HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1991.12.12TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER L2, L99L COMMISSIONERS PRESENT : COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: VISlTORS: R KARP T. K. DELLAWAY, TRAFFIC ENGR. SGT. JIM ELDREDGE MARIE GILBREATH, SEC. MARTI KNIGHT, 455 CHATHAM ROAD M. J. E. D. A. AMOROSO EVANS O I DONNELL PREGER S IMONETTl TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER L2, L99]- CALL TO ORDER. 7:00 p. m. by Chairman Simonetti. PLEDGE OF ALIJEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. Commissioner Evans. ROLL CAtL. A11 present except Commissioner R. Karp. CURRENT BUSINESS. 4.1 Action ltems. 4.t.7 Minutes of October 10, 1991 approved as sub-mitted ( November meeting cancelled due to no Agenda). 4.2 Discussion Items. 4.2.7 None. INACTIVE ITEMS. 5.1.1 None. NEW BUSINESS. 6.1.1 Speedng Cars - Alplne and Caro}an Avenue. Commissioners O'Donne1t and Simonetti wiII lookat this location and bring information to theJanuary 9, 1,992 meeting. This iten will be onthe January Agenda under Discussion Items. 6.L.2 Request for Handicap Zone - L423 paloma Avenue. E Comm. OrDonnell brought attention to the factthat this handicap zone was granted previously, and for some reason, never was instatled. Commission then requested staff to researchthis data and if approval was granted, to pro- ceed with the installation of this handicapzone at 1423 Patoma Avenue. Request for 24-Minute Parking zonesRollins Road. r.835 Commissioner Amoroso r"riI1 visit this locationto see if incoming new tenant needs existinggreen zone. 6. r. .3 6. L. 2. 3. 4. Al-so sril1 check if the newstreet from green zone) neestalIed. WilI bring informmeeting. tenant ( across ds green zone in-ation to the January 6.7.4 6.1.5 Motion $ras then made and seconded (Comm. O I Donnell/Amorosa ) to nominate Comm. D. preger as Vice Chalrman; unanimously approved by affCommissioners. The meeting was then adjournedby Commissioner Simonetti. This item $riII be on theAction Items.January Agenda under Request for "No parking,' on Either Side ofDriveway - 1645 Rollins Road. Cornmissioner Evans wil]" visit this location andbring back Lnformation to the January meeting.Wil]. be on the January Agenda under OiscussionItems . 7 at Commlssioner to 1ook at this tocation and bringinformatl-on to the January meeting. This Ltemwill be on the January Agenda under DiscussionItems. INFORMATION ITEMS. 7.1.1 None. FROM THE FtOOR. 8.L.1 Commission requested staff to send a letter tocompany official of Simeon properties, Inc.,requesting he attend or send a company represe-ntative to the January meeting to expi.ain tothe Commission their requirements once thewhole frontage is now under construction. Request for Sign Limiting Height of VehicLesParking - 1512 Ro].lins Road. Chairman Simonetti,s term expired so nomina-tions were in order from the Commission. Motion was made and seconded (Comm. OrDonnell/Evans) to nominate Comm. M. Amoroso as Chair-man; was unanimously approved by the Commis-sion. 9 ADJOURNMENT. 7:2O p. m