HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1990.01.11\., TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY ]-]., 1990 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT : COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: VISITORS: J. EVANS, CHAIRMAN T. HEROLD M. KOENIGS T. MC DONNELL E. OIDONNELL D. HOLT A SIMONETTI T. K. DELLAWAY, TRAFFIC ENGINEER SGT. GENE HARRIS MARIE GILBREATH, SECRETARY NANNETE M. GIOMI, 1600 FOREST VIEW AVE. PAULA RUGGIERO, L624 FOREST VIEW AVE. 1 2 3 4 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 11, 1990 CALL TO ORDER - 7:3O p. m. by Chairman OrDonnell. PLEDGE OF ALI,EGIANCE lIO THE FTAG. Comm. McDonnell. ROL,L CALL. By Chairman O'DonnelL. CURRENT BUSINESS. Electlon of new officers for the Commlssion. Motion was made and serconded to nominate Comm. Evans as Chairman; Comm. Herolit as vice Chairman. Nominations were approved unanimously try the Cofiunission. The meetLng was thenturned over to the nes, Chalrman Evans. 4.L Action ltems. A.L.L Minutes for December 14, 1989. Approved as submitted. 4.2 Discusslon Items. 4.2.\ Request for Stop Signs - Forest View Avenue - Newhal l Avenue. Two residents of this area attended the meeting and also spoke to the Commission expressingtheir need and concerns regardlng the traffLc and speeds in this area. Commission directed staff to prepare a report on the warrants for this location and bring in- formation to the February meeting. This item will be on the Agenda under Action ltems. INACTIVE ITEMS. NEW BUSINESS. l-10O Blcck Ba1boa Avenue - Cars Left on Street. 5 6 The Police Department monitored this There was one car left on the street taggedt it also disappeared. street . and was 6. 1,. 1 INFORMATION ITEMS. 7 .1.L 7 .L.2 7.L.3 FROM THE FLOOR. ADJOURNMENT: 8:05 P. M. 2 It was motioned and seconded (Comm. Herold/Evans ) that this item be removed from the Agendai unanimousty approved by the Commission. Staff addressed the request for heightlimitation signs at 74L/76L Rollins Road. Hedges are too high and wide; also are part- ia11y on public right-of-way. Staff reported that City Council approvedthe Broadway Conversion of parking metersfor the various parking 1ots. The new parking lot at 135O Howard Avenue has been paved and will be open in a couple of weeks (official ribbon cutting scheduled for7/26/90). 7 I 9