HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1986. 4.1.4 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 10, 1986 2 3 4 1. CALL T0 0RDER - 7:30 P. M. ROLL CALL. PLEDGE 0F ALLEGIANCE - Comm. Auran CURRENT BUSINESS. 4.1 Action Items. 4.1 4.L Vi s itors: Tony Taylor Cha i rman, Parking Conrm. Bur'l ingame Ave. Merchants , Associ ation I Approval of Minutes of March 13, 1986 as corrected. 2 Request for Increase in Number of 10-Hour Parking Meters in Lot "C" and Con- version of 4-Hour to l0-Hour l4eters inLot "Di' . Abrahamson. Auran. Hol lman. Joh n son. Lehrfeld. Si monetti ul ger F. C. Erbacher Sgt. Hasel eu, M. Gilbreath Comm. Present : Staff Pre sent : M.C T.F S. N J. A H. M A. J E. S Staff reviewed lot utilizationIimit logic. Sgt. Haseleu notethe lunch period being the exce'in Lot "6, " however, Lot ,,D,, wa i icense plate checks on the Ion anddt ptisf g-t existi ng time hat at most times during the day, on, empty parking spaces could be foundilled at all times. He also noted that erm parking stalls in indicated me cars on a daily basis. After CommissionIots, Commissioner Simonetti moved, secondedquest be approved for Lot "C" (nine stallsfor Lot "D." Motion passed unanimously. they were bei n d i scussion reg by Commi ssione i nvol ved ) and I nadvertent l Agenda as a Auran to movAfter l ength regardi ng TSletter was i ti lized by the sa ing both parki ng ul ger that the re deny the request gu ardrS to lgguest for Conversion of Parking Meters - primrose and Donnelly to20-Minute Meters. This.item was on the Agenda as a Discussion Item (4.2.1.) comm. Abrahamsonmoved, seconded by Comm. Auran to move this item to an Action ttem (+.i.i.i Motion passed unanimously. After discuss.ion regarding availability'ofparking in Lot "c" and comrnission's desire not io und6rmine the cuirentdowntown on-street parking. po'l icy. conrm. Hoilman moved, ieconded uy-Comm.Lehrfeld tha! !!e request be denied. Motion passed 5 yes, Conrn. Sulgerl'lo, simonetti Abstained. Letter to be written to Mr. Mosliovitz, BuriingameBancorp, regarding denial of request. Lack of Long-Term Parking Lorton/Donnelly Avenue Area and Erratic Timingof Meters Lot " D1' yt Disetyd PC ncl his item was d cussion Item ( his item to an'iscussion, sta ornmission's recommendation for Lot ,,C,, and advise t uded in the TSP transmittal to Council. ropped.from the Agenda. It was place4.2.2.) Comm. Hollnran moved, secondeAction Item (4.1.4.) Motion passedff was directed to write a letter to d d u [1 h on the by Comm. nan imous 1y.s. Lovingerat her 2TSP I',IINUTES - CONT'D. 4.2 Di scussion I tems . 4.2.L Request for Red Curb - 945 California Drive - SamTrans. Staff and Commission discussed at length alternatives to this re-quest. One alternative discussed included moving the current Bus Stop on Cal ifornia Drive at Sanchez a Iittle further south to allow a window for cars exiting the SamTrans' parking lot clear visiion of oncoming s red curb f be possi bl pl aced. S outhbound cars and thereby e1 iminating the need to installor the same reason. There is a possibility that this may not e due to trees being located where the new Bus Stop would begt. Haseleu is to inspect the, area and discuss alternativeswith Mr. de Vos, Safety 0fficer for SamTrans and make a report at the next meeting. Frank Erhacher, City Engineer, is to notify the businessesin the area that this request will be on the TSP Commission Agenda for Action at their May B, 1986 meeting. 5. INACTIVE ITEMS. 5.1 RolIins Road/Easton Creek Culvert Red Curb - Review 10/86. .2 Burlingame Avenue/Broadway Areas Study, Concurrent with Item 7.2. Comm. Hollman moved, seconded by Comm. Simonetti that this item be sturck from the Agenda; motion passed unanimously. 6. NEI,I BUSINESS. 6. 1 Correspondence. 6.1.1 Memo from Ralph E. Kirkup Regarding Outgoing TSP Correspondence. Mr. Kirkup's transmittal indicated his concern that the process oftrying to secure approvai for outgoing correspondence to citizens regarding the Connnission's actions "would be cumbersome and wouldfurther delay an a'l ready lengthy process. " Conm. Hol lman reported he had talked to past TSP Commissioners Foley and Ellis and both had told him that it was not a new practice for the Cornmission to write or review outgoing correspondence and they would be happy to explain the practice to the Commission at their next meeting. Comm. Johnson stated she was aware of the former practice because at the time of her appointment to the Commission, there was no secretary and the minutes were taken by Tom I'loore or the Traffic Sgt. at that time was Bruce Friedberg or the Chairman of the Commission, After the 1980 Downtown Parking Study was accomplished and presented to the Council, then Commissioner Foley requested permanent secretarial staff to be furnished and it was agreed to by the City Manager. This secretarial support eliminated the need to review or write 'letters. Review of Com- mission correspondence from that point on was done if the Chairman appeared in a timely manner at the City Hal1. it was not the written rule. After a )ong discussion it was agreed to by Staff, time perrnitting and the process was not too cumbersome, that Comm. Johnson would be contacted 5 TSP I'IINUTES - CONT.D. 6, 1.1 Cont'd. by phone. If she was unavai'l able, Conrm. Abrahamson would becalled. If he is unavailable Comm. Hollman would be called and the outgoing correspondence on behalf of the Commission would be read for rev i ew. Memo from Mr. Kirkup Regarding Handicapped Parking - April 2, 1986. This item to appear as a Discussion ltem on the May 8, 1986 Agenda. INF0RI"1ATI0N ITEMS. 7.1 Staff Reports, None 7.2 Councii Minutes. Memo to Council from TSP Commission regarding Down- town Parking Alternatives and Financing. Comm. Johnson reported that Council had acknowiedged receipt of TSp memo at their April 7, 1986 meeting. There was no support for TSp i nvolvement at this time. ADJOURNMENT. 9:02 P. 14. 3 6.L.2 7 8