HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1990.08.09TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKTNG COMMISSION MINIITES AUGUST 9, 1990 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT : STAFF PRESENT: VISITORS: OI DONNELL, ACTING CHAIRMAN AMOROSO KOENIGS PREGER SIMONETTI E. M. M. D. A. J T T.K. DELLAWAY, TRAFFIC ENGINEER SGT. GENE HARRIS DORIS MORTENSEN, SEC. MARSIIATL UMPLEBY, 27 4-42ND AV, SN MATEO JERRY CEGLIA, 2022 R,AY DRIVE DAN MCCARTHY, 1388 HILLSIDE CIRCLE MAUREEN MoCARTHY. 1388 HILLSIDE CIRCLE BOB ROUSE, 2013 DEVERET,X DRIVE STIARON MAYER. 1387 IIILLSIDE CIRCLE WAYNE BUSH, CITY OF MIIJLBRAE, P.W. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT:EVANS HEROLD TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 9, 1990 1. CALL, TO ORDER. 7:3O p.rn. by Actlng Chairman OrDonnell. 2. PL.,EDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. Comm. Koenl,gs 3. ROLL CALL. FLve CommLssioners present. 4. CT'RRENT BUSINESS. 4.L ACTION ITEMS. 4.L.L Minutes for JuIy ]-2, ]-99O approved as submLtted. 4.L.2 Request for 4-Way Stop Signs - Baysrrater Avenue/Arundel Road. Several residents of this area attended the m6eting. 4. 1.3 Staff gave report advlsing there are not enoughwarrants to recommend a Stop sign. Some discussionfollowed. ft was moved and seconded to deny thisrequest; unanimously approved by the Commission.Residents present were advised of appeal procedures. Staff advised signs wil1 be erected and the pavementmarked (and continued police enforcement ) to helpalleviate the problem of speeding drivers. Reguest for Stop Signs - Intersection Summit Drive/Hillslde Circle. Several residents of this area attended the meetLng. Staff gave report advising the traffic votume andaccident crlteria does not meet the City warrants forStop signs at this intersection. Staff then recom- mended installing ye1low pavement markers for adistance of 50 feet going down Summit Drive, a yieldsign on Summit Drlve to define the traveled way, and asmall extension of the sidewalk to assist pedestrianscrossing the intersection. Discussion fotlowed aboutMercy High School students causing much of the problem. Comm. Koenigs said he was in favor of Staff's recommen-dation and to see how effective it is after school hasreturned to the falI semester. It was moved and seconded to do as Staff recommended;unanimously approved by the Commission. Page 2 Residents present were advlsed to give this new recommendation a six-month trial period to test itseffectiveness . 4.L.4 Request for Three-Way Stop Sign Devereiux Drive.Ray Drive and Several residents of this area attended the meeting. Staff gave report that the crlteria does not meet therequirements to recommend J.nstallation of a 3-way Stopsign. Staff suggested a Stop sign be placed at RayDrive to define the yield to Devereux traffic andbecause of the school children crossing the yel-lowpedestrian crossing at this location. One resident presented a petition signed by neighborsrequesting the 3-way Stop sl.gn since they feel thedrivers coming straight down into Devereux from RayDriwe shouLd be stopped especialty to a].].ow schoolchildren to cross the streets. Staff stated that thiswould stop the main flow of traffl,c which is up and down Devereux. A slngle Stop slgn at Ray Drive assuggested by Staff $rou1d help school children crossingthe street. Comm. Amoroso suggested 25 mph Speed timitposted a1so, and Police Staff will requestenforcement of the area. signs be se].ectLve It was moved and seconded that Speed l,imit signs beplaced on Ray Drive, west of Devereux, and on Devereux,east of Ray, and a Stop sign on Ray Drive; Unanimouslyapproved by the Commission. 4.2 DISCUSSION ITEMS. 4.2 1 Murchison DrJ-we/Ogden Drive - Mills High School -Letter from School PrincipaL Requesting Stop Signs andSchool Warning Signs. Staff gave report advising there are not enoughwarrants to recommend a Stop sign. AIso, adjacentj-ntersections have 4-way Stop signs and 4-way yello!,,school crossings. A1so, thls intersection is in bothCity of Burlingamers and City of Millbraers jurisdic-tion. Page 3 5. INACTIVE ITEMS. 6. 5-1-1 NEW BUSINESS. 6. 1.1 7. INFORMATION ITEMS. 7.L.L 7 .L.2 7.1.3 Walme Bush, City of Mi1lbrae, was present and gave hisreport which also does not warrant Stop signs.Mr. Bush recommended enforcing, educating, posting School X-ing signs, replacing legends, etc., toalleviate the accident potential addressed in theprincipal r s letter. Principal Marshall Umpleby was present and stated thatthe problem occurs more profoundly during the lunch hour by students even though the students are taughtsafety in Driverrs Education. Staff concurred with Mr. Bush that both cities shoutdput up more signs and visible road markings. It was moved. and seconded and unanimously approved to move this Discussion Item to an Action Item. It was moved and seconded that the City of Burlingame and the City of MiLlbrae will add appropriate signage and road markings to this lntersection; Four Commis-sioners approved, One opposed (Amoroso). None. Request to Alleviate Sight Problems Due to Increase in R. V. Parki-ng. This letter will be a Discussion Item at the next meetl-ng. Staff reported that Counci.l acted on Lot U Parking Lot whereby Caltrans will operate this 1ot which is by the Broadway Depot. Comm. Amoroso stated that there is an overgrowth oftrees on Easton Drive and shou].d be taken care of. Staff reported that the widening of the Broadway/California Drive intersection will be substantially completed next month. 9 FROM THE FLOOR. ADJOURNMENT: 8:55 p.m.