HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1986.03.134.2 I 2 ? 4 CALL T0 0RDER - 7:30 P. M. ROLL CALL. PLEDGE 0F ALLEGIANCE - Comm. Abrahamson CURRENT BUSINESS. 4.1 Action Items. 4.1.i Approval of Minutes of February 12, 1986. Approved as corrected. 4.2 D i scussi on Items. +.L TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 13, 1986 Visitors: Comm. P resent: Tony Taylor, Cha i rman Chamber of Commerce Lenn i e Mos kov i tz 350 Primrose Rd. Joy of Printino (Joy Lovinger)- 1209 Donnelly Ave. #103 . Abrahamson. Auran. Joh n son. Lehrfei d. Hol lman. S imonetti ul ger Thos. E. Moore Sgt. Hasel eu M. Gi I breath, Sec. 1 Burl ing Study - Brief d Council ame Avenue/Broadway Areas Parking Subcommittee Comrn. Hol I man. i scuss ion regarding recent action in connection with Staff M.C T. F J. A H. M S. N A. J E. S downtown_ pa rk i ng needs. Motion by present: Comm. Hol lman, seconded by Comm. - Lehrfeld to table this item. l,lotion passed unanimously. 2 Request Fo Lot "C" anrD,,. rI dc ncrease Number of l0-Hour Parking Meters - onversion of -Hour Parking Meters - Lot Tony Tay1or,. Chairman, Parking Committee - Burlingame AvenueArea Merchants Association present. Staff and Coimission dis_cussed utilization of Lots i'C', and,D',. 0f a] I the City owneddowntown parking lots, Lot ,,C,, is the least uti lized. ilotionbI CgTm. Hollman, seconded Comm. Lehrfeld. Because of the numberof, this lVne ot request coming before the Corrunission, ChairmanJohnson to write a ietter to Council and request thai the Com_mission be included in their current study of downtown parkingneeds,(copy.of ltr. Tayior,s itr. to ne eni,foseJ.) -iiii, f,.tiiii'passed_unanimously. This item will be on the Apiil Agenda asan Action I tem. 5. INACTIVE ITEMS. 5.1 Easton creek culvert - Red curb Rollins Road. comm. Hollman inouiredif any of the commissioners had any comments wrttr iegira tt,"'i.ti..sent to Mr. Randick addressing commission,s action on h.is .eoueit. comm.Johnson expressed concern th;t the 'retter wai inaisiinci uni-iii'roi"riit.the reasons for the decision. She had the same concern with reoard to theIetter to the owner of the Doll place a few months ugo. Co;r.-il;iir;;;r-pressed concern that the letter was not explicit enoigh and thai ."sponi.sto citizens' concerns should be addressed more fu11y.- Uoiion UV C;;: - MINUTES - Cont'd. 1 Hollman, seconded Comm. Lehrfeld that all Ietters written on behalf of the Commission be submitted to the Chair/V. Chair for review prior to being mailed. A lengthy discussion followed and the motion passed by a majority vote; Cornrnissioners Sulger "No", Abrahamson "Abstained." 6. NEW BUSINESS. 6 . 1 Correspondence. 6.1 .1 Conversion of Parking Meters to 20-Minutes - Primrose Road and Donnel ly Avenue. Mr. Lennie Moskovitz, Business Development 0fficer, Burlingame Bank and Trust Company was present. Mr. Moskovitz stated that some of the problem had been al leviated with the installation of on-site park'ing spaces where the drive-up window had been. However, more short-term parking places, Iimited time parking, would be appreciated. Commissioners to inspect the area and this item will be on the April Agenda as a Discussion Item. Comm. Ho'l lman suggested that Mr. Moskovitz's letter be in- cluded with the letter going to Councii. .2 Request for Red Curb - SamTrans, 945 California Drive.6.1 A brief discussion regarding the need for on-street parking in the immediate area. Traffic Sgt. Haseleu mentioned that re- arrangement of the traffic flow entering and exiting the on- site parking lot to allow employee cars to enter the lot on California Drive and exjt onto Sanchez, might be an alternative solution. This item will be on the April Agenda as a Discussion 5 2 , SamTrans Discussion epresentative Item. Staff is to write a letter to Mr. Eddy de Safety Officer, letting him know this item will b Item at that time and request that SamTrans have present. Vos eaar 6.1 3 Parking/lvieter Complaints - 1209 Donnelly Avenue, Su. 103. Ms. Joy Lovinger, owner of Joy of Printing was present. Ms. Lovinger presented all of her complaints to the Cormission. She stated that she is new to the area and was not aware of the variety and extent of the parking issues and requests that came before the Commission. The Cornmission discussed alI of her con- cerns, they are as follows: alternative Iong-term parking lots, current maintenance and monitoring of parking meters, meter maid attitudes and parki ng permits. Comm. Hol lman suggested that Ms. Lovinger's letter be included with the letter going to Council. No other Commission action was taken. Ms. Lovinger stayed after the meeting and talked further with Traffic Sgt. Hasel eu. MiNUTES - Cont,d. 7. INFORMATION ITEMS. 7.1 Staff Reports - None 7.2 Council and other Commission Minutes - Traffic Sgt. Haseleu reported on the drirection Council is pursuing regarding downtown parking. B. ADJOURNMENT. B:45 P. 1"1. 3