HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1988.11.10TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 10,1988 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: STAFF ABSENT: EVANS HEROLD IIOLT MC DONNELL O I DONNELL M. KOENIGS, CHAIRMANT. AURAN T. K. DELLAWAY, TRAFFIC,/CIVIL ENGR. SGT. GENE HARRIS SGT. ELDREDGEM. GILBREATH, SEC. CHRIS ROSE, 926 LAGUNA AVENUE FRED HERON, 7O1 PALOMA (PRINCIPAL MC KINLEY SCHOOL ) J T D T E VISITORS: TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEIqBER 10, 1988 CALI, TO ORDER. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE To THE FLAG. corun. o'Donnell. ROLL CALL. CURRENT BUSINESS. 4.7 Action Items. 4.L L Minutes for Octobermitted.13, 1988 approved as sub- 4.1 2 Request for Stop Signs - palm at paloma. Comm. OrDonne].] reported on his observations atintersection. He observed the intersection threetimes in the morning and three times on the after_noon when the children were going to school in thea. m. and Leaving in the p. m. He consideredthe traffic extremely figfrt; most of the childrenwere either being driven to school and picked uplater by. their parents, or were being accompaniedby parents vrhile walking. The majorlty ot tnetraffic traveling through the int6rseciion wasautonobiles going to and from the school and thesevehicles did not appear to represent any danger tothe chitdren. Messrs. Rose and Heron read copies of the TrafficEngineerrs report which showed that the warrantsdid not_justify a four-way Stop sign and theyasked j.f other factors such as the potential foraccidents were consj.dered by the Coirmission. Mr.Heron asked the Commission to consider theirrequest as an exceptional situation. The Traffic Engineer explaj.ned the warrants es_tablished by the City, and referred to vari.ousaspects of the staff report which indicated thatthe traffic volumes, accidents and other criteriadid not meet the City warrants by a considerablemargin. Motion was made and seconded /Evans) to deny the request.with Comm. Holt dissenting. (Comm. O'Donnell The vote was 4 l- 1. 2. 3. 4. 4.t INACTIVE ITEMS. NEW BUSINESS. 6.1.1 .3 Request for Extension of Red zones l5L L Roltins Road. Comm. Herold reported on the request for ex-tension of the red zone at this location. Theexisting red curb appeared to be adequate but he recommended that the owners be contacted with the suggestion that the two driveways be signed and marked for one-way entrance at the north driveway and one-way exit at the southern drive- way. Motion was made and seconded (Comn. HeroLd/ OrDonnell) to deny this request; vote was 5 ayes and 0 noes. 5 6 Request for Stop Signs Avenue. Westmoor Road/Rosedale witt be on the Items. December Agenda under Discussion 6.L.2 Request for Stop Signs - Broadway West of E1 Camino Real and Monitoring of Broadway Traffic Speeds . 6.1.3 Commissioner Evans to review and bring infor- mation to the December meeting. This item will beon the Agenda under Discussion Items. Request for Stop Sign - (Cities of Burlingame and San Mateo) - Intersection of Howard Avenue and Humboldt Street ). Commissioner OrDonnell to look at this area andbring information to the meeting. Thls item will be on the December Agenda under Discussion Items. 6.L.4 Request for Handicap Parking - 847 Rollins Road. Commissioner Herold will look at this location andbring information to the December meeting. Will be on the Agenda under Dj-scussion Items. INFORMATION ITEMS. Introduction of Sgt. Gene Harris who will be taking over from Sgt. Eldredge to serve on the staff for the Commission. 7 I 9 FROM THE FIOOR. ADJOURNMENT. 8:3O p. m.