HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1988.10.13TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES ocToBER L3, 1988 COI'4Ia I5519',RS PRESENT : COMMISSfONERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: STAFF ABSENT: VISITORS: KOENIGS, CHAIRMAN AURAN EVANS HEROLD HOLT McDONNELL O I DONNELL ALL PRESENT T. K. DEI,LAIVAY, TRAFFIC/CIV]L ENGR. OFFICER RANSOM M. GILBREATH, SECRETARY SGT. ELDREDGE CHRISTOPHER ROSE, 926 LAGUNA AV. FRED IIM. HERON ( PR]NCIPAL ) MCKINLEY SCHOOL, 701 PALOMA AV. ROBERT ALVISO, 540 OAK GROVE AV. M T J T D T E TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES ocToBER 13, 1988 CALt TO ORDER. PtEDcE OF ALTEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. Comm. Evans. ROLL CALL. CURRENT BUSINESS. 4 .1, Action Items. 4.1.1 Minutes for September g approved as submitted. 4.2 4.L.2 Request for Crosswalk with pedestrian CrossingSign - Rollins Road/Edwards Road. Traffic Engineer gave a report from an air photoof this area. There has been a total of ""iy-ii""( 5 ) accidents in five years; one ( L l in f Sg5;' t,"ro-(2) in 1986i one (l_) in 1987 and one (1) in L988.Three of these accidents involved parked ""hi;i;;and tr,ro were because of vehicles tirrning at the--intersection. None of these accidents Involvedpedestrians. He and several of the Commissionershad observed this area and the consensus ofopinion was that a crosswalk was not warranted andcould make it more dangerous for pedestrians. Forthese reasons he could not recommend. a crosswalkfor this location. It r^ras moved and seconded (Comm. Holt/Evans) todeny this request for a crosswalk. Discussion Items. 4.2.1 1,988. Commission Iequest for Stop Signs - palm at paloma Avenue.Christopher Rose (visitor) expressed his concernsfor the safety of the childreir who are using thisintersection everyday. _ - The Traffic Engineer gavean accj.dent report to the Commission. -He statedthere had been no accidents over the 1ast twoyears. Comm. OrDonnell expressed his feelingregarding the need for a Stop sign here; he doesnot think a Stop sign is wariant6d f,ere.Conmission would liie to gather moreon peak traffic here which begins atto approxj.mately B:3O a. m.; it f:aS2:10 p. m. and at 3:OO p. m. until 3: i.nf 8:1 p. ormati-on5 a. m.m. until p. m. 1. 2. 3. 4. 2 Visitors concerned with this natter were informedby Chaj-rman Koenigs that this would be looked intobefore the November meeting when the Commissionwj.I1 have more information for study and maketheir recommendations accordingly. This itemwill be on the November Agenda under Action Items. 2 Request for Extension of Red zones l" 5l. L Ro11ins Road. Traffic Engineer Dellaway suggested to the Commission that this item be put on the November Agenda under Action ftems and that they take alook at this location before the next meeting. Commission approved of this suggestion and Comm. Herold will bring information to the meetingregarding this item. 5 6 7 4.2 INACTIVE ITEMS. NEW BUSINESS. INFORMATION ITEMS. Traffic Engineer Dellaway reported to theYellow Zone on Lorton Avenue at Donne11y.to Council on Commlssion recommendaion andCouncil voted to retain the YeIIow Zone atcation. Commission regardingStaff had reportedstaff position. its present to- I 9 FROM THE FLOOR. ADJOURNMENT: 8:3O p. m