HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1989.11.09TRAFF]C, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 9, 1989 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: VI S ITORS : EVANS KOENIGS HEROLD HOLT MC DONNELL O'DONNELL, CHAIRMAN SIMONETTI NONE EDWIN FELDMAN, ],].O]- JUANITA AV. ( BURLINGAME BOOK BROWSE ) JOHN A BEAL, 255 ROLLINS ROAD JOHN A. HARRISON, 741 ROLLINS ROAD ADILE GEDA, ].6]"2 DAVIS DRIVE LEN EHLERS, 1527 ALTURAS DRIVE DIANA DMITROWICH, ],5].5 BROADWAY #2 TILL KURY, 40 CALAVERAS CT., HILLSBOROUGH MAUIA HELLETVOI{, 624 GUADAULPE AV., MI LLBRAE YAKI LCHIKAWA, 3 KENNEDY PL., MILLBRAE JERRY OILEARY, 5OO ALMER ROAD RENO N. RAPAGNANI, 5OO ALMER ROAD ANDREW C. SOSS, ].].59 BROADWAY LORELA AND R. YATES, 16 ANITA ROAD ANN PARSONS , I2O2 BROADWAY DAVID HINCKLE, ].399 BROADWAY, 16].6 SANCHEZ J M T D T E A T. K. DELLAWAY, TRAFFIC ENGINEER SGT. GENE HARRIS MARIE GILBREATH, SECRETARY TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 9, L989 CALL TO ORDER - 7:3O p.1 3 4 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO ROLL 4.1 CALL. By Chairman Action Items. 4.L.1 4.L.3 m. by Chairman OrDonnell. THE FLAG. Comm. Herold. O'Donnell . Minutes for October 12, L989. Comm.Koenigrs name was erroneously omitted frommeeting's attendance list; correction madeon October 72, 1989 Minutes. Broadway Parkinggestions.Mayor Amstrup's Sug- Traffic Engineer reported to the Commission,reviewing letter received from Chamber of Commerce by Karen Key, outlining proposedparking meter times for specific parking 1ots. Commission decided to do more study of theseproposals and have this item on for an ActionItem at ttte December meeting. The TrafficEngineer will prepare an estimate of aI1 costsfor changing meters and slgning and will havethis information to present to the Commissionat December meeting. Traffic and Parking Problems Ani-ta Road. Residents attending meeting spoke to the Com-mission regarding the stitl existing problemsin their area of Putnam Buick personnel parkingon the street and that they could see no im-provement in this problem. After some discussion by the Commission, Staff was directed to contact the City Attorney andfind out the status of this situation and bringthis information to the next meeting. This 4.L.2 4.L.4 4.2 Discussion Items. INACTIVE fTEMS. 5.L.1_ NEW BUSINESS. 6.1-1 Request for One-llour Parking - L1O1 Juanlta Avenue - Burlingame Book Browse. After some discussion, motion was made and seconded (Comm. O'DonneLl/Holt) to recmmend one-hour parking; unanimousty approved bythe Commission. Commissioner Evans visited this location. Hefelt there was a definite need for extension ofthe "No Parking" here because of poor visibil-ity of oncoming traffic. Motion was made and seconded (Comm. Evans,/Holt ) to grant the re-questi unanimously approved by Commission. None . Request for More Police Enforcement for Two- Hour Parking - 11O7 California Drive (Kerwin Galleries ) . Traffic Engineer reported to the Commission re-garding location. There is existing two-hourparking at this location. Requires some more enforcement since the auto repair shops tend toleave their own cars, as well as those forrepair for long periods of time. There are noplans for insta].]'ing traffic signals nor three- $ray Stop signs at this intersection. Commissioner Evans wi-II look at thi-s location and brj.ng information to the meeting. This item will be on the Agenda under Action Itemsfor December L4, L989 meeting. 5. 6. 2 Chairman OrDonnell reported to the Commissionthat he had visited this location and that cars are parked here for long periods of tj.me. He recommend.ed signing for one-hour parking to the corner of Juanita Avenue and California Drive. 4.2.L Request for Extension of "No Parking" Area - 5OO Almer Road. 3 6.L.2 Request for Red Curb - 965 Rollins Road. 6. 1.3 6.7.4 6.1.5 INFORMATION ITEMS. Chairman OrDonnell visited this 1ocation andreported to the Commission that there is a wooden fence which is creating the problemsof blocking all visibj.lity. After some dis-cussion, j.t was moved and seconded (Comm. Koenigs/Evans) to move this item to anActlon Item. It was then moved and seconded (Comm. OrDonnell/Evans ) to deny this requestfor red curb. Commission unanimously approved. Request for Handicap Parking - 1159 Broad$ray ( Dr. Andrew C. Soss). Dr. Soss attended meeting and spoke to the Com-mission regarding his request. He wants handi-cap parking on the side streets away fromBroadway. Traffic Engineer was given a diagramof area for the handicap parking. He wi]l re-view this and bring his comments to the next meeting . Chairman OrDonnell will look at this locationand bring information to December meeting.This item r.rilI be on the Agenda under Discus-sion Items. Request to Convert Diagonal parking Space from60 Minutes to 24 Minutes - L4O2 Burlingame Avenue (Haag Photo Servj-ce ) . Chalrman OrDonnell looked at this location. He requested that another Commissioner Lookalso and bring information to meeting. Com-missioner Simonetti w111 visit this location.Vlill be on the December Agenda under Action I tems . Request for Safety Sign and Red Curb741/76L RoIlins Road. Chairman O'Donnell wilI visit this locationlook at location of shrubs, trees and polesbring back a report to the Commlssion. Willon the December Agenda under Actj-on Items. to and be 7 .L.3-Commissioner Evans reported to the Commissionthat the motorcycle is stitl being parked i1-legally each morning at Lorton Avenue andBurlingame Avenue near Nelson's Cafe. police Department to provide enforcement. 7 4 8.FROM THE FLOOR. 8.1. r- 9.ADJOURNMENT A visitor attending the meeting complained tothe Commission regarding cars parking overnight on the sidewalks Ln the area of Humboldt and Howard Avenues i causing a pedestrian to walkout into the street to get around the cars.Sgt. Harris will monitor this area. 8:5O p. m.