HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1989.04.21TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 21, 19 89 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: VISITORS: EVANS HOLT KOENIGS MC DONNELL OIDONNELL, CHAIRMAN SIMONETTI HEROLD . GENE HARRIS K. DELLAWAY, TRAFFIC/CIVIL ENGR. GILBREATH, SEC. JUNE HOFFMAN, MERCHANTS ASSOC. BURL INGAME/BROADWAY RICHARD F. CORSO, 9OO PENINSULA LORELLI & RANDY YATES, ].6 ANITA RD. MARILYNN VANDOR, 1212 DRAKE AV. JEAN BISCAY, 72L5 CALIFORNIA DR.D. BAUER, 28 ANITA ROAD ELIZABETH MANNION, 24 ANITA ROAD J D M T E A T SGT T. M. TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES APRrL 21, 1989 CALL TO ORDER. - 7.3O p. m. by Chairman O'Donne11. PLEDGE OP ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. Comm. McDona1d ROLL CALL. Comm. Hero1d absent. CURRENT BUSINESS. 4-l Action Items. 4.L.L Minutes for March 9,submitted.1989.Commission approved as 4.L.2 1 2 3 4 Request for Rezoning for parking on Anita Roadbetween Bayswater and peninsula Avenue. Staff circulated a tetter to the owners/tenantsalong the east of Anita Road outlining putnamrsrequest that the City consider posting tr"ro-hourparking limits along the west side of Antia Roadbetween Baysvrater and peninsula Avenue. Staff re_quested comments from these residents regardingPutnam Buick's request. Several residents of this area attended the meeting.Each voiced their disapproval of the proposal .AIso attending was Mr. Corso representing putnamBuick. He spoke to the Commission of Buick's recentcontact with Southern pacific Railroad to 1easeground from them for a parking area for putnam em_ployees. Negotiations are still pending.He is wi].ling to work with the residenti of thisarea regarding the parking problem. After some discussj.on, it was moved and seconded(Comm. Evans,/Ho1t) to deny the request for two-hourparkingi this was unanimously appioved byCommission. After all the discussion, it $/as moved and seconded.(Comm. Simonetti/O rDonnel l ) to bring this item ul atthe June 8, 1989 meeting. Mr. Corso of putnamBuick !ri1l keep the Commission j-nformed of hisnegotiations with Southern pacific Railroad.In the interim, this item wil1 be on the InactiveItems of the Agenda. Discussion Items.4.2 4.2.1 Request for Stop Signs Broadway at Paloma Avenue. It was moved and seconded (Comm. move this item to Action ltems;by the Commission. 2 Evans/McDonald ) to unanimously approved June Hoffman of UNICEF was the onty merchantattending meeting. Also attending was Ms. Vandorresldent on Drake Avenue, who was very much againstthe installation of the Stop signs. Staff gave a report to the Commission for theirreview on the results of an investigation intowarrants for four-i.ray Stop signs at the abovereferenced intersections. This report containedtraffic volumes, accident history ind other factorssuch as pedestrian traffic crossing on Broad.wayat the two intersections. After Commission ' s moved and secondedthis request sinceestablished by theby the Commlssion. review of this report, it was ( Conm. Evans/O'Donnell ) to denyit did not meet the warrantsCity. It was unanimously denied 5 6 7 I INACTM ITEMS. None. NEW BUSINESS. None INFORMATION ITEMS. 9. ADJOURNMENT. 8:3O p. m. FROM THE FLOOR. Owner from the body shop located at 1215California Drive spoke to the Commission regarding the parkingproblems he had daily doing business at thii location. He a:.sospends as much as $4 per day to park.