HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1987.02.19l. CALL T0 0RDER - 7:30 P. M. by Chairman 2. PLEDGE 0F ALLEGIATICE T0 THE FLAG. Ross Ho1 Iman (Conrm. Hol Iman's son) 3. ROLL CALL. 4. CURRENT BUSINESS. 4.1 Action I tems . 4.1.1 Approval of Minutes for January B, 1987, Comm. Simonetti/Hol Iman moved thatMinutes be approved as submitted. Comm.voted unanimously to approve. 4.1.2 q.al/\,.a&h..i (CORRECTED 14lNUTES FROM IT1ARCH i2, 1987 AcENDA) Comm. Present Timoth-v F. Auran, Chai rman Steohen N. Hol Iman Doug I as t^l. Holt Mi chael F. Keonios Thomas McDonnel I - Aldo J. Simonetti Comm. Abs ent Richard Fol ey Staff Present T. K. Del l away Sgt. Brad Floyd M. Gi I breath, Sec. Vi s itors ch 4.1.3 lequest for Handicapped parking - 307 Channing Road. Comm. Foley wai to look atthis area and bring back information to thelebruary meeting. He was unable to attend mecting..and requesceci <ieferring this itemto the March meeting. Comnr. Sirncnetti ro_quested that the Commission look favorablyon this request. After.some. discussion, Comm. Hollman/Keoniqs moved andseconded that this item be deferred untit ihe March meeting due ::^9?y.Folev's absence and the inroimat;on-tre was to triig to ttremeeting. A vote was taken on whether to defer this item to"tie llirmeeting; "a1,es" and one ,,no." The vote was tc ono to deferunti I next mceti ng. Signalization - Intersection at Lorton/Howard Avenue.(Engineer's Report prepared by Keith Dellaway) Traffic Engineer De1 laway gave an illustration with map of area,noting to the Commission the number of Stop signs and trafficsignals in the area. He gave statistics oh th6 traftic volumesat the intersection; number of accidents occurring .in past yeirs.Speaking on behaif of Staff, the Traffic Engineer recornmended tothe Cornmission that a four-way Stop sign be-insialled in fieu oithe existing two-way Stop signs. Motion was made and seconded (comm. simonetti/McDonner l ) to convertto the four-way Stopsi Comm. approved unanimously. 4.1.4 Yel low Zone - Donnelly/Lorton Avenue - For Reivew.(Comm. Hollman to bring information to meeting) I l I I I TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING CO!4MISSION MI NUTES FEBRUARY 19, 1987 Tony Tay lor", 140-6- Brrlingam Avenue, Ross Ho l lman Linda M.yers & Jodv Detry (sFSU) 591A Dotorls, s.F. \ -=---rr-.-. 2TSP MINUTES - Cont'd. 4.1..2 Cont'd. This ye1 low zone is no ionger mission, 0wner of Nathan's D a letter of request to change . seconded (Comm. Simonetti /Hol March Agenda under Discussion Commi ss i on. u l scussr on IEems. 4.2. t 4.2.2 seful as discussed by the Com-'i wilI be requested to send in he zone. It was moved and an) that this item be on the unanimously approved by the u eit lm Request for Red Zone (Bur1 ingame P, D.) - West Side of Rollins Road, Southern most Driveway at Northpark Apartments (from south driveway northward 60' for visibility exiting from driveway.) (Sgt. ftaridge to look at this location and biing information to Feb. meeti ng. ) Due to the absence of Sgt. Eldridge, Sgt. FIoyd presented in- formation to the Commission on this request for Red Zone. He stated there are 69'of curb parking on Roll ins Road north of the south driveway with 78' of Red zone for a window north of thisparking, He suggested that a 60' Red Zone be establ ished im- mediately north of south driveway. Because of the trees, thereis no window for clear visibility through the 78' Red Zone window. After some discussion by the Commission, it was decided to putthis item on the l4arch Agenda under Action Items. Comm. Keonigsto look at this location and report back to the Commission. Request for Red Zone - 1819 Hillside Drive (12' Red Zone between driveways) Request from P, D. (Sgt. Eldridge to'look at this Iocation and bring information to February meeti ng. ) Sgt. Floyd gave-information to the Commission regrequest (Sgt. Eldridge could not attend meeting,)there is no space for parking. He suggested a-Re on the 12' area between the driveways. Comm. Simonetti will visit this location and bring back in-formation for the March meeting. This item wilI 6e an Action Itemon the March Agenda. ard i ng this He s ta ted d Zone be made 5. INACTIVE ITEI4S. Chairman Auran requested Traffic Engi March meeting on Red Zone RelocationVista. This will be on the Agenda un 5.1 Rollins Road - Adjacent to Peninsula soorts center - street ,'slot^l SIGNAL AHEAD" - Review upon.Repaving - City pi^oj. lto. ZqgC. -ipiring-[ii no, been comoleted per City Engineer. ) NElll BUSINESS. er Dellaway to bring information Stanawa,v'5 Market at Broadway anr New Bus i ness. 6 to d ne at de the Chu I a 4-2 TSP Mi nutes Cont'd. 7. INFORMATION ITEMS. 7.1.1 Staff Reports. None 7.L.2 Council and other Comm. Minutes. None 8. From the Floor. None 9. ADJOURNMENT B:38 p. m. 3 \ \