolan/Morrell Avenue, ,'DrainJg. irp.ovements.,, He commented on theworkmanship and how his car has been-damag6a anit *us n.i.iru.v-to get it re-paired iust from.driving on Carolan AvenuE. He stated that Carolai Avenue-ispresently a safety hazard. He also complained abo-qt the temporu.y trench cappingand how fgugh and uneven'it is._.He-requested staff make a.Lpo.t on this projectand submit to the Commission. The City Engineer-wifi-prepurl-ii'lr ..po.i.'- ---' Cornm. Ho]lman complained about the signal 'located at Cal ifornia Drive and OakGrove.Avenue (railroad crossing) and fiow motorists are havirg io wait just undertwo minutes for the green.light. ntso, that he had receiveJ"five other compiiintsregarding this. signa'l and having to wait so long to cross at this intersection.He requested that staff bring a-ful1 report to ltre ruovember r..6ng..garding il,,i,signal. NEI^I BUSINESS. INFORMATION ITEMS 7.L.I Council and other Commission Minutes. 7.L.2 Correspondence. ADJ0URNMENT: B:40 p. M. 5 6 7 8