HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1985.04.17TRAFFIC, SAFETY & PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 17, 1985 1 2 ? 4 CALL T0 0RDER - 8:00 P. M. ROLL CALL. PLEDGE 0F ALLEGIANCE. Comm. CURRENT BUSINESS. 4.1 Action I tems . 1.1 4.2 Discussion. 1.2 t ), Johnson Present: Comm. Lehrfeld, E1 1is, Abrahamson, Johnson, Su I ger Absent: Staff Present: Comm. Fo1ey, Hol lman Moore, G il breath,0fficer Cut ler 4 Approval of Minutes of March 14, 1995 Comm. El I i s/Johnson disagreed Visitors: with information transmitted for4.2.5 Extension of Red Zone - Rollins/Ingold. This to be discussed with Sgt. Haseleu at the May meeting, 0therwiie, Minutes were approved as submitted. Ed Co1ombano,1222 Oak Grov t R. W. Booth,72B Farri ngdon Bud Costel lo, i011 Calif.Dr 1 Stop Sign at Intersection of Ansel Di rection.Road/0ak Grove Avenue Easterl y Commission discussed how pu Extra enforcement has helpe motioned and seconded (Su'l g conti nued ; motion carrjed-Traffic Engi neer Moore will deci s ion. Extension of Red Zone - RoIins/Ingord. (this item to be discussed .1!-!hg, Mul meeting with Sgt. Haset6u stnce iwo commissioneri-jiiig.."awlth_the information as transm.itted.) previously submitted at i[6 --- Apri l meeting as fojIows: comm. Hollman inspected this area. After much discussion it wasdecided to remove one car t"nltt-ot th;-R.;-;;r; at northerly sectionof the existjno northerly Red-Zone unJ-uJOing-one car iength of RedZone at the moit southeri,y end of the exiiiiig";oril,r.r1y Red Zone.r'lotion carried and second6d (Hoitm;;lJ;;;;;;.'j "i,lotion approved un_an i mou s 1y. ng a Stop sign here could create probiems.o slow down the speeds. It was Johnson) that enforcement be approved u nan i mou s 1y.ite a letter informing of Commission,s ttidt et/ and wr 5. INACTIVE ]IEI'IS. 2 6. NEW BUSINESS. 6. i.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.4 Request for Green Zone - Newlands Apartments, 1500 Newlands Avenue. Traffic Engineer Moore informed the Comnission that the Green Zone had already been installed. Request for Loading Zone 1175 Chula Vista Avenue. Commissioner Sulger will inspect this location and bring in- formation to the Hay meeting. Request for "No Parking" l,4arking Curb - Rollins Road at Dwight- Trenton. Commissioner Sulger will look at this location and bring in- formation to the May meeting. Request for Green Zones - 1000 BIock Cal ifornia Drive. 7 8 INFIRMATION ]TEl\IS. 7.1.1 Council and other Commission Minutes. 7.1.2 Correspondence, ADJOURNMENT. B:45 p. m. Comm'iss.ioner Sulger made an inspection of this location. Commission defemed this item until the May meeting. Will be on the Agenda for discussion. Traffic Engineer Moore wilI notify the Boutique & VilIager, Joe Harvey of W. 0. Nicolaides & Son, Inc. and the Broadway Locksmith of 101i Cal ifornia Drive. (Agenda will be mailed to each.)