HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1987.01.08TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY B, T9A7 L 1 Comm. Present: Sulger, FoIey Simonetti, Lehrfel d Comm. Absent: Hol lman Staff Present: De l l away, Haseleu, Sgt.EIdridge,cilbreath, Sec. Visitors: 3 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. CommSimonetti. ROLL CALL. CURRENT BUSINESS. 4.1 Action Items. 4.1.1 Approval of Mj.nutes for Minutes for December 11, 1986. Motion was made and seconded (Cornm. Lehrfeld/Su1ger ) that Minutes be approved as submitted. Comm. approved unanimously. 4.1.2 Etection of Officers. Comm. Lehrfeld nominated Comm. Auran for Chair-mani seconded by Comm. Simonettii unanimouslyapproved by Commission. Comm. Sulger nominatedi seconded by Comm.Lehrfeld, Comm. Simonetti for Vice Chaj.nnan; Commission approved unanimously. Comm. Auran nominated Comm. Foley for Secretaryiseconded by Comm. Lehrfeld. Commission votedunanimously for Comm. Foley for Secretary. With the conclusion of electing officers, Chair-man Johnson commended Staff for their diligentefforts and cooperation in working with theCommission for the past year. Chaj.rman Johnsonturned the meeting over to new Chairman Auran. a CALL TO ORDER - 7:36 p. m. by Chairman Johnson. Tony Taylor TSP MINUTES Cont I d. 4.2 Discussion Items. 4.2.7 5. INACTIVE ITEMS. 5.L.L Rollins Road Adjacent "SLOW SIGNAL AHEAD'' - 248C. ) Ye1low Zone - Donnelty,/Lorton Avenue - For Revier,, ( Comrn. Hollman will bring information to the Februarymeeting . ) Comm . Hol Iman !,ras to bring inf ormati"on tomeeting. Due to his absence, Comm. Lehrfeld motionedfor postponement until the February meeting; secondedby Comm. Auran. This item will be on the Agenda forDiscussion. 2 to Peninsula Sports Center - Street Review upon Repaving (City proj. 6. NEW BUSINESS. 6.1.1 6.7.2 6.1.3 6.7.4 Request for Handicapped parking - 302 Channing Road. Comm. Simonetti drove by this location and reported therewere no cars parked at noontime. There were parkingspaces available. Sgt. Haseleu stated that he livei verynear this location and there is not a parking problem fere. Comm. Foley will look at this 1ocation ind bringback information to the Comm. at the February meeting.Wil1 be on the Agenda under Action Items for Feburar!. Request for Red Zone (Burlingame p.D. Rollins Road Southern most Driveway aments ( from south drlveway northwardsexiting from driveway. ) Chairman Auran asked Sgt. Eldridge to took at this Ioc-ation and bring back information to the February meeting. Request for Red Zone - 1819 Hillside Drive (Red Zoneon east side of driveway northwards 60' for visibility.Request via phone to Traffic Engj.neer from p.D. ) - Comm. Lehrfeld recommended that Officer Eldridge l-ook atthis and bring back information to the February meeting. Signallzation - Intersection at Lorton/Howard Avenue(Traf fi-c Engineer will bring T1O Reports to Comm. )After some discussion of the traffic risks at this inter-section by the Commission, they requested the TrafficEngineer to bring an Engineerrs report to the FebruarymeetLng. This report will shord the number of accidents,traffic volume and any warrants for traffic controt de-vices .This to be on the February Agenda under Actton Items. )-tN 60 West Side oforthpark Apart- ' for vislbil j-ty I TSP MINUTES Cont I d. 7. INFORMATION ITEMS. 7 .L.1 Staff Reports. 7.L 8. From the Ftoor. 9. ADJOURNMENT. 8:3O p.m Sgt. Haseleu expressed his appreciation to the Commissionfor all the hel,p and support they have given him duringhis two years r^rorking wj.th them. He brought Sgt. Eldridgeto the meeting, he will be attend:ing all future TSpmeetings . Sgt. Haseleu stated that work on the handicap parkingspaces on Burlingame Avenue had been completed. Thehandicap space at the corner of primrose/nurtingame Avenueon the south sj-de of the street was removed. A handicapparking space was instatled in front of plagmann's storeat L444 Burlingame Avenue. 2 Council and other Comm. Minutes. Chairman Auran summarized to the ,Commission : what was dis_cussed at the Council meeting regarding speeding onAdeline Drive. Comm. Sulger asked Sgt. Haseleu why so much parking. was beingpermitted in the a11ey behind Crosby Commons. Sgt. Haseleustated that half of this alley is owned by the City and thatat no time can this a11ey be blocked with parked cirs. Comm. Foley stated it had been a pleasure having Judy Johnsonserve on the Commission, that she brought charm and. also sheusually always had a calming remark to make to the Commission.Also the City had benefited from her services. 3