HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1988.09.08TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 8, 1988 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: VISITORS: KOENIGS, CHAIRMAN AURAN EVANS HEROLD HOLT MCDONNEtL O I DONNETL ALL COMMISSIONERS PRESENT T. K. DELLAWAY, TRAFFIC/CIVTL SERGEANT JIM ELDREDGE D. JENSEN, SECRETARY M T J T D T E ENGINEER DON SABATINI , 2970 TROUSDALE DRIVE BUD HARRISON, 376 LEXINGTON WAY SID SCHIEBER, 855 COWAN ROAD SARA SCHIEBER, 855 COWAN ROAD TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 8, 1988 1. 2. 3. 4. CALt TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. Comm. Holt ROLL CALL. CURRENT BUSINESS. 4.1 Action Items. 4.1.1 Minutes for August J,1,submitted.1,988. Commission approved as Insta].lation of two parking412 Removal of yellow Zone -Meters - 34O Lorton Ave. Comm. Auran reviewed the situation and feels that'one of Mr. Sabatinlrs suggestions, to move theyelIow zone where it would be between two driveways,would make it easier for delivery trucks to pulf i.nand out of the space rather than back out as theymust do now. The. Traffic Engineer reviewed the history of theinstallation of the yellow zone, including theremoval of the fire hydrant and red zone and thecreation of two (2) addl.tl.ona]. parkj.ng spaces atthis location. There are two existing meteredparking spaces between the two (2) driveways. Theexisting ye1Iow zone j.s only 34 feet long so that itwould not be possible to 1ay out two (2) 2o_footparking spaces in this tength. This would mean theloss. of -one parking space in an area that is alreadyshort of parking space. Because of this and theevents leading to the gain of two parking spacespreviously at this location, pfus the ye1Iow zone,staff recommends against the proposal lo retocatethe ye11ow zone. Comm. O'Donnel1 commented that he had participatedactively in the previous .installation; that heconsidered trucks could pu1I into the existingye1lov, zone with ease; and he did not see that therewas anything to gain by relocating the zone onedri.veway away with the consequent loss of a parking space . TSP Minutes Page 2 There was further discussion and Comm. Auran statedthat the suggestion to install parking meters to beused after 12 Noon (lrith deliveries before noon) issimilar tc what San Franclsco does and should beconsiderec at some time in the future for likesituations. It was moved and seconded (Comm. Auran/Evans )4-3 vote approval to move the yeLlow zone tolocatic:r between the two driveways. with athe new Crossing Sign, 4.2 Discussion ltems. 1 Request fcr CrosswaLk with pedestrian RoIlins Rcad/Edwards Road 4.2 After some discussion, Comm. McDonnel1 asked what isthe pedesr.ian accident rate at this location. TheTraffic Engineer referred to the Engineering TrafficSurvey, d:stributed at thl-s meeting, which indicated28 acciden.ts per yeari however, none of the 2ginvolved Fedestrians. It was reguested that theTraffic E::gineer review the pedestrj.an accidentsituation and bring an aerial photo to next month'smeet.ing . Comm. HoLt notioned to make this an Action Item atthis meet:rg and deny the request without prejudice. Comms. Auran and Evans stated that they want lo tookat the sj-t-ration further since it may be appealed tothe Cit1,, Council if denied at this point. It wasmoved and seconded (Comm. O,Donne11/Holt) to makethis an Ac:ion Item now. Motion was denied with a2-5 vote. This will be an Action Item on theOctober Agenda. 4.2.2 Request fcr Loading Zone - 1"23 Calj.fornia Drive Cornm. Her.Ld stated that he hadn't been able to lookinto the sltuation. Comm. OtDonnel]. suggestedchanging :5e red zone to a ye1Ior", zone ior loadingpurposes. i{owever, the Traffic Engineer stated thatthe need :c make this change had not been proven;that a 20-:-oot red zone had been installed adjacentto thei-r ::iveway, and it was possible to unload ontheir prclerty and back out of the driveway. It was moved and seconded (Comm. Auran/O ' Donnel l ) to makethj.s an Ac:ion Item now. Then the motion (Comm. Auran/o'D3nne11 ) to deny this request was unanimous-ly approved. 4.2.3 INACTIVE ITEMS. NEW BUSINESS. INFORMATION ITEMS. Request for Tero-Hour parking (Rector Cadillac). The Traffic Engineer distributed a drawing ofstaffrs recommendation erhi.ch would increase the lyr9g. of parking spaces, create 2-hour parking timeIimits in this vicinity and a ye11ow zone forloading and unloading. It was moved and seconded ( Comm. Herold/Evans) tomake this an Action Item now. It was moved andseconded (Comm. Herold,/Evans ) and unanimouslyapproved to accept staff's recommendation. 5 6 7 I 9 7 1 Conm. Evans stated that the parking meter in front of Tycoon California Drive had been removed,. Comm. O'Donne11advised that an automobile had knocked it down, and it wasbeing repaired. FROM THE FLOOR. ADJOURNMENT: 8:35 P.M. TSP Minutes Page 3