HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1985.02.14TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION I{INUTES FEBRUARY 14, 1985 1. CALL T0 ORDER - 8:00 P. M. 2. ROLL CALL. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Comm. FoIey 4. CURRENT BUSINESS. 4.1 Action I tems. 4.1.1 Approval of Minutes of January 10, Approved as submi tted. 1985. Absent: Staff Present: Staff Absent: Vi si tors: M. Ch ima 4,1.2 Hillside Drive/Cabrillo and Cortez - Hazardous Traffic Conditions, The Commission noted the sewer work that is going on in thisarea presently. After this work has been compleied which will bearound the first_of June_ 19g5, then the Commission will post signsif there is still a problem with the traffic. 4.2 Discussion. 4.2.1 Proposed parking Time Limit Changes - Chapin Avenue. It was moved. and seconded (Foley/Johnson) to deny proposed parking changes on Chapi n Avenue. 4,2.2 1209 Howard Avenue - Request to Change yellow Loading Zone. After Commission discussion, it was decjded that a loadinq zone isneeded in this area. Motion was moved and seconded to deiy this re-quest. Traffic Engineer Moore will send correspondence to RealProperty Sal es, Toni Bruciati. INACTIVE ITEMS. 5.1.1 School Crossjng Safety paddles/Sjgns. Tom l'loore wirr send co*espondence to schoor reminding them to putsigns out regardless of thb weather. Signs weie not iri ort Ari.ingrecent rain. The school is responsible ior putting oui silns each-school day. 5.L-2 Trial Parking Limit changes - Magnol ia Avenue. l,liI be on theMarch Agenda under Discuision. Comm, El l is Moore, G i I breath, Sgt. Hasel eu Samantha Darl ing Crocker Ban k Robert Booth Farringdon Ln. 5. 2 TSP MINUTES Cont'd. 6. NEt^l BUSINESS. 6.1.1 6.L.2 Request Speed Bumps - McDonald Way. Staff comments: Speed bumps can be dangerousi not needed in this area since McDonald t^lay is only one block 1ong. It was moved and seconded (Sulger/Hol lman) to deny this request'- . iom Moore will send correspondence informing residents of McDonald Way of Commission's decisibn. Sgt. Haseleu wilI look at this area regarding enforcement. 1100 Howard Avenue - Yosizono Enterprises - Green Zone. It was moved and seconded (Johnson/Hollman) to defer until the March meeting. t,JilI be on the Agenda for discussion. The Commission wilI look at the area and bring back information for the meet i ng . 3 Arata Motors - Cal ifornia Drive/Howard Avenue - Request fo Meters. Cornmissioner Abrahamson will look at this area an information to the March meeting. l'lill be on the Agenda f cussion. 6.1 r Parki ng d bring or dis- 6.1.4 Request for "Free" Meters - 218 Cai ifornia Drive' Commissioner Foley will look at this area and bring back information for the March meeiing. l^Jill be on the Agenda for discussion' 6.1.5 Extension of Red Zone - Rollins/lngold. commission deferred this to the March meeting. comm. Hollman will 'look at the area and bring back information for meet'ing in March' Will be on the Agenda for discussion. 7, INFORMATION ITEMS. 7.1,L Council and other Commission Minutes. A decision to be made whether the TSP Commission wi'l I meet on April 11, 1985 because of conflict of time with meeting of "ipecial Committee on Parking Structures" at 7:30 p' m', April 11, 1985. 7,1.2 Co rre s Ponde nce. 8. ADJ0URNMENT: 9:30 P. m.