HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1986.01.09TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 9, 1986 CALL T0 ORDER - 7:30 P. M. Visitors: ROLL CALL. PLEDGE 0F ALLEGIANCE - Ross Hol'lman (son of Comm. Hollman) 1 2 3 4 Bob i 131 Vo l 'lmer Laguna Ave. e & Ri ck Hage Juanita l,la rvu g l io and Gayl 1120 John ( 6 Susie Allen CURRENT BUSINESS. 1116 Juanita 4.1 Action ltems. Present: Al'l Commissioners 4.1.1 Aoproval of Minutes of November Staff P resent: T, Moore, Officer14, 1985. Approved as submitted. Cutier, M. Gilbreath 4.1.2 Election of Officers for 1986. Election held with no opposition for positions. Newly elected Officers are as fol I ows: Jud i th A. Johnson, Chairman Michael C. Abrahamson, Vice Chairman Stephen N. Ho ll man, Secretary 4.2 Discussion. INACTIVE ITEMS. NEl,l BUSINESS. None None 6 1 1 Laguna Avenue North of Broadway - 2nd Request for One-Way One B'lock North of Broadway by The Do1 I Place. At the October 10, 1985 meeting, the Commission voted to deny ment of this request for a one-way street. The Commissioners served the area during the previous month and had determiend t endor had o hat t b- here were no apparent operational or safety problems and staff concurred. However, making the street one-way could provide additional parking spaces and the Commission suggested that it b the Burl ingame/Broadway Parking Study. In at meeting were seven (7) residents of that area posed to the creation of a one-way street. Ato the owner of The Doll Place by Traffic Eng that more study will be done regarding making e addressed as a part of tendance at the November. AII but one was op-'letter is to be written ineer, Tom Moore, stat i ng Laguna Avenue one-way but ndorsement was uphel d byfor the present time, the original denial of e by the Commi ss i on. Yield Sign Southeast Corner - Cal ifornia Drive/Oak Grove Avenue. A "Yield" sign conforming to the State Highway Standard Practice was recommended by Staff. The recommendation was unanimously endorsed by the Commission (Cornm. El Iis/Abrahamson. ) 6.1-2 TSP MINUTES - Cont'd. 7.1 3 Juanita Avenue Parking Probiem Anthony School . Residents of this area stated that the parking pr the Anthony School has improved. However, they v the improvement might be shortl ived. Commission grassroots approach to the problem is usually the phone cal 1 to the school should be the first step begins to deteriorate. Commission also noted tha parked can be taken care of by a phone call to th Department. It should be noted that ali were in ited parking would not be a viable solution for t street. Five (5) residents of the area were in a 8. ADJOURNMENT, o o S 2 bl em created by iced concern that uggested that the best sol ution. Aif the s i tuation cars i 1l egal 1y Bu r1 ingame Po1 i ce greement that l im- e res i dents of the tendance. t e a h L The meeting was turned over to J She exoressed thanks on behalf o Johnson for adjournment at 8:20 p. m. he Commission to Commissioners Ellis andjcated service to the Traffic, Safety and hey will very much be missed. She also cated leadership as Chairman this past Foley Parki n thanke year. for gC dH their outstandi ng and omm iss ion and noted tha arry Lehrfeld for his d udyft dedtt edi