HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1990.06.14-/ TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 14, 1990 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT : STAFF PRESENT: STAFF ABSENT: VISITORS: EVANS, CHAIRMAN O I DONNELL AMOROSO HEROLD KOENIGS PREGER S IMONETT I T. K. DELLAWAY, TRAFFIC ENGINEER MARIE GILBREATH, SECRETARY SGT GENE HARRIS ROBERT HARRIS, MILLBRAE, CA. 350 LOYOLA DR. , JERRY CEGLIA, 2022 RAY DRIVE KAREN KEY, 290 CALIFORNIA DRIVE J E M T M D A 1 2 5 4 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 14, 1990 CALL TO ORDER. 7:3O p. m. by Chairman Evans. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. ChaiTman Evans. ROLL CALL. All Commissioners present. 4.L Action Items. 4.1.1 Minutes for May 10, 1990. Approved as sub-mitted. 4.1_.2 Request for Four-Way Stop Sign and Hillside Drive.Balboa Avenue Staff reported to the Commission that thisintersection does not meet the warrants es-tablished by the City for four-way Stop signs.Staff was therefore unable to recommend Stop s j.gns for this location. Commission OrDonnell visited this area and fromhis observation, there is not a need here forStop signs. It r^ras motioned and seconded todeny this requesti Commission voted unanimouslyto deny this request. 4.2 DISCUSSION ITEMS. 4 .2 .1_Request for Three-Way Stop Sign Devereux Drive.Ray Drive and Staff gave a report to the Commission ontraffic volumes and accidents at this intersec-tion. Ray Drive has an 8-hour average of abouttwenty vehicles per hour and there is an 8-houraverage of si-xty vehicles per hour entering theintersection. Staff suggested that the Commission look atthis area for possibly a one-$ray Stop slgn onRay Drive as this might be of assistance tochj-ldren walking up and down the street, andsince there is a yel-low crossing across Ray 4.2.7 Cont ' d. Chairman Evans wiII look at this area and bringinformation to the next meeting. This itemwill be under Action Items for the JuIy meeting . Drive. Commissioner OrDonnell had been no accidents here. reported there Request for Two-Hour 1525 Adrian Road. Parking L j-mit Zone A representative spoke on behalf of thiswholesale supply company to the Commission.He reported they have many visitors duringbusiness hours and finding a place forcustomer parking is most difficult. The company has twenty-eight parking spaces andthis is not enough to accommodate both vj.sitorsand employees . After some discussion, Commission made a motionand seconded (Comm. O'Donnel1/Simonetti ) tomove this to an action item and recommended thetwo-hour parkj-ng; this was unanimously ap-proved. None. Request for 4-Way Stop Signs7L4 Bayswater Avenue. 5 4.2.2 INACTIVE ITEMS. 5-1-1 NEW BUSINESS. 6.1.1 Commission to l-ook at this areainformation to the July meeting.the Juty Agenda for Discussion. and bring Wi 11 be on 6.1) Commi-ssioner Evans wil]. look at this locationand requested that Staff supply an aerial photofor the July meeting. l,l.il I be on the July Agenda for D iscuss i on -ITEMS. None. Request for Stop Sign - Intersection SummitDri-ve/Hl11side Circle. 7 8 I NFORMAT I ON FROM THE FLOOR. 8.1.1 Karen Key illustrated to the Commisslon a 6. 8.1.1 Cont ' d. ADJOURNMENT. 8:1O p. m. Burlingame. Karen Key and Commissioner OrDonnell are worki-ng on this project together. They witl have more art work on this project for the July meeting to present for Commis-sionrs review. 9 ( (-- ) ,'Q(- +- ?t'-.>J. € t o .g D =,- = t- C ') ; 61 1a .1r + t. ;f{ ,y Y ll 4 flI E5 \j. lr C':, =c, . .ll. \.. } i t-- v -,t I i I I I I I ; I I i I I I I I II I I I i i I I I I I I ,r*, 3, p I-,+.TJ 7 ,.', ,;v., / ./.. F.L'/.1 , ":i ,AI !t \ :* ,,* 4'.t//4.'r4' ,/a 7o t', 'o,flr' . noo''., lI.' tlr/'-11 |/ .. ,- ,/ .^0'.t ri\ lr i \/ .r' ,J.,,i ( rl ,rrj)