HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1987.10.08TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMI4ISSION M I NUTES OCTOBER E, L987 1. CALL T0 0RDER -,7:30 p. m. by Chairman Auran 2. PLEDGE 0F ALLEGIANCE T0 THE FLAG. Comm. Auran 3. ROLL CALL. 4. CURRENT BUSINESS. 4.L Act'ion Items . 4.1.1 Approva'l of Minutes for September 10, L9g7 Visitors: Donna Lema 1457 Balboa Av. Dave Ericksen 1210 Bdwy.,Alameda Comm. Present:Auran, Ho1t, Evans Hol lman, McDonnel I 0'Donnel'l , Koen'iqs Sgt.Eldridge, Trfc. Engr. Del I aura G'il breath , Sec. 4.1 .2 4.1.3 4.1.4 Commission approved as submitted. Comm. Absent: Request for Three ?4-trlinute Parking lteters - Corners of Primrose and Chapin Avenue. Staff present: The Traffic Engineer gave a summary of his survey of this area to the Commission. He statedthat there was a surp'lus of park'ing in the area and that the Yellow Zone was the only one in that areanorth of Burlingame Avenue. After some discussion by the commission of this survey, motion was made and seconded (comm. Evans/Hollman) to leave the irea as js. Chairman Auran requested the Traffic Engineer to send a letter w'ith acopy of the "Parking 0ccupancy Survey" at primrose and chapin, to Mr.i^lalter Kentzler, 'informing him of the Comm'ission's dec'isioh on this item.(Council/TSP Comm. to receive copies of this letter.) Request Load'ing Zone Located in Front of cornish & cary Rea1ty,360 Primrose Road - Be Removed and rwo One-Hour Meters be installi:i. Traffic Engineer had looked at this area and'informed the Commissionthat th'is was the only Yellow Zone in the area north of Burlingame Avenueand he felt that it should remain. The Commission motioned and seconded(Comm. Evans/Hollman) to leave yellow Zone jn p1ace. Request for 24-l4inute Green Zone park'ing Meter - 1199 Broadwa_v. commissioner McDonnell gave a report on hjs visit to th'is location. He sa'id there is qujte a turnover in the traffic; feels that theywould benefit by the short-terrn parking meter here and he recommendedthat th i s 24-Mi nute park'i ng meter be i nstal I ed . It was moved and seconded (comm. Holt/McDonnell) that the 24-Minuteparking meter be'installed in front of 1199 Broadway; approved un- an'imous I y by the Commi ss'ion . a \-, TSP MINUTES - Cont'd.2 5 6 4.2 Discussion Items. 4.2,1 Recreation center parking Lot - Open for pub'lic parking. After some discussion, Commission moved and seconded (Comm. Hollman/Holt) to make this an Action Item for January 1988. in the interim, Commission to observe the parking in the Recieation Center's parking I ot. 4.2,2 Request for Motorcyc'le Parking Space - ll23 Burlingame Avenue. Ivlr. Ericksen made this request and he illustrated to the Comm.ission onhow_this_space could be made available to motorcycle parkers. TheTraffi.c Engineer had looked at this space before the meeting. Hestated that it would be necessary to meter this space and sign formotorcycle parking on1y. After much discussion the Commissi5n re-quested the Traffic Elgineer to look at other similar spaces in thearea that might be utilized for motorcycle parking. Comm. Holt willalso look at this area and bring back information to the Novemberrneeting. This will be on the November Agenda under Action Items. 4.2.3 Request for Stop Signs - Intersection Adeline Drive/Balboa Avenue.Ms. Lema, resident in this area, attended meeting. She expresi.Aher concerns regarding the traffic and the dangei involved for thesafety for pedestrians here, particular]y the ihildren and the elderlyres i dents After discussion.by Commission, they requested Sgt. Eldridge to monitorthis, area and bring back a report firr the tlovemb6r meetingi 14ili-beon the November Agenda under Action Items. The Commissioi will alsolook at this area before the next meeting. They also requestea ifre-Traffic Engineer to bring the accident records ind the completed iour-way Stop sign warrant to the Commission. Ms. Lema was invited to attend November meeting, along with other re-s'idents of this area. INACTIVE ITEMS. 5.1.1 Handicap Zones in City of Burlingame. 5.1.2 Traffic Problems - Burlingame Avenue at Intersections Anita Road andArundel Road - No stop signs/samTrans Buses on streets. NEt,J BUSINESS 6.1.1 Request Paintjng of Blue Stripe on Curb Adjacent to Access Ramp for thelland'icapped - st. pau1,s Episcopal church,415 Er cam.ino n.ui ?nu;p i;-located on Occ'idental Avenue entrance to iarish Har, midway betureenChap'in/Bellevue Avenue. Commissioner Evans'will visit this location and!!ing back information for November meeting. t^lill Ue on the Agenda rnC.,Discussion Items. \, TSP MINUTES - Cont'd. 7. INF0RMATI0N iTEMS. None 8. FROltI THE FL00R. None 9. ADJOURNMENT: 9:00 p. m. 3