HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1987.11.12CALL TO ORDER - 7:3O p. PLEDGE OF ALTEGIANCE TO ROLL CALL. CURRENT BUSINESS. 4.1, Action Items. 4.1 m. by Chairman Auran. THE FLAG - Comm. OrDonnell. 1 Minutes for October Ias submitted. 1987. Commission approved 4.1 L1 2 Request for Motorcycle parking Space -1123 Burlingame Avenue. Traffic Engineer Del1away, gave a report to theCommission on wfrere the various locations $rerethat could be utilized for motorcycle parking spaces.There $rere six ( 6 ) of these spaces that coufd bemetered for motorcycle parking. His recommendationto the Commission was that these spaces could bemetered for a four-nonth trial basis. lhe Commission moved/second.ed ( Evans/McDonnell ) todeny the request for the motorcycle parking space atLL23 Burlingame Avenue due to safety reasonsi Com-mission agreed unanimously. Commission recommended that a survey be made forthree months before naking a decision to meter thesix spaces for motorcycle parking. In the meantime,this item will be put under the inactive Items untiiMarch L988 at which time it will be on the Agenda forrevj.ew of all survey data collected during thisthree-month period. Commissj-on agreed unanimously onthis recommendation. The police Department will con_duct the survey. 3 Request for Stop Signs Ba1boa Avenue - Intersection Adeline Drive/ Twe1ve residents attended this meeting, expressingtheir concerns regarding the traffic speeaing and thetraffic congestion on Balboa Avenue. when the E1Camino Reat is closed in certain blocks for repairs, 1. 2. 3. 4. TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND TBAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 12, 19A7 TSP Mi.nutes Contrd. 4.L.4 4.2 Discussion Items. 4.2.L 2 Traffic Engineer Dellaway gave a report to the commission on the four-way stop sign warrants forthis area; gave the history of accidents over past few years, and the results of a recent speed survey.Traffic Engineer recommended against four-way Stop signs at this intersection as the traffic volume and accidents did not meet the warrants established by the City. Commission moved and seconded ( O'Donnell/Evans ) to propose to Council that the four-way Stop signs be instalted at the corners of Balboa Avenue and Adeline Drive. The Commission discussed the fact that de- spite the warrants not calling for the Stop signs, this is the traffic route for children to Ray Park and Lincoln School and their safety warrants a four- way Stop sign. Commission voted six "yes"and one "no" votes. Ptace ( formerly VictoriaTwo-Hour Parking on Bayview Station. ) Request Painting of Blue Strip on Curb Adjacent to Access Ramp for Handicapped - St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 415 EI Camino Real (ramp is tocated on Occidentat Avenue entrance to Parish Hall, midway be- tween Chapi-n Avenue/Bellevue Avenue. ) Commissioner Evans looked at this location with Gilbert Rodli, Jr., Parish Administrator, and he re- commended to the Commission that approval be granted for this request. Will be on the Agenda under Action Items for December meeting. etc., Balboa Avenue is getting the commercial trucks, causing traffic congestion, also creating a dangerous conditj.on for pedestrians crossing streets in thisarea. Residents are requesting four-way Stop signsat the intersection of Balboa Avenue and Adeline Drive . After discussion of this request, the Commission decided they need more information of why there is no parking there now. This two-hour if granted. wouldprobably not be fuIly enforced by the Police Depart- ment. Information will be brought to the December meeting by the Commission and thej.r findings on this location. Will be on the Agenda under Action ltems. TS.P Minutes Cont ' d. 5. INACTIVE ITEMS. 5.1.1 Handicap Zones in City of Burlingame. 5.1 2 Traffic Problems - Burlingame AvenueAnita Road and Arundel Road. Use ofmentrs parking lot to be reviewed bynext Agenda under Action Items 3 at Intersections Recreation Depart-the Commission on 6. NEW BUSINESS. 6.1".1- Request for Stop Signs - Intersection Bays$raterlHj_ghland and B ayswater/Lorton Avenue . Commisslon deferred this item to the Inactive Items until March L988 because of construction work going on in thisarea, Cityrs Water Improvement project. It would not bepossible to get an accurate traffic count while thisproject is stiIl in progress. A letter wi]-l be maited topeople making thj"s request informing them of this delay and the reason for it. 6.1 2 Request for Green Zone - L6O6/76LOLimit for One-Hour During Businessp. m. Rollins Road Hours 8:00 a. Time m.- 6:00 7 6 9 Mr. Joseph Di Maio of this location was present at themeeting. He gave a report to the Commission on why a Green Zone is needed here for his busi-ness. Traffic Engj.neer Dellaway recommended a 3o-Mj-nute yellow Zone. Commissioner OrDonnell will look at this and bring backinformatlon for the December meetj.ng. WilI be on the Agenda under Discussion Items. INFORMATION ITEMS. None FROM THE FLOOR. ADJOURNMENT, 9.25 p m /1 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND TRAFFIC COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER L2, L9A7 VISITORS: Ms. Costa, Balboa Ave.Henery Frederika, Balboa Ave.Florence Rlbers, 1L41 Cortez Ave.Patricla Dulek, 1449 Ba1boa Ave.Donna Lema, 1457 Batboa Ave. Dane Ericksen, L21O Broadway, AlamedaJohn A. and Zita W. Escobosa, 1516 Adeline DriveThos. K. Prager, 1454 Balboa Ave.Liz Watson, 1"444 Balboa Ave.Dolores and Bijan E1ie, L44g Batboa Ave.Judy cranell-j-, L449 Balboa Ave.Jos. Di Maio, l-606lL6L0 Roltins Road COMM. PRESENT: Auran, Evans, HoIlman, McDonnelI, OrDonnelI, Koenigs COMM. ABSENT: Hott STAFF PRESENT: Sec. Sgt. Eldridge, Traffic Engr. DeItaway, Gilbreath, /