HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1987.03.12TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COI.4I4ISSION 1. CALL T0 ORDER - 7:30 o. m. .MI NUTES MARCH 12, 1987 by Chairman Auran. PLEDGE 0F ALLEGIANCE T0 THE FLAG. Comm. T. McDonnell ROLL CALL. CURRENT BUSINESS. 4.1 Action I tems . 4. 1 . 1 Approval of Mi nutes for February 19, 1987 . Minutes coffected for ltem 4.1.2, 1a5t para., 1ine 5; vote was 5, not 6. Item 4.2.1 under Discussion Items, to appear under Action Items as Item 4.1.4. Minutes approved as corrected. 4.1.2 Request for Handicap Parking - 307 Channing Road. Comm. Absent. A'ldo Si monetti Staff Present. K. Del l alvay. El dridqe Gi l breath, Sec . d brousht inrormation ]i3{ Ill]?;n.lTl" 0,. need for a hand i cap problem was access to the ated on other street and there is a curb and sidewalk; resident is on a e front door to gain access to her home . rX- Comm. Present. 2 2 4 Timoth Ri char Stephe Doug la Mi chae Th oma s . Auran ol ey. Hol lman. Hol t. Keonigs Donnel I yF dF nNstiIF Mc T. sgt Comm. Fo1 ey visited locationto the Commi ssion regarding ramp. He stated that the ma house since the driveway is heavy growth of ivy between walker and has to go through an the in loc the th Comm. Foley recommended to the Commission that this hagranted subject to reivew in one (1) year from date ofsticker. Motion was made and seconded (Comm. Foley/Ho handicap space; Commission voted 3 ,,ayes," 2 ,'noesi' an Chairman Auran requested a letter be written by Traffiforming resident of Commission's action. ndi c the ap space be handicap to grant " abs ta i ned. " gi neer in- 'It) d1 c En a1? Comm. Foley made the recommendation to the Commission that a'l I handi- cap spaces granted over the years, be reviewed and also to determinejust how many have been granted. Traffic Engineer to do some research on this and provide some guidel ines for the dommission,s review offuture requests for handicapped zones. Request for Red Zone (Bur'l ingame p.D.)West Side of Rollins Road, Southern most Driveway at Northpark ADartments (from south drivewavnorthward 60' for vis'ibility exiting from driveway.) Sgt. Eldridge recommenCed.making Red Zone 60' to north of driveway and el'iminating the existing o1d zone north of this Iocation. Visitors. TSP MINUTES - CONI.d. 4.1.3 Action Items - Cont'd. Since th is Yellow Zone Hol lman/Auran) that it a Green Zone be instal &mm. Hol I man th at the a Ietter of request to 5. INACTIVE ITEMS. 5.1 6. NEI,I BUSINESS. 6.1 6.1 1 Roil ins Road adiacent to Peninsula Sports Ce AHEAD" - Review upon Repaving (repaving ha This will be under Discussion Items for Apri of no use, it was moved and removed. 0wner of Nate's De at this Iocation. He is to 87 fr ted T one would be metered and he should send in Commission for the Green Zone. r - Street 'SL0W SIGNAL een compl eted. ) eeti ng . om Joan Burns regarding Burlingame 2 Motion made and seconded (Conrm. Holt/McDonnel l); unanimously ap- proved by the Conrnission. 4.1.4 Request for Red Zone - 1819 Hillside Drive (12' Red Zone between dri veways . ) Sgt. Eldridge reported to the Conmission that many social .functionstike place at ttris location and that the Red Zone was needed. l{otion made and seconded (Comm. McDonnel l/Keonigs) to install another Red Zone at this location; approved unanimously by the Cormission. 4.1.5 Yellow Zone - Donnel 1yllorton Avenue - For Review. is be led Gre the secli be onded (Comm. had req ue s ted informed by en 7. TSP nte sblm 1 Red Zone Relocation - Stanaway's Market at Broadway and Chula Vista. Chairman Auran will visit this location and bring information to the Commission for the April meeting. This item wilI be under Action Itens on the April Agenda. 2 Broadway-Carmel ita Soeedi ng. Traffic Engineer sent letter dated February 26,7987 to Mr. Ulm. A. - Kamasto re-iarding speeding in this area. He has not received a reply to his letter. Commission decided to move this item to the Inactive Items. 6.1.3 Red Zone "No Parking" - Rollins Road between Corner of Morrel] Avenue and Condo Driveway at 777 l'lorrell Av. To be on the April Agenda under Action Item. (Comm. Keonigs will bring information to meeting in Apri'l ' ) 6.1.4 Public Parking - City of Burl ingame. Letter received dated l/26/ parki nq. Comm ission reques Traffic Engi neer's rePlY da cently of four-way StoP sig Howard Avenue. He also sta Engineer to answer this letter. i nformi ng of installation re- ersection of Lorton Avenue and metered parking in the area ted 3 n at ted t fic /87 ,int the raf /16 the hat TSP MINUTES - Cont'd.3 6,i.4 Public Parking - Cont'd. is constantly under review by the City Council and they are aware of the concerns expressed in her 'letter. 6.1.4 City Parking Lot - Ralston/E1 Camino Real (ltr. att.) INFORMATION ITEMS. 7.i.1 Staff Reports. None 7.1,2 Council and other Comm. Minutes. FROM THE FLOOR. 7 8 Chairman Auran requested the Traffic Engineer to get a report on all Handicap Zones in the City of Burlingame. This will be on the Aqenda under Discuss'ion Items for Apri1. Traffic Engineer is to bring information to the Aoril meeting on Green Zones in the City. This also wilI be under Discussion ltems. 9. ADJOURNMENT. 9:45 p. m.