HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1987.12.10TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 10, 1987 CALL T0 ORDER - 7:30 o. m. by Chairman Auran. PLEDGE 0F ALLEGIANCE T0 THE FLAG. _ Comm. Hollman. ROLL CALL. 4. CURRENT BUSINESS. 4.1 Action i tems , 4.1.1 1 2 3 Visitors: No Vi si tors Comm. P resent:T. F. Auran,J. Evans, S. Hol Iman, E. 0'Donne lI ,D, Holt M. Koen i gs, McDonnel I Staff Present: Minutes.for November lZ, lgg7. Commissionapproved as submi tted. Trvo-Hour Parking on Bayview place (formerlyVictoria Stat i on. ) - Chairman Auran stated that the City does not havea poiicy regarding no parking on i"r'rlr-ii...i."-' T 4.1.? 4. 1.3 4.1.4 S T M gt. Eldridge,. K. Dei 1away,. Gi I breath .Due to this Iocation, the police Department cannot sendMeter ttaids to this iocation to ,i"[-ti".s-eilry two i,ours.After some discussion, tt wJs -movej''u,ii'r..onilir f co*.Hot lman/Evans) to derer tnti ttem-to*;;.-;;;;;;y meetinsunder Action Items when a owner or representative of thisrestaurant could be present and make i p..r"niition of theirparkins problems at th.is ro.itionl''1,r.'i;;;;;;i", voted four"Yes" votes and one ',No,, vote, Request Paintinq of Blue Strip on Curb Adjacent to Access Rampfor-Handicapped - st. eautis rpilci;;i iil;;,'"415 Et caminoReal (ramp is tocated on ocitJEniii'A;.;;;'!nir]n.. to parishHall, midway between cfrapin Avenue/a;ii;rr""Arlir..l Motion was made and seconded (Comm. Evans/0,Donnell ) that bluezone be painted. Unanimously app.or.a-nJ' inl-iomrlsstor. Traffic.Problems - Burlingame-Avenue at Intersections Anita l:i: .ro Arundet Road - Uie ot necreaiion"ri"pu.ir.nt,, parkins After. some discussion of_public parking here, Commissjon dec.idedthat because of the smalI size oi tfr. iol, ifieie coufa be some riskinvolved if the oubtic is_a.l iowed ir-pi"i'ii"itis parking Iot. t,iththe SamTrans, buses travel ing i, tfris"i..u,"ii"was moved and seconded(comm. Evans/Hollman) to request that a SamTrani representative bepresent at the January meeting-io-p;;r;r;l;i;;;r.gu"aini'rias.";;";;a 'irs .outes and the ,.rr,oiil?l i? :!i"::TT;:t#.routes. l^lill on the January Agenda under iqctjon Items. Comm . Absent: TSP MINUTES - Cont'd.2 4.2 Discussion I tems . 4.2.1 Status Report on Capital Improvements. Presented by Traffic Engineer De1 I awaY. Traffic Engineer Dellaway reported on the status of several Capital Improvement projects to the Corrnission. 4.2.2 Request for Yellow Zone - 1606/1610 Rollins Road - Time Limit for Thirty Minutes during Business Hours 8:00 A. M. - 6:00 P. M. Commi s He doe I oadi n He mov deferr were o I ocati NEl/ BUSINESS. None INFORMATION ITEMS. NONC FROM THE FLOOR. Commissioner Hollman made the following statement for the Minutes: "As a Commissioner for the past three years, I would like to express my concern and dismay regarding statements made at the December 7, 1987 City Council meeting regarding the four-way Stop signs at Adel ine and Balboa Avenue. sioner 0'Donnel 1 reported to Commission regarding loading zone. s not think loading zone is necessary here. Loading and un- g only takes a short time and there is sufficient parking space. ed to-deny this request; seconded by Comm' Hollman. Commission ed this item to the January meeting for Action ltem since there nly three "Yes" votes and two "N0" votes. Conrm. to look at this on before next meeti ng. I INACTIVE iTEI'4S, 5.1.1 Request for Stop Signs - Intersection Bayswater/Hjghland and Bayswater/ Lo rton Avenue (defemed unti l March 10, 1988. ) 5.1.2 Motorcycie Parking Spaces - Burl ingame/Broadway Area (deferred until March 10, 1988 meeti ng. ) 6 7 o This Commission and each member, thereof, has spent considerable time deliberating written documents and publ ic testimony in making a recommendation to the City Council, only to find it forcefully opposed at the City Council meeting by the Director of Fublic Works without prior notice being given to the Commission so that they would have an opportunity of being represented at the Council meeting." Chairman Auran made the following statement: ,,0ver the past year the Commission has made recommendations that resutled in twenty- one additibnal -parking spaces in the downtown area. This was done through diagonal parking and elimination of red and ye1 Iow zones. AIso eighteen long-term spaces were cianged to two-hour spaces. This means thirty-nine new parking spaces with little colt to the City. ihe Commission shouid be commended for a very productive year. " 9. ADJ0URNMENT: 9:00 p. m.