HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1986.12.11TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PAITKING COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 11, 19 86 t 2 CALL TO ORDER - ?:3O p Chairman Johnson. m. by PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FtAG. Cotnn . Auran ROLL CALL. CURRENT BUSINESS. Comm. Present : Johnson Auran, Sulger, Hol.lnan,Simonetti, Lehrfeld. Conm. Absent r Fo ley . Staff Present;Del laway,Sgt, Ilaseleu, Gi lbreath Visi tors : 3 4 4,1 Act ion 4.1.1 4.1.2 I tems . Approval of Minutes for Novenber 13, 1986. Comm. SuIger/Lehrf eld motioned and seconded approval ofMinutes. Unanimously approved by Comniss ion.Adeline Drive Speedlng. Review Staff Report and recommend correct iveaction to Council.Traffic Engineer Dellaway gave a pre- sentation of the "Traf f ic Concerns Along Ade I i.ne Dr ive - F ina lReportl he prepared, which also incLudedinformation he received f rom Sgt. Hasel.eu, tothe Conrnission andvisitors as l istedabove. His presentation covered traffic volume Tony Taylor, 2205 Burl.ingane Av. Joe Harvgy 2205 Adeline D!..Karen & Mark Thonaa l4 99 Colunbus Av.Claire & Ernest Meler 15O 2 lloover Av. Helen Howard 2225 Adeline Dr. Becky & Steve Wedi 2 217 Adeline Dr.Linda, Sarah, Terry Fibich 2339 AdeJ.ine Dr. John & Rosemarie Traccoe 1511 Copl.urnbus Av. Mike A Sandy Bronicardl 2200 Adeline Dr. Linda Abbey 2 415 Adeline Dr. Dorothy Shepherd 19o0 Adellne Dr. James & Barbara Arena 154O Hoover and traffic tickets issued, traffic accidents sumnary 5-year period and recommendat lons , He believes that continuedmonitoring and enforcement by the Burlingame police Department would bethe most effective means of controll ing lhe speeds in ihis area. The--establ ished speed limit is 25 mph. Recent spbt speed record.i;gs und-analysis of the characteristics of the streei, confirm tfrat tne-speealimit of 25 mph should be retained. Cabrillo Avenue presently has yel low painted school crossings on allfoun legs of the intersection. Approaches of Adel ine to CaSrilloshould be posted with ,,School Crossing', signs and ye1 low painted "School Xing Ahead" road markings. Similai s.igns ind .oai ma.[ingsshould also be insta'l 'led on the approaches to Salboa where there iieexisting ye1 1ow painted crossings. A location where four-way stop - signs should be considered, is at the intersection of Adelini and'HooveThis intersection is on a curved part of the roadway, an add.itionalentrance to Mercy High School r^rith pickup and drop off of students. TSP Mi nutes - Cont'd. 4.1.2 . -Cont'd. 2 Because of parked vehicles along Adel ine Drive, veh downhil l have to cross the center'l ine. The stripin Iocated approximately 3' northwards towards Mercy H between Alvarado and Hoover. This means the postin signs along the north side of Adel ine from Alvarado icles trave l ing g should b igh Schoolgof"NoP e re- side arki ng" to Hoover. Other recommendations included the posting of 25 mph speed Iimit signs and radar enforcement signs at seven locations along Adel ine Dri ve. The Commission commended the Traffic Engineer on his very fine report and the excellent job he did in reporting. Commissioner Auran wanted some additional markings on Adel ine in the downhill area. Markings to read "STOP AHEAD." The Commission approvedof this extra measure. Staff recommendations were approved by the Commission and will bepresented to the City Council for their consideration and action. ( Terry Fibish, representing residents of Adeline Drive speeding, thankedStaff and the Commission for their efforts and time spent on this pro-ject but also stated that he was not satisfied with what is being done and that there must be other measures that can be taken to prevent the speeding in the future. 4.2 Discussion Items. 4.2.7 Yellow Zone - Donnelly/Lorton Av., - For Review. Comnission approved Comm, Hollman,s request to defer this item until January meeti ng . 4.2,2 0vernight Parking on City Streets. Report on Council Action. This was approved by the City Council at their November 19, 19g6 Study Session. City fines were increased from $7 to 910. 4.2,3 Handicapped Parking Request - 324 Lexington Way. Comm. Lehrfeld visited the resident of this address prior to the December 11 meeting and presented his ovservations to the Commission. The Comission discussed the resident's concerns and it was determinedthere are alternative means of gaining access to a vehicle parked infront of the house or in the driveway. The Comm.ission (Simonetti/ Lehrfeld) moved and seconded to deny- th.is request. Denial of request was unanimously approved by the Commission. Traffic Engineer willwrite letter to resident informing her of Cornmission,s denial . 4.2.4 Handicapped Parking Request - 1410 Capuchino Avenue. Corrnissioner Auran visited resident of this address prior to the December meeting. He brought information to the meeting regarding - \ this request. Even though this resident uses a walker,-theie is easy access for a car to get in and out of the driveway. She only leaves- the premises twice per month. After discussion the Cormission moved TSP Minutes - Cont'd. 6 3 \-, 4 .2 .4 Cont ' d. and seconded (Auran/Hollman) to deny this request; unanimously ap- proved by Commiss'ion. Traff ic Engineer wll I write letterinforming resident of denial. INACTIVE ITEMS. 5.1 Rollins Road Adjacent to Peninsula Sports Center - Street "SLOhl SIGNAL AHEAD" - Review upon Repaving (City Project No. 248C). NEW BUSINESS. 6. 1.1 Corres. None 6.1.2 Oak Grove - Red Curb - (tfris was not on Agenda due to lack of informat'ionsince Sgt. Haseleu was on vac.) Sgt.Haseleu stated to the Commission thatthis red curb could be removed and work order will be issued to have th.iswork done. Work to be done .in December. INFORMATION ITEMS. 7 .7.1 Staff Reports. None 7.L,2 Council and other Comm. Minutes. None 7.1.3 Commission Comments Intersection at Lorton/Howard Avenue - Signalization. Comm. Auran requested T10 Reports for the past five years. Traffic Eng.ineerwill bring this information tg the January'19g7 meeting. Chairman Johnson expressed thanks on behalf of the Commission and Staff to Sgt.Haseleu for his outstand-ing and dedicated service to the Traffic, Safety and"Parking Commission for the-past two years and noted that he will-be misied UV alt. Meeting adjourned at 9:55 p. m. 5 7 8 \,, \-.