HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1988.03.10I' TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 10, l_988 1 3 4 CALL TO ORDER. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. ROLL CALL. CURRENT BUSINESS. 4.7 Action 4.L.L l1) Items. Approval of Minutes for March 1988. unani-mously approved as submitted. Commi ss ion 4.1.3 Tlaffic Engineer Dellaway gave a report on his survey made of this area. He had the traffic countsheets showing the eight-hour grand total volumesentering the two intersections from all approaches, averaged 268 vehicles per hour at Lorton Avenue and 241- vehicles per hour at Highland Avenue for an e.ight-hour period, thus not meeting the 300 vehiclesper hour four-way Stop sign warrant. Also the averages of 1O4 vehicles per frour from Highland Avenue, did not meet the l-20 vehicles per hour four- way Stop sign warrant from the minor street. Staffrs recommendation to the Commission was thatStop signs not be installed since these inter-sections did not meet the City's four-way Stop signwarrants. It $ras moved and seconded (Comm. O'Donne11/ McDonnell) to approve staff's recommendatj-on i Com-mission approved unanimously. Staff will send aletter to Tara Highlands Homeowners' Association in-forming them of Commissionrs denial of this request. Motorcycle Parking Spaces Area. Burl ingame /Broadway The Traffic Engineer reviewed several locationsthe two business districts of Burlingame Avenue Broadway for motorcycle parking. He found sixsuitable locations and gave a report on theseIocations. He recommended a 4-month trial basis Ln and be Request for Stop Signs - Intersection Bayswater/ Highland and Bayswater/Lorton Avenue. 2 4.2 Discussion Items. 4.2.7 Enforcement of parking along Burlingame Avenue. 4.7.4 4.2.2 adopted so that the City coutd evaluate the usageand effectiveness of providing such spaces in otherappropriate locations. It was moved and seconded(Comrn. Evans/Ho1t) to approve staff's recommend-ationi unanimously approved by the Commission. Yel1ow Zone on Lorton Avenue opposite Donnelly/GreenZone, 346 Lorton Avenue (parham Noori Esfandiara,Specialty Grocery Store. ) The Traffic Engineer reported that he had measuredthi-s area and recommended a ye1lo$, Zone about 38'long and four (4) one-hour metered parking spaces beinstalled. This would create two (2) additionalparking spaces. Commission moved and seconded (Evans/O'Donne11)approval of this recommendation from staffi approved.unanimously by the Commission. Sgt. Eldridge reported to the Commission that due tolack of personnel (Meter Maids). it is not possiblefor them to cover Burtingame Avenue along with otherareas more often than they are currently doing. ThePolice Department feels there is adequate enforce-ment on the Avenue at this time. The merchants still prefer the one-houron Burtingame Avenue. free parking Commission moved and secondedplace this item on the Action meeting. (Comm. Evans/Ho1t ) toItems for April Request for One-HaIf Hour Meters in parking LotL325 Burlingame Avenue (Bon Appetit Foods,/MarkNelson. ) Commission commenced the meeting wi-th thj-s itemsince Mr. Nelson was present. Sgt. Eldridge reported to the Commission regardingthe boost in citations for the viotators; some arereceiving as many as four tickets each per day. En-forcement has increased. Traffic Engineer Dellaway gave a report on theli.cense plate survey he conducted.on this lot. "J, He made the mission: 3 following recommendations to the Com- That enforcement by the Police Depart- ment should be continued; also in otheradjacent lots such as Lot E and alongBurlingame Avenue, in order to prevent meter feeding beyond the time limits shownon the meters. That the Chamber of Commerce and thebusiness people in the affected areas be made aware of the long-term employeeparking problem in these lots so that employees can be requested to park elsewhere in the long-term parking lots. The above recommendations were approved by theCommission. Chairman Koenigs requested that aletter be prepared from the Commission to the CityCouncil, for his signature, list1ng the above re- commendations . Motion was made and seconded (Conm. McDonnel l /Evans )to put this item on the April Agenda under ActionItemsi unanimousty approved by Commission. Request Staff Recommendation to provide New Cross-walk or other Controls for Traj-n Commuters CrossingCarolan Avenue. The Traffic Engineer gave a report on pedestrians crossing Carolan Avenue between the Broadway Depot and Northpark Apartments. Over the previous yearsseveral proposals have been made regarding ped-estrians crossing in this area. Due to varj-ous re-asons, nothing satj"sfactory has resulted in resolv-ing this situaion. A fence instal1ed would cost theCity approximately S30,000. Since the potentialconflicts do not appear to warrant this expenditure, and other neasures would be ineffective without thefence, it was recomnended by staff that no action betaken at this ti.me other than to have the police Department monitor the situation as time permits. It was moved and seconded (Comm. Evans/Holt) to dropthis item from the Agenda. Commission approved un- animous ty. 1 2 4.2.3 5. INACTIVE ITEMS. None 6 7 8 9 NEW BUSINESS. None INFORMATION ITEMS. None FROM THE FLOOR.None 9:0O pADJOURNMENT:m 4 \ TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISS]ON MINUTES MARCH 10, 1988 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT : COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: VISITORS: KOENIGS, CHAIRMAN EVANS HEROLD HOLT MCDONNELT O I DONNELL T. AURAN KEITH DELLAWAY, TRAFFIC/CIVIL ENGR. SGT. J. ELDRIDGE M. GILBREATH, SEC. MARK NELSON, 1,325 BURLINGAME AV. ARCHIE OFFIELD, ].214 BURLINGAME AV. PARHAM NOORI ESFANDIARA, 346 LORTON AV. M J T D T E