HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1987.04.091 2 3 4 TRAFFI C, CALL TO ORDER - 7:3O PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL. CURRENT BUSINESS. 4.L Action Items. 4.7 l- Approval of Minutes for MarchMinutes approved as submitted. SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES APRII, 9, 1987 p. m. by Chairman Auran. TO THE FLAG. Comm. Simonettl- L2, t987. 4.1.2 4. 1.3 Green Zone - Donnelly/Lorton Avenue - For Review(Comm. moved from New Business on the Agenda toAction Items; first item before the Comm. )After Commission discussion, Comm. Hol1man motionedthat Yellow zone be replaced with a Green Zone withtwo 24-minute metered parking spaces. Motion wasseconded by Comnm. Simonetti. Approved unanimouslyby Commission. Nathan Schmidtz oi wate's Deli at_tended meeting. Sisters of Mercy School Student parking - 2SOgAdeline Drive. This item was under Nei Busi-ness andComm. moved and seconded (Comm. Simonetti/McDonnel l )to move this item to Action Items; unanimously ap_proved by Commissj.on. Second on the Agenda.Freidricka Johnston, resident of Adeliie address waspresent and stated her concerns regarding thestudents of Mercy High School parking in front of herhome during school hours. She described theirconduct and how they dispose of their litter on herproperty in front of her home. A1so, when she hasapproached them, they have become hostile toward her.She said she had calted the Mercy School and talkedwith the Sistersi this has not alteviated theproblem. She said this problem has existed for tr^royears . The Traffic Engineer, Sgt. Eldridge and some membersof the Commission have visited this location andhave observed the parking and also the litter. Traf_fic Engineer recommended to the Commission that thisbe referred to the police Department. After somediscussion, Commission recommended that the policevj-sit the area and they also would take a look atthis. area and bring information back to the Maymeeting. This $ri1l be on the Agenda under DisEussionItems. Sgt. Eldridge wiII contact the Juvenile Of-ficer regarding the students' behavior. TSP Minutes Cont'd. 4.7.4 Red Zone Relocationand Chula Vista. 4.1 Comm. Auran visited this location and talked with theowner who stated he could live with the restrictedparking. Since the visibility exiting from theparking lot is severely restricted by autos and vansparked in the first angle stall to tire east of theIot, Comm. motioned and seconded (Comm. Auran/Foley)that Red Zone be eliminated and a one-hour parking-'meter be installed and that a smalr car sigi be p5stedat-the first angle parking stal1. Commj.ssion un_animously approved. 2 Stanawayr s Market at Broadway - Rollins Road betlreen cornerDriveway of Condo at 777 Morrell (Traffic Engr.for handicap Items untitthe statis-Iocations 5 Red zone "No parking', of Morre1l Avenue andAvenue. 4.2 Comm. Koenigs looked at this location and spoke withfour resideits ot tnis aaaressl Traffic Engineer hasalso 1ooked at the area and he stated to thE Com_mission that it does qualify for a Red Zone. The Redzone would be 55' tong, rocited at the north side ofdriveway between driveway and Morre].J. Avenue. It wasmotioned and seconded (Comm. Koenigs/McDonnet:. ) io"'instal]. the Red Zonei unanimously ipproved Uy Comm. 4.L.6 Angte parking on park Road.The Iraffic Engineer tooked at this location and hesuggested to the Comm. that more parklng could beobtained in the mid block opposite the Fost Oifi...This requires elimination oi-the mid Urocx peaesiriancrossing. Comm. Holtman/Simonetti motioned^andseconded that this recommendation be accepted Uy theCommission. Was unanimously approvea by ihe Coirm- Discussion Items. 4.2.L Rollins Road Adjacent to peninsufa Sports Center _Street 'TSLOW SIGNAL AHEAD n _ Review upon Repaving(Repaving has been cornpleted. ) Handicap Zones in City of Burlingamepresented l_nformat j.on on guidetiies zones . ) This item to be placed on the Inactivethe Public l/,lorks Department can get alltics together regardj-ng the numblr andof handicap parking spices in the City. 4.2.3 Green_ Zones in City of Burlingame - Traffic Engineercompiled a report on creen Zones which fisted ihenumber of Green Zones and their locations. A copy 4.2.2 TSP Minutes Contrd. 4.2.3 of this report was given toreport involved the areas ofbusiness districts. J each CommLssioner. This Broadway/Burlingame Ave. After some di-scussion the Commission moved and seconded(Comm. Foley/Simonetti ) to support the Director ofPublic Worksr recommendation to purchase and installz4-minute parking meters at l-6 existing Green zoneparking spaces in the Burlingame Avenue and Broadwaybusiness district areas, at locatj-ons where there wereother nearby metered spaces. AIso, that City Councilreceive copy of Traffic Engineerrs report witn tnerecommendation 5 INACTIVE ITEMS. 5.1.1 Broadway/Carmelita Speeding. 5.1.2 Donnelty/Lorton Avenue - yellow Zone. NEW BUSINESS. 6.1.1 This item $ras presented to the Commission aago and was acted upon at the time. 6.1.3 7. INFORMATION ITEMS. 7.1.1 Staff Reports.None 7.1.2 Council and other Commission Minutes. None 8. FRoM THE FLooR. 9. ADJOURNMENT. 9:15 P m 6 Sisters of Mercy School Student parking - 2509 AdetineDrive. This item was moved to Action items and was thesecond item to be discussed by the Commission. 6.1.2 City Parking Lot - Ralston/Et Camino Real . year or so Request for Crosswatk - Barroilhet Avenue/Cypress Av.(Comm. Hollman stated that school chi].dren werecrossing here without crosswalk. ) Traffic Engineerwill look at this 1ocation and bring back informationMay meeting. Will be on the May Ag6nda under Dis-cussj.on. I.,IINUTES - APRIL 9, 1987 MEETING TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COI1i4ISSION Commissioners Pre se nt Commissioners Absent Dougl as I'1. Ho'lt Vi s i to rs Friedricka Johnston 2509 Adel ine Dri ve Nathan Schmi dtz Nate's Del'i Timoth Ri ch ar Stephe l'1 i chae . Auran ol ey. Hol I man. Koen i gs yF dF nN,I F Thos. lu'lcDonnell A. J. S i monett i Staff Present T. K. De1 l away Sgt. Eldridge M. Gi l breath, Sec.