HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1989.09.14TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER L4, T989 COMMISSIONS PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: STAFF ABSENT: VISITORS: EVANS HEROLD MC DONNELL O'DONNELL, CHAIRMAN HOLT KOENIGS SIMONETTI K. DELLAWAY, TRAFFIC/CIV]L ENGR. GILBREATH, SEC. SGT. GENE HARRIS (ON VACATION) RANDAL J. YATES, 16 ANITA ROAD LORELA YATES, DITTO DAGMAR TEICHMANN, 8 ANITA ROAD ELIZABETH MANNION, 24 ANITA ROAD MEG A. MANNION, DITTO J T T E D M A T M TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER ]-4, L9A9 CALL TO ORDER - 7:3O p. m. by Chairman O'Donnet1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. Comm. Evans. ROLIJ CALL. By Chairman O'DonneII. 4.1 Action Items. 4.1.1 Mlnutes for August 10, 1989 approved as sub-mitted. 4.2 Discussion ltems. 4.2.7 None. INACTIVE ITEMS. 5.1.1 None. NEW BUSINESS. 6.1.1 5 6 Broadway Parki.ng - Mayor Amstrup's Suggestj-ons. Staff reported to the Commission on survey madeAugust 29, ].9A9 of this area, stating thatspaces in Lots S, R, 0, T, u and p are2-hour and 1o-hour spaces and many of them arenot being utilized. Lot T is about 50E full;Lot P and 0 about 25* of the spaces were un-occupied; Lot U and Lot R are mostly full. Commission unanimously voted to put this on theOctober Agenda for Discussion. CommissionerEvans $rill look at this location and brj-ng datato next meeting. Request for Handicap zone(Olivia Rodenbeck ) . 1423 Paloma Avenue Chairman OrDonnell visited with Olivida Rodenbeck of this location and stated thereis a physicat need here for the handicap zone. Commission voted unanimously to put this on theOctober Agenda for Discussion. 1. 2. 3. 4. 6.L.2 6.1.3 Parking on Garden Drive - 1919 Garden Drive #1O1 ( Roseanne E. Lord). WilI be on the October Agenda for Discussion. INFORMATION ITEMS. 7.7.1 Comm. Evans brought to the Commission'sattention that the motorcycle was again parkingin the unapproved area in front of Nelson's Restaurant on Burlingame Avenue near Lorton Averrue . FROM THE FLOOR. 8.1.1 Resident of 16 Anita Road spoke to the Commission regarding the parking probLem theyare havj-ng on Anita Road. Several residents ofthis area were present and also spoke out re-garding this problem. They complained of employees of Putnam Buick taking up all theparking spaces on their street, plus parkingtoo close to their driveways and causing themdifficulty in getting out and this sometimesresults in heated conversations. Also, deli-very trucks are double parked in the street causing traffic delays, plus being a safety hazard. After hearing complaints from residentsattending meeting, Commission asked staff to check with the Planning Department to determine what use rights Putnman Buick has. This item will be on the October Agenda forOctober for Discussion. Staff to send a letterto Mr. R. F. Corso, Vice President of PutnamBuick, Inc., 50 California Drive, requestingthat he attend the October 12, 1989 meeting. ADJOURNMENT. 8: O5 p. m. 7 I 9