HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1985.09.12'TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMM]SSION l. CALL T0 ORDER - 7:30 P. M. MINUTES SEPTEMBER 12, 1985 Visitors: ROLL CALL. PLEDGE 0F ALLEGIANCE - Ross Hollman (son of Comm. Hol lman) CURRENT BUSINESS. 4.L Action I tems . Pres ent : 4.1 2 ? 4 Tony Tayl or 1406 Burl ingame Avenue Gi l bert Rodli, Jr. 3007 Hillside Drive Ann Parsons/Mary L, Smi th 1202 Bdwy. "DolI Hou se " Cornm. Lehrfel d, Ellis, Ho1 lman, Johnson, Abrahamson.1 Approval of Minutes of August 8, 1985. Aporoved as corrected (4,2.1.) 4,2 Discussion. 4.2.L 1400 Rollins Road Parking - Vehicles Exiting Parking Lot - Unab'le to see 0ncoming Northbound Vehicles. Staff: T. Moore, Sgt. Haseleu, M. Gi I breath, Sec. Absent: Comm. Sul ger (vac.), Foi ey Staff reported there is a very low accident profi le in this areadrivers being very cautious when driving out of driveways. This cause of the heavy traffic flow on Rol'l ins Road. due tois be- l''loti on lia s cul vert (br servi ng the proaching a enteri ng th thus avoi di maCe and carried (Hollman/Abrahamson) that the curb on the boxidge) be painted red. This should provide better vision in ob- oncorning northbound traffic. Also will a1 low vehicles ap-t higher soeeds to be observed in time to al'low a vehicle e traffic stream from the parking lot to stop if necessary, ng an acc i de nt. The Commission agreed unanimously. Staff to send letter to Hammett & Edision'in reply to their 7/30/85'letter informing them of the Commission,s decision. 5 6 INACTIVE ITEMS. NEl^l BUS]NESS. i.16 El Camino/Ray Drive Intersection - Complaint on Signals. Traffic Engr. Moore.reported to the commission that the state Highway Departmentis currently prepar_ing a project for construction which would im[rovir s.iinaidisplays and install pedestrian signals like the instalIat.ion at'Lincoln-andEl Camino Real a few years ago. It was agreed by the Commission that this improvement of this siqnal wili takecare-of the curent problems and that no further action would be-necessary.Staff to write a reply letter to recent complaint received regarding trafiicproblems at Ray Drive and El Camino Real . 2 TSP MINUTES - Cont'd. 6.1 .2 Laguna Avenue North of Broadway - Request to be made One-Way. To make Laguna Avenue one-way could improve the traffic flow on Broadway, create more parking spaces. Requests received to make the al1eys off Laguna Avenue oneway, would prevent vehicles making turns into the a'l 1ey only to back out into the street and travel back to Broadway. It was decided by the Conrmission to defer this item until the 0ctober meeting and to notify all residents and merchants in the vicinity of Laguna Avenue north of Broadway of the proposed one-way for Laguna Avenue. Traffic Engineer Moore will have, notifications hand carried to this area. This item will be on the agenda for October meeting under Discussion. .3 Abuse of Free 0ne-Hour Parking - Chapin and Primrose Road. The Conrnission decided in lieu of reviewing parking changes for just one area, they would review parking in both the Burlingame Avenue and Broadway areas to update the parking study done years ago. It could take several months forthis review to be completed. Comm. Hollman will commence the research for these areas, 6.1 Staff to reply to l.lalter Kentzler's letter dated September 11, 1985 regardingthe parking on Chapin Avenue, Mr. Tony Taylor attended Commission meetin He reported that the Chamber of Commerce a meters be reduced from 25d per hour to 5d The Chamber of Commerce stiil stands by th 6.1.5 Burlway - Parking Restrictions. 4 El Camino Real and Chapin Avenue Parkino - St. Paul's Eoiscooad corres. to tenants of apt. bldg.across fiom prkng.lot of'ChurCh The Commission asked staff to observe this area and bring backfor the October meeting, Will be on the Agenda for October un on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce, ed originally that the one-hour 100 per hour or be made "FREE."r request, I Church., i nformi ng of extensio i nformat i on der Discussion. tter. Mot ion e City Pl anner. he City Pl annerr questions, the g sk or ei (t?11 Coffect *Staff w senof red zone. Commission discussed letter received from Wm. B. Nesbitt, Fort Lauderdale,Florida (letter was addressed to Margaret Monroe, City Planner and she for- warded to the TSP Commission for review.) The Commission was in doubt as to exactly the intent of thi was made and carried (Ellis/Hollman) to return the letter tStaff was requested to return the letter along with a memo informing of Commission's decision and if there v.,ere commen Commission wil'l be happy to review them with Planning. s Ieothtot ts o 7. INFORMATION ITEMS. 7.1.1 CounciI and other Commission 14inutes. 7 .1.2 Correspondence. Chairman Lehrfe'ld discussed Mike Harvey's proposed auto retail use of the Bekins ^ !yttatns located at-1070 Broadway. Commission made motion and camied (Hol lman/Ellis) due to insufficient time, information and direction, they had no'ComrJnt'sto make. 8. ADJOURNMENT. 9:OO o. m.