HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1990.11.08-'./' tn""l TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 8, 1990 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT : COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: VISITORS: J. EVANS, CHAIRMANM. KOENIGS E. O I DONNELL D. PREGER A. SIMONETTI M. AMOROSO T. HEROLD T. K. DELLAWAY, TRAFFIC ENGINEER SGT. GENE HARRIS MARIE GILBREATH, SEC. NONE t TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 8, 1990 CALL TO ORDER. 7:3O p. m. by Chairman Evans. PI.JEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. ChaiTman Evans. ROLL CALL. A1l Commissioners present except Com- missioners Amoroso and Herotd. 4.1 Action Items. 4.1.1- Minutes for August 9, 7990. Approved assubmitted. 4.2 Discussion Items. 4.2.1- None. INACTIVE ITEMS. None. NEW BUSINESS. 6.1.1- Vans Parking Next to Intersections.(Danie]. L. Santos, 9 Victoria Rd.). 1 2 3 4 5 6 6.t.2 Traffic Engineer recommended to the Commissionthat they deal with these cases as they come upsince it would be too much of a project to markal]. intersections. The Commission requestedthat staff send a letter to Mr. Santos. Commission requested this item be deleted fromthe Agenda. Request for Sj,gnal Lights - Intersection MagnoLia Avenue/Murchison Avenue (GaiI M. Nadler ) . Comm. Evans will look at thls location andbring information to December meeting; witlon the Agenda as a Discussion ltem. Request for Handicap Parking Space -Primrose Road and N. E. Corner of Chapin Avenue(PubIic Works ) . 6.1.3 6. 1.3 Cont I d. Comm. OrDonnell $riII ].ook at this 10-cation and will bring information to the December meetlng. Will be on the Agendafor Discussion. Request to InstaII "Yie1d" Signs on CenterIsIand - Intersection of Primrose Road/BeI1evue Avenue (Pub1ic Works ) . Commi.ssion to look at this. Will be on the December Agenda under Discussion Items. Request to Post "No Parking Either FuI1 Time or Peak Hour" to Provide Right Turn OntoCalifornia Drive, North Side of Peninsuta Avenue and East of California Drive. Staff to make a diagram of this area for theCommission. Chairman Evans wilt look at thislocation and bring j-nformation to Decemberneeting. Will be on the December Agenda underDiscussion Items. 6.1.4 6.1.5 6.r-.6 Request to Reptace Two 24-Minute ParkingMeters with L-Hour Parking Meters - primrose Road at Brothers DeIi (App1e Cleaners no longerin business ) . This item willsion Items for be on the Agenda under Discus- December meeting. 7 INFORMATION ITEMS. 7.1.1 7 .L.2 Staff reported to the Commission on SouthernPacifj"c's project of relocation of railroadgates at the Broadway crossing. Staff also reported to the Commission on the CRP Requests (funded projects) from the CityproJects. Six projects are being submittedwith four of them being new submittals. Theinitial Phase I construction of AirportBoulevard from Bayshore Highway to AnzaBoulevard, has been completed with City funds; Phase II work which j-s the wj.dening of AirportBoulevard from two to four lanes; Trousdale Avenue reconstruction, and the installation of new signals at the Rollins Road/Cadil1ac Wayintersection. These projects will be presentedto the City,zCounty Engineers Committee forfunding approval . B 7 .t.3 FROM THE FLOOR. ADJOURNMENT. 8:25 p. m Sgt. Harris reported on traffic accidents atBroadway/California Drive. Before the signat improvements, there were six (6) inJury andproperty damage accidents per month. In thelast month since the signals wre installed,there have been less accidents and much safersince the improvements. o