HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1989.10.12TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES ocToBER 72, ]-989 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: VI S ITORS : J. EVANS T. MC DONNELL E. OIDONNELL, CHAIRMANA. SIMONETTIfn, F?gr{r(,5 T. HEROLD D. HOLT . GENE HARRIS K. DELLAI{AY, TRAFFIC/CIVII, ENGR. GILBREATH, SEC. DAGMAR TEICHMANN, 8 ANITA ROAD ELIZABETH MANNION, 24 AN]TA ROAD KAREN KEY, 29O CALIFORNIA DRIVE/C OF CLISA CISNEROS, 115 ELLSWORTH, S. F.G. H. OILEARY, 5OO ALMER ROAD RENO N. RAPAGNANI, 5OO ALMER ROAD VIRGINIA H. MEITZ, DITTO BARBARA WALLERSTEIN, DITTO LELAND SILVA, DITTO CHAS. A. FREEMAN, DITTO JEPTHA A. WADE, JR., DITTO HYMAN ZIRTLIN, DITTO JANE BIGLEY, DITTO RALPH LANE, JR., DITTO SGT T. M. TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MlNUTES OCTOBER L2, L989 CALL TO ORDER 7:30 p. m. by Chairman OrDonnell. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. Comm. Koenigs. 1 2 3 4 ROLL 4.L CALL. By Chairman OrDonnelL. Action ltems. 4.2.L 4. 1. r.Minutes for Septembec L4, 1989, approved assubmitted. Broadway Parking gestions . Mayor Amstrup's Sug- Comm. Evans reported to the Commission re-garding his visit to this area. He suggestedthat more one-hour parking spaces be providedin the various parking lots instead of the 10-hour parking spaces. Also, that provisions bemade for more enforcement by the police Depart- ment. The Traffic Englneer reported to the Commissionthat lt might be advantageous to change someLo-hour parking spaces to a mixture of 1o-hour;2-hour and L-hour, depending upon the needs inthe various areas of Broadway. For example,Lot R by the Post Office is signed for 2-hourparking, but observations show that a good number of these parking spaces are occupiedwell beyond the 2-hour limit and in some casesas much as atl day. He also cautioned thatthere is a substantial need for Long termparking for employees, and that after all employees generally can be expected to shop inthe area wtlere they work. Perhaps a 5OE shortterm parking, in some lots would be appropri-ate . Karen Key, Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce requested she be given a letter ofexplanation diagramming the parking times for each parking lot so that it can be presentedto the Broadway nerchants in order to obtaj-n 4.2 Discussion ltems. their input. Staff lrill prepare a letter forher use in discussing the parking with the Broadr^ray merchants so that this informationcould be available for the November meeting. This item will be on theAction Items. November Agenda under 4.2.2 Traffic and Parking Problems - Anita Road. Residents attending meeting again complained of cars parking on Anitai they claimed that two cars have been parked for a period of six months without being moved. R. F. Corso, Vice President of Putnam Hyundai was requested to attend this meeting by letter dated Septenber 26, 1989 written by staff. Mr. Corso did not attend the meeting, but had left a message in Public Works that he would be unable to attend because of a previous commit- ment. Staff reported to the Commission about the meeting that took place recently between Putnan Buick Management, the City Attorney, CityPlanner and the City Tlaffic Engineer. Staffreported that Putnan Buick had many commentspreviously unknown to him, including that fifty employees vrere parked on-site at their two es- tablishments each day. Putnam Buick agreed to work out a plan whereby the City could count the number of employees parking in variouson-site areas. This plan was to be presented to the City Attorney as soon as available but as of this meeting no p].an had been forth- coming. Mr. Corso stated that residents from the new condo complex on Peninsula Avenue are parking on Anita Road. Also, he had obliged theresidents by delaying the starting time of thedaily street sweeping and had allowed one ofthe handicapped residents the use of a car toregular].y visit his doctor in San Mateo. These were amongst some of the things that Putnam Buick had done in order to show some effort at being good neighbors. After much discussion by Commission and staff,staff recommended that this matter be referred back to the City Attorney for his conti.nuedaction. Commission unanimously agreed with the recommendation. This will be on the November Agenda under Action Items . R 4.2.3 4.2.4 INACTIVE ITEMS. 5.1.1 NEW BUSINESS. 6.L.1 6.7.2 Request for Handicap zone - 7423 Paloma Avenue. Chal-rman OrDonnell had previously visited thislocation and talked with Ms. Rodenbeck. He re-ported to the Commission that she is partiallyinvalided and recommended that she be grantedthe handicap zone. This recommendaion was seconded by Commissioner Evans; unanimously ap-proved by the Commlssion. Parking on Garden Drive #101 . L919 Garden Drive, Chairman OrDonnell looked at this location and suggested that nothing be done. Staff reportedthat there did not appear to be any traffic orparking problem in this street. Motion was mad.e and seconded (Comm. Evans/McDonnetl ) that this request be denied. Denia1 was unanimously approved by the Com-mission. None . Request for One-Hour Parking - lLoL Juanita Avenue - Burlingame Book Browse. Chairman OrDonnell visited this location. Hereported there is a problem here with peopleparking and either going shopping on Broadway,or with commuters catching the train. After some discussion by the Commission, it r^rasdecided to put thls on the November Agenda under Action Items. Resident of this address spoke on behalf ofother residents attending the meeting. Heexpressed his concerns regarding oncomingtraffic when trying to exit from thej.r underjground garage onto the street. Visibility isthe problem because of cars parking so close totheir exit driveway, particularly when theyare extended into the red zone. Commissioner Evans wil]. Iook at this area andbring information to the November meeting.Will be on the November Agenda under Discussion Items. 6 Request for Extension of "No Parking" Area -500 Almer Road. 7 I 9 INFORMATION ITEMS . FROM THE FLOOR. ADJOURNMENT. 8:50 p. m