HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1990.12.13TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 13, 1990 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT : COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT 3 VISITORS: AMOROSO EVANS, CHAIRMAN O I DONNELL PREGER SIMONETTI M J E D A M KOENIGS T. K. DELLAWAY, SGT. GENE HARRIS MARIE GILBREATH, TRAFTIC ENGINEER SEC. CHRIS ROSE, PRES. P.T.A. MC KINLEY SCHOOL TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 13, 1990 CALL TO ORDER. 7:3O p. n. by Chairman Evans. PLEDGE OF ATI.EGIANCE To THE FLAG. Chairman Evans. ROLL CALL. A1I Commissioners present except CommlsslonerM. Koenigs. CURRENT BUSINESS. Election of new officers for the Commlssion.Motion was made and seconded to nominate comm. A. simonettr, asChairmani Commissioner M. Amoroso as Vice Chairman. Nomina_tions were approved unanimously by the Commlssion. Themeeting was then turned over to new Chairman Slmonettl-. 4.1 Action ftems. 4.L.L 1 1 J 4 Minutes for November 8, 1990submitted.approved as 4.2 Discussion ltems. 4.2.t Request for Slgnal Lights - IntersectlonMagnolia Avenue/Murchison Avenue. Comm. Evans tooked at this area and d.oes nottr'ink it- would be justifiable to have four-waysignals here since there have only been sixrecorded accidents in Last fl.ve years and sincetrafflc voLumes are not heavy, thls intersec-tion does not meet City warrants for instatlingsl.gna].s. After some discussion by the Commission, it wasmoved and seconded and unanimously approved tomove this Discussion Item to an Action ltem. It was moved and seconded to deny this reguestfor four-way signals at this intersection. Un-animously approved by Commission. Staff wasrequested by Chairman to wrj.te a letter to Ms.Nadler, 2940 Trousdale Drive, informing her ofCommissionrs denial of her request. 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.2.6 Request Primrose Avenue. for Handlcap Parking Space - Road and N. E. Corner of Chapin to Install Sl,gns on CenterIntersection of Primrose Road/Bel1evue After some discussion it was motioned, seconded and unanimously approved to move this Discus-slon Item to an Actlon Item. ft was moved and seconded and unanimously approved to deny this request since there areexisting handicapped spaces on the southeastcorner of Chapin Avenue at Primrose Road, andalso inside the parking structure. Staff wasrequested to send letter to Mark Meherin III,informlng hin of Commission's denial of his request . Request Island Avenue. After some discussion by the Commlssion, it wasmotioned and seconded to approve the installa-tion of the "Yield" sign on center island atintersection of Primrose Road/Beltevue Avenue. Unanimously approved by the Cofiunission. Reguest to Post "No Parking Either FutI Time or Peak Hour" to Provide Right Turn OntoCaLifornia Drive North Side of Peni.nsula. After some discussion by the Commlsslon lt wasdecided to defer thls ltem to the InactiveItems until a study can be done on theseintersections . Request to Replace Two 24-Minute Parking Meterswith 1-Hour Parking Meters - Primrose Road atBrothers Deli (Apple Cleaners no longer at thtslocation ) . It was motioned and seconded to move this itemto an Action Item. Commission approved unanimously and a].so voted unanimousty toreplace the 24-Minute meters with l-Hour meters . Request for Loading Zone Plaza Lane. In Back of Fox Mall, Commission decided to put this on the January Agenda under Action Items. McKin1ey Schoo1 Traffic Comnittee's proposal toMake Paloma and Fairfield One-Way Streets -Review of Improvements Already Installed. Staff reported to the Commission that CltyCounciL at their meetlng of July L6, 199O hadconcurred with the recommendations made bystaff and the Traffic, Safety & parking Commls-sion to not change paloma and Fairfleld to one-way streets. General consensus was to a11owtime to see if the other measures that Councilagreed to and which have since been installed,would alleviate the problem. further studies have recently been conducted bystaff of the situatlon along paloma Avenue andFairfield Road. parents are using a1I of thewhite zone and also the yellow zone to avoiddouble parking along paloma Avenue. The whitezone is sti11 not tong enough to accommodateall the parent parking, especially duringinclement weather. Earlier this year McKinley SchooL made assuran-ces that they were considering off-streetparkJ.ng for the teachers and employees; thishas not been accomplished and still remalns asthe single most cause of double parking byparents on Paloma Avenue. Converting Paloma Avenue and FaLrfield to one-way streets will not relieve the school timecongestion problem for the school and is not inthe best interest or benefit to the residentsin the neighborhood. As recommended previouslyby staff and the Commission, the best solutionis on-site school parking for employees andteachers and extension of the white zonenorthwards of the north gate. This wouldresolve the double parking problem on paloma Avenue and negate the need for further con-sideration of the one-$ray streets proposal forPaloma and Fairfield - Staff went on to discuss a second and thirdalternative whi-ch involved the white zone.Staff considers the previous traffic measurespassed by Council (Stop signs; yellow cross-ings, etc. ) are effective. If the problem ofdouble parking continues, it can onty beresolved by adopting one of the three alterna-tives reported by staff to the Commission andnot by converting paloma and Fairfield to one-way streets. 5 6 4.2.7 Contrd. INACTIVE ITEMS. 5-1.1 NEW BUSINESS . 6.1.1 INFORMATION ITEMS. 7 .L.L None. FROM THE FLOOR. 8.r..1 WLI1 be on the January Agenda under ActionItems. None. Request for Handicap zone - 1001 Chula Vista.This will be an Action Items for the January10, 1991 meeting. Commisslon will look at thislocation to determine if there is a driveway. 7 I 9 ADJOURNMENT. None. 8:5O p. m.