HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1989.08.10TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST LO, L989 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: VISITORS: . TTEROLD . HOLT . MC DONNELL . OIDONNELL, CHAIRMAN . SIMONETTI J. EVANS M. KOENIGS SGT. GENE HARRIS T. K. DEILAWAY, TRAFFIC/CIVIL ENGR. M. GILBREATH, SEC. ANN OFFIELD, 19O PRIMROSE ROAD HUNTER BICKLEY, PUTNAM MAZDA, 3 CALIF. DR. JUDY PISANO, 1325 HOWARD AVENUE T D T E A 1 2 3 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST LO, 1989 CALL TO ORDER. - 7:3O p. m. by Chairman O'Donnell PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. Comm. Thos. McDonnell. ROLL CALL. AIl Commissioners present except Comm. Evans and Koenigs. 4.1 Action 4.1. 1 4 Items. Minutes formitted.JuIy 13, L989. Approved as sub- 2 Discussion 4.2.1 Customer Parking Road. App1e Cleaners, 19O Primrose Staff addressed the Commission revi.ewing theresponses received from the merchants of thisarea; al]. were in favor of converting thethree (3) J.O-hour meters to 1-hour meters.Staff mentioned the number of parking spacesthat would be available at the new parking 1otlocated at 1,320 Howard Avenue (bowt j.ng alley) some time in October of this year. Owner of Apple Cleaners, 190 Primrose Road, spoke again to the Commission on how es-sential more parking spaces are for thesurvival of her establishment. After some discussj-on by the Commission, it wasmoved and seconded ( Simonetti /McDonnel l ) toconvert the three 1o-hour meters to 1-hourmeters on the east side of Primrose Road at thesoutheast corner of Howard Avenue. Unanimously approved by Commission. Items. Putnam/Mazda Buick Request for Loading zone #3 California Drive. Commissioner Simonetti visited this location. He thought a loading zone was needed since thiscould be a traffic hazard while transporttrucks are unloading in the middle of thestreet . 4.L.2 2 4.2 Discussion Items - Contrd. staff was concerned whether or not the loading zone would be utilized by the transport trucks and that all rules would be enforced by Putnam Mazda. Representative from Putnam Buick ex- plained hor,r his company has no authority over the drivers of the transports in telling them where to park while unloading vehicles. After much discussion by the Commission j,t was moved (Comm. Herold) to move this item to anAction Item; unanimously approved by the Com-mission. It was then moved and seconded (Comm. Simonetti/Herold ) to convert the three (3) parking spaces into a loading zone. It was agreed by the Commission that a review of thisloading zone witL be made in six (6) months to determine if it is being utilized properly andalso if it is beneficial . INACTIVE ITEMS. 6 None. NEW BUSINESS. 6.1.1 None . INFORMATION ITEMS. 7.7.L None. FROM THE FLOOR. 8.1.1 None. ADJOURNMENT. 8: L0 p. m 5. l-. 1 4.2.L 8. 9.