HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1988.07.14TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES JULY L4, 1988 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT; VISITORS: KOENIGS, CHAIRMAN AURAN EVANS HEROLD HOLT McDONNELL O I DONNELL ALL PRESENT T. K. DELLAWAY, TRAFFIC/CIVIL ENGR. OFFICER BOB RANSOM M. GILBREATH, SECRETARY YOLA ARECHEA, I2OO HOWARD - #LO6/IO4 MARGARET C. GUTIERRY, 2A2I HILLSIDE DR. ROSEANN MIROSNKOFF, 717 WALNUT PARHAM NOORI-ESFANDIARI, 346 LORTON AV. SARA SCHIEBER, 855 COWAN ROAD M T J T D T E TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 1,4,1988 1 CALL TO 7:30 p. PLEDGE ORDER . m. Chairman Koenigs caIled meeting to order at OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. Comm. Evans ROLL CALL.AII Present CURRENT BUSINESS. 4 1 Action ltems. .) 3 4 4.L.1-Minutes for June 9 submitted. 1988. Commission approved as 4.L.2 4. r-.3 Two-Hour Parking Meters - Lorton Avenue BetweenBurlingame Avenue and Howard Avenue. Commission discussed changing three (3)neters to two-hour parking on Howard attwo (2) twenty-four (24) minutes metersparking on Lorton at Howard Avenue. one -hourLorton andto tr,ro-hour It was moved and seconded (Comm. OrDonnell/Ho1t)to change the five meters to the two-hour parking. Approved unanimously by Commission. Oak Grove Avenue - Paloma Avenue - Unsafe Cross-walk (Roseann Mirosnkoff, 717 Walnut Avenue). R. Mirosnkoff attended meeting. She gave a pre- sentatj.on to the Commission regarding her concernsfor the school childrens' safety in crossing streetin this area. She cited the hazards in-volvedi speeding vehicles during school hours atthis crosswalk. Commission Auran suggested eliminating this crosswalk and ask that the children walk up to theEI Camino Real where there is a crosswalk guard onduty. Also that advisory signs be posted directingthe children to cross at Oak crove at the E1 Cami.no Rea]' . Also recommended was 15 m.p.h. speed limitsign be posted during schooL hours onty. A vote was taken on this recommendation with five "ayes" andtwo "noes. " After discussion, this was unanimously approved by Commission. TSP MINUTES Cont I d. Commission requested that the Traffic En:. neer writeIetter to McKintey School informing ther. lf the Conmission' s recommendations. 4.2 Discussion ltems. 1 Traffic Island - Hillside/Alvarado.After some discussion, Commission directed the Traf-fic Engineer to look,at this area and determine just how many of the signs could be eliminated since thisis one major complaint from the residents. He will make a report to the Commission at the Augustmeeting. The matter of landscaping the island has been directed to the Director of Parks andBeautification Commission. INACTIVE ITEMS. None. NEW BUSINESS. 6.L 4.2 5 6 1 Removal of Ye11ow Zonel Instal lation ofMeters - 34O Lorton Av./361, California(Don Sabatini Ltr. 6/28/88). Two Parking Drive . One merchant r"rho operates the Specialty GroceryStore at 346 Lorton Avenue, attended the meeting. He mentioned a letter he had written to the TrafficEngineer dated February 3, i.988, requesting that the"Yellow Zone" renain in place as it was needed forhis business. He had made contact with the othermerchants on thj.s side of the street and they r^rereall in favor of the present arrangement. Also, thisis the only "Yellor^, Zone" in the area with UnitedParcel Service and other trucks using it. After some discussion, Commission asked the TrafficEngineer to circulate a letter to the merchants inthe area informing them of Don Sabatini's proposalin his June 28, 1988 letter to the CLty. Mr.Sabatini is the olrner of 34O Lorton and theadjoining property at 361 California Drive. (He isproposing to have two metered parking sta].Is replacethe "YeIIow Zone. " He thinks there already is morethan enough loading space at both ends of the street and that tenants in the middle of the block do notrequire deliveries. ) 7 B 9 INFORMATION ITEMS. FROM THE FLOOR. ADJOURNMENT: 8:5O p m This item will be on the August Agenda underDiscussion Items.