HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1986.10.09TRAFFIC, SAFEIY AI{D PARTING @IilISSION UIM'TES ocToBER 9, 1986 (Tapes of thls neeting are available ia the Engineerlag Departneot) 1. CALL TO ORDER. - 7:30 P.M,-Vis itors: (see att. list) ROLL CALL.Com. Present: 2 3 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Ross Hollnan, Soa of C. Hollman Fol cy Hol lman Johnsoo Lehrfeld S inoflet t i 4 CURRENT BUSINESS. Com. Staf f Present: Absent: Aurafl Del laway 4.1 Action Itens Sulger Sgt. Haseleu Staff Absent: 4.1.1 Approval of Minutes Gilbreath Sept 11 Eeetiflg. Com. Holloan requested that the Einutes be addressed at a later poiflt on the Agenda. 4.2.2 Adel ine Drive Speeding Petition This iten ras noved to the top of the discussion agenda to accomodate large ounber of interested guests (S[l3). Ur. Terry Fibich, circulator of the subj ect petitiofl, spoke with regard to the reasons for the petition, the concerns of both Adel ine residents and residents of the area. He subnitted a copy of an accident record prepared by the residents of thc area, sone of which have hatl police department docunentation and some of which have oot, In addition to lIr. Fibich's presentation nany of the residents gere anxious to relate their own experiences, concerns and frustrations. Those concerns and observations nost reiterated were: speediag; traffic voluroe; evening activitles at The Sisters of Mercy Carpus; weekend activities at Mercy; peroitted drinking at the various functions held at Mercy and the se[i-iopaired condition some participants leave the functions; retreats at Mercy; closing of the lower gates of Mercy so that some parents stop io the niddle of Hoover and Adel ine Streets to drop off their chi ldrer for school; increased truck deliveries to Mercy and incrcased surveillaflce on Hillside Drive has forced sone drivers to Adeline. Speakcrs in all instances noted this is not linited to specific tlne Periods, it occurs at all hours. Also noted by a nunber of speakers sas the fact that except for the stop sigIl at Bernal and Adeline there are no visible regulatory signs posted (speed linit, school zone or children at play). 4.2 Discussiofl Itesls. TSP Commission Meeting of 0ctober 9, 1986 Fol Iowing visitors attended: Terry and Linda Fibich, 2339 Adeline Drive Mrs. J. Stoltz, 2229 El izabeth Wedi 2217 Joseph Harvey 2205 Bob and Karen l'lead 2419 Ed and Virginia Fickeisen 2505 Janice & Phyl 1is Sonntag 2601 Mr. and l,4rs. J. Sonntag Mr. and Mrs. Gozendi 1491 Catherine Boaz 2L23 Ernest Meier 1502 Hoover Mr. and Mrs. Pau'l Collins 2335 Adeline Dr. Mike and Linda Abby, 2415 Adeline Dr. Jack and Betty Nugent, 2525 rr rr II ll ll I I I ll I rl I I Page Tso TSP Minutes L0/9/86 4.2.2 Adel ine Drive Speeding Petition Contd. Sgt. Haseleu, said he was quite asare of the speeding probleo on Adel ine Drive. He reported that since the recelpt of the subj ect petition his department had stepped up survei llance on Adeline and as a result had issued approxiaately 25 speeding citations in a two week period. He was unaware that the problem sas, as residents explained, round-the-clock and not linited to school hours. He stated that the stepped up nooitoring would continue. Traffic Engineer, Keith Del laway said that he would check the signage on Adeline Drive and would also undertake an engineering survey along Adel ine Drive and hopefulty have the results for the Novenber TSP l{eeting. C. Hol loan suggested that because of the changed use of The Sisters of Mercy caupus perhaps the Platming Comission should be involved. C. Foley suggested that because of the apparent scope of the problen the Comission will not necessarily have a recomendat i on at the next neeting. He also reoarked grass roots solutions are generally the best solutions and suggested perhaps a ne i ghborhood comittee could be formed to Eeet with the appropriate people at The Sisters of Mercy to discuss the problens and concerns of the area residents. C. Johnson agreed with C, Foley re having a recomendation at the Novenber TSP neeting. She also reconnended that perhaps rather than looking at just stop signs for Adeline Drive that perhaps other alternatives should be discussed by the residents of the area. She also requested that traffic voltroe counts, 5 year CARES Reports, a speed survey and warrants for stop signs are oet according to the Traffic Manageuent Plan for Burl ingane for the area Adeline Drive/Alvarado to Vancouver. She also sould like to have a recomeodat ion froo Staff. This item will appear on the November TSP agenda as an Action Iteo with the possibility that oo action will be taken. Recess overnight Parking/City Streets - K' Aron Dr. & Mrs. Aron both spoke to the overflight parking congestion on Shernan Avenue, a problero created by the lack of available parking at thc nearby apartoent houses on E1 Canino Real. 4.2,L C. Johnson ca11ed for a recess Page Three TSP Minutes 70/9/86 4.2.t Overnight Parking/Ci ty Streets Contd. Sgt. Haseleu confiroed that vehicles parked overnight on SherDan Avenue do not belong to the residents of Shernan. He noted that citations are general ly issued on a randon basis unless a residcnt complains. Shernan has beeo ticketed 15-18 times in the last 50 days. The oajority of the parked cars do not have permits but nany do have legitinate overnight parking permits. C. Hol lman comented that one of the primary reasons he sought to be on this particular comission was his concern of the overnight parking in his strictly residential neighborhood. He comented that Dr. Aron's letter regarding overnight parking sas coincidental with a request to C. Lehrfeld fron Mayor Mangini that the Comission lookinto the probleo of overnight parking on the City streets. To that end, at the Septeober TSP Meeting, adopting C. Lehrfeld's coEaents and thc coments of C. Auran and C, SiEonetti, the Comission voted to bring this oatter before Council rith the following action steps: 1. The Police Dept. be mandated to investigate each pernit request and only issue a permit based upon need. Not only in cases of new pcrmits but also reneral pernits. 2. That the Council consider changing the Municipal Code to provide for overnight parking fines of $25. 3. Slhi ch was not included in the letter nor is it reflected in the Mioutes, but clearly was discussed and that ls, the hirlngof surrogates to be deputized for the purpose of irplementing that enfosceoent, such as the college students rho painted yel1ow zones during the sumer. The question of course arises as to where that Eoney would coroe froo and perhaps in ltsinfinite sisdom, the Council sill raise the fine and ce could possibly appropriate a portion of that fine for deputizing so that se get this circle of enforceoent. Because I understood the procedure for staff to write the letter and subnit it to Ee as the Actin8 Chairperson for review, I found theletter to be so very deficient of the points discussed that I thought that I would prefer to cone back before the Comnission to Dake sure Messrs. Lehrfeld and Simonetti, who rere here at the last Beetlog, that the tenor of the points discussed are appropriate and that I aro correct ia recounting theo before such a l.etter be rritteo and because they are not accurately refLected in the Minutes Mr, Lehrfeld perhaps I night ask you first, are the lssues of (1) the Police Dept. investigation and pernits to be issued; (2) increased fine (3) use of deputized personnel for enforceoeot are the thrce prioary areas we discussed aod (4) the use of public parking lots for parking are areas that wc suggested go to Council? Page Four TSP Minutes 10/9/86 c c Lehrfeld - Very definitely. Sinonetti - Yes. C. Hollnao statcd that he would redraft the letter and send a copy to Counci 1 and that it night be appropriate to notify Dr. Aron when this item is cons idered by Council as well as thc TSP Comrnissioners. C. Foley - It is very irportaot that if you tell people that they can't park on the street, you tel1 then where they can park because they have a car to park. At the top of Trousdale there are apartments and to believe that there is only one car per u[it is unrealistic in this day and age. Whilc the cars are being tagged aflyer can be attached with an alternative parkiog area thereby educating as well as penal izing them. C. Johnson - The discussion of overnight parking was on the Septenber Agenda as Discussion lten. However, since action was taken at that time I suggest that it be placed on the November agenda as an Inactive ItcE. C. Lehrfcld - Requested correction of the Minutes of Sept. TSP trleet ing. C. Hollman -I Will not approve as presented. The Minutes do not accurately reflect the coeplete items discussed at the Comnission Meeting and to that extent I would hope they would not prematurely go to counci 1 and if they have been distributed to Cou[cil, I rould hope that the corrected minutes woutd be distributed to Council. First, the discussion with respect to the yellow zone at the corner of Burl ingaoe Av. and California Dr. opposite Nathan's Res taurant, there was substantial discussion concerning that ye11ow zone. I made a report rith respect to the fact that I had visited Nathan to ascertain his needs. I had suggested the aoveoent of the yellow zone. Upon the advice of the City Engr., it sas recomended that the yellow zone not be moved, It was observed that other busioesses iIr the area, although a proposal had been oade by Staff at the Augus t Eeeting, use that particular yel.low zone. After discussion, the Commission decidcd not to remove the yellow zone. With respect to the itco of overnight parking on City streets, the Minutes are totally remiss in the fact that they failed to give any rcflection to C. Lehrfeld on his suggestion of using City lots for overnight parking and they failed to make any reference to the factof the use of surrogates for the purpose of enforcenent. Finatly, there is an entire section froE the draft section of the l[inutes, ltem 6.1.2 that is totally oBitted fron the copies distributed to the Coon. and that sirply relates to the iteo that occupied so much of Page Five TSP Minutes LO/9/85 our tine tonight, "the issue of spceding on Adel ine Drive." It ras discussed that the aatter would be on the October Agenda under Discussion Itens, Como, Auran pas to Eake an on-site study and Staff cas to notify Mr. Terry Fibich by nailing copies of the Agenda and none of that ls reflected in the lfioutes. The Minutes are a functional disgrace, There was further discussion by the Comission relative to having a quoflrn in the future. At the tine of the Sept. oeeting, Mr. Foley had oot been appointed. It was noted that Com. Lehrfeld/Johnsoa would be retiriog in November and as such, Com, directed that I trrite aletter to the Mayor, that is also missing from the Uinutes. Having said that, I did write such a letter to the llayor but I did not sendIt wheo I learned that C. Foley was appointed. However, a portion of the letter is stil1 geroane and that is, tn Noveober the terE of three &enbers rill expire - Judy Johnson, Harry Lehrfcld and EroieSulger. Ilith the appointment to be oade now, the requisite number requires that all nembers be present just in order to obtair aquoruo. In order to avoid a predicament rhereby one menber night be absent over the holidays because of illness or otherwise, the Councilis respectfully requested to extend the teros Com. Johnson, Lehrfeld and Sulger and further requested (unable to understand rest of tape) In the future, when rhoever the Chairperson is is e:<pected to review the Minutes would Staff kindly advise that pefson that that is their duty. C, Johnson - Can re have a notion that the Minutes be approved as corrected? C. Hol lnan - No, I think that Staff ought to cone back with the revised Minutes at the November Meeting. If staff rrould like to cofipare Minutes, Mr. Erbacher was at the Septenber Meetlng and I would be happy to look at the correctness and corpleteness of the I{inutes. 4.2.3 Yellow Zone - Donnelly/Lorton Avenue. C. Hollnan rcquested that this appear on the Novenber agenda as a discussion iten. 4.2.4 Rollins Road/Easton Creek Culvert Red Curb. Slnce there have been no corplaints during the past year Staff was directed to write a letter to Mr. Randlck of the Lloyd It. Aubrey Company of the Connission's decision to let the red curb stand. 5. INACTIVE ITEMS. 1 Rollins Road Adj acent to Peninsula Sports Center Strcet Sign "S[OW SIGNAL AHEAD" - Review upon repaving. 5 6 7 NEt{ BUSINESS. 6.1 Correspondence, - None INFORMATION ITEIr{S. None ADJoURNMENT - 10 : 15 p.m. Page Six TSP Minutes 10/9/86